DE shavers.. How old are you?

51 DE shaving from about 4 years ago after some 25 years of electric shaving.
Before that I also used Twin blade cartridges (Gillette Contour) and now after switching from DE to SE (also Injectors) I'm back again at the Twin blades!
I'm 39. I started DE shaving in December last year just because I fancied having a go.

I shaved with Sensor cartridges from age 16 up until 38, and I still use them occasionally for speed when I have a silly early start. I find there's nothing wrong with them (though they're getting harder to find), but I stopped using canned foam altogether last year.

We have some youthful looking blokes here, I had no idea Peter was nearing 70 (thought he'd retired early and was nearer 60), and Mikael looks a lot younger than he is. I asked him what anti-ageing cream he's using but he's refusing to let on.
29 now; started DE and SE at 27. First ever shaver was a £30 electric jobby. Wasn't close enough and 4 hours charging for 45 minutes use. Mach 3 for years, trying to stretch out the cartridges as long as possible. Got fed up with that and ingrowns. No ingrowns now.
30 - Started when I was 29 (last October). Electrics for whatever reason left me with some burn. My wife wanted me clean shaven and I wouldn't do that at the cost of cartridges so we had a compromise and I did what she wanted.
23 the youngest so far ..but same story as most got sick of the whole Mack 3 thing and fancied sumthing more traditional I naw own a feather rg and a murkur 33c
Turning 26 in a month. Have been DE shaving (recently playing with the straights) since the end of January. Reason being the utter disgust with modern Gillettes and shaving gels accessible. I guess my undying love for old school things played a part as well, but not as much as a simple desire to shave comfortably and painlessly. Never looked back after the very first shave (despite of that one being with DE89, derby and Nivea gel).
Prior to that - about 5 years of electric shaving with a very occasional Mach3 (and some years of Fusion....) intervention, limiting the latter to an absolute minimum. And I also had a beard a few times, primarily a goatee but a full one as well - esp. after having worked as a fisherman in Alaska, that was a must :)

Interesting fact - my first ever shave (some 11-12 years ago) was with a great grand father's DE I had found in a closet, in fact. Double ring 1904, now that I know :) But then mom got me a Mach :dodgy:
Another encounter was during one of my trips, also in the early teens - I met a guy on a train and we had a chat about everything. Shaving as well. He told me his brother had just gotten himself a DE, and that it was a great razor if you could handle it. Should've listened back then.. Well, I actually did try looking for one, but there was nothing available except for some aluminum low quality cheapies, amd then I just forgot.
39 - I used sensor/mach 3 for years with the nasty canned stuff resulting in lots of irritationr, redness and some razor burn thrown in for good measure, i've also had my share of beards. Now enjoying my shaves with some nice traditional gear, and I haven't looked back since I started.
Canuck said:
We have some youthful looking blokes here, I had no idea Peter was nearing 70 (thought he'd retired early and was nearer 60), and Mikael looks a lot younger than he is. I asked him what anti-ageing cream he's using but he's refusing to let on.

Peter sure looks a lot younger than he is! It's like Arrowhead says though, we straight shavers looks younger do to the excellence of the hard wear/shave they give :icon_wink: :D

48 soon enough, but I rarely DE shave nowadays, so I don't know if it counts ... I hope not, then I can say I'm such a child when it comes to DE shaving
40 and been DE shaving about 6 months. My shaving career history, as best I can remember started with electric, then moved to a gillette excel, then tried the wilkinson sword quattro for awhile, a few different disposables and then onto a mach 3, dabbled with the fusion for a few months and then could face the cost of the blades and went back to the mach 3.
Then started DE shaving and enjoying shaving more and more now, although I am now probably spending more on shaving kit then I ever did, but its all part of the fun
36 learnt to DE shave back when i was 15 changed to multiblade at 18 got back into this about 7-8 months ago not because of cost more because of being bored of the same stuff day in day out!

Edit 11 month ago time flys when your having fun lol.
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