Buying new car

soapalchemist said:
I'm afraid I went all English.....

What's cookin Toots,

The heck does that "I went all English" mean? I couldn't find anything on the phrase but I would guess it mean something like thanking a seller for letting you purchase something for full price. What a relief eh? Not having to bargain and play with the price. Yuk! Well worth paying full boat to avoid that unpleasantness.

So listen, we Jews have a service that is offered to anyone.....not just Chosen Ones. Yep, anybody with gelt (cash) can hire these guys to negotiate for whatever......a car or some nice jewelry mostly, but maybe some property on occasion. These guys know how to 'hondel' or deal.

They will take a percentage of whatever the asking starting price was and the selling price he gets it for you at. Usually these guys are moonlighting rabbis.

Interesting eh?

soapalchemist said:
Sheesh Mabs, next time I'm buying a car I'll give you a....PM.
Tonight, I cooked salad. Tad of mustard in the dressing.

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: see that Martin? Even Sharon is sarcastic ( that's British as well) :icon_razz:
John said:
soapalchemist said:
Tonight, I cooked salad. Tad of mustard in the dressing.

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: see that Martin? Even Sharon is sarcastic ( that's British as well) :icon_razz:

You sure about that? I took it on face value and figured Toots actually did cook a salad. Yeah, knowing how y'all like zero texture or color, I would guess she boiled it. Put the lettuce and cucumber slices and tomatoes all in a pot of boiling salted water for maybe 40 minutes. After that any hint of crunch is long gone. Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with doing that.

Maybe she sauteed the salad or possibly deep fried it. The disgusting English mustard sounded like what she would dump on top,,,,,,room temperature of course. Sounded like a standard English dish......cooked salad. Yummmmmm.

You know, that mustard is sorta like wasabi, except that wasabi is fun to eat.

Maybe I'm wrong about the Alchemistress and her cooking prowess, but I doubt it. She sounded rather proud of herself...
dodgy said:
John said:
soapalchemist said:
Tonight, I cooked salad. Tad of mustard in the dressing.

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: see that Martin? Even Sharon is sarcastic ( that's British as well) :icon_razz:

You sure about that? I took it on face value and figured Toots actually did cook a salad. Yeah, knowing how y'all like zero texture or color, I would guess she boiled it. Put the lettuce and cucumber slices and tomatoes all in a pot of boiling salted water for maybe 40 minutes. After that any hint of crunch is long gone. Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with doing that.

Maybe she sauteed the salad or possibly deep fried it. The disgusting English mustard sounded like what she would dump on top,,,,,,room temperature of course. Sounded like a standard English dish......cooked salad. Yummmmmm.

You know, that mustard is sorta like wasabi, except that wasabi is fun to eat.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

But Dodgy, what's with American cuisine ? I mean, Watergate Salad, Jelly with Marshmallow served up with a roast so the jelly melts in the gravy ? I've experienced this first hand too.
dodgy said:
John said:
soapalchemist said:
Tonight, I cooked salad. Tad of mustard in the dressing.

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: see that Martin? Even Sharon is sarcastic ( that's British as well) :icon_razz:

You sure about that? I took it on face value and figured Toots actually did cook a salad. Yeah, knowing how y'all like zero texture or color, I would guess she boiled it. Put the lettuce and cucumber slices and tomatoes all in a pot of boiling salted water for maybe 40 minutes. After that any hint of crunch is long gone. Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with doing that.

Maybe she sauteed the salad or possibly deep fried it. The disgusting English mustard sounded like what she would dump on top,,,,,,room temperature of course. Sounded like a standard English dish......cooked salad. Yummmmmm.

You know, that mustard is sorta like wasabi, except that wasabi is fun to eat.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

I've got just the thing to add a little 'zappo' to that cooked salad. You'll be familar with both of them Mart. I think they're delicacies on your side of the pond.

One of these


Served with a side of this exquisite American delicacy (used regularly as part of a slimming regime I believe)

A Waldorf salad....the healthy salad fist fucked by the yanks who like ramming lard infested food into a fat chubby weevil faceed cake hole, little wonder a large amount of the populous is the size of the marshmallow man :icon_razz:


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Northam Saint said:
But Dodgy, what's with American cuisine ? I mean, Watergate Salad, Jelly with Marshmallow served up with a roast so the jelly melts in the gravy ? I've experienced this first hand too.

Heh, I hadda look up that salad thing. Oh man, pistachio pudding and Cool Whip holds the other stuff together. Did you have this dish in a hillbilly state? That roast preparation sounds kinda hillbillyish too. The poorly aimed attempt at over sophistication a la Molly Brown.

Never heard of those things before.
dodgy said:
Northam Saint said:
But Dodgy, what's with American cuisine ? I mean, Watergate Salad, Jelly with Marshmallow served up with a roast so the jelly melts in the gravy ? I've experienced this first hand too.

Heh, I hadda look up that salad thing. Oh man, pistachio pudding and Cool Whip holds the other stuff together. Did you have this dish in a hillbilly state? That roast preparation sounds kinda hillbillyish too. The poorly aimed attempt at over sophistication a la Molly Brown.

Never heard of those things before.

California is where I've had that little treat ! Thankfully we have never had it again.
I don't know why Mabs is having such a go at my renowned culinary skills. Deep fried battered cucumber is a well known Black Country delicacy, usually served nestling on a bed of lightly blanched lettuce, drizzled with salad cream. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
soapalchemist said:
I don't know why Mabs is having such a go at my renowned culinary skills. Deep fried battered cucumber is a well known Black Country delicacy, usually served nestling on a bed of lightly blanched lettuce, drizzled with salad cream. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.


Yes he does Sharon, first off he attacks your cooking (super bad move, even when I was invited for dinner round my friends house, we wouldn't dire say how bad it was, you knew your guts was in for a rough time) throwing my self down some stairs was a good move to get out of it.:icon_razz:

Secondly he has no intrest in proper food (english) we've been watching Man Vs Food so I know just how fat ridden there food is state side, no point in defending your selves

And finally he thinks most of us in TSR are gay + he keeps calling us limeys In the good old days we would invade piss ant plebs just to give them a bloody nose, I think we did just that to the hankie boy yanks in the past lets see if marb wants to edit some of that.........:D;):D
I picked up the Rav4 at close of business today. I've only driven about 8 miles in her but already I'm loving the much better acceleration and it feels much better going around corners. HWMOM will be taking it on a long trip this weekend so we'll see how it holds up then. The driving position is also much more adjustable and comfortable. I could never get comfortable in the Disco, which always felt like it was made for someone at least 2 feet taller.
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