Buying new car

How's things Martin? your disgust of English food gave me a giggle, I remember a friends mum being the worlds worst cook,the table condemns of her shitty cooking was most funny, the poor husband used to joke see you next week John if the wench don't poison me first, you would be thankful to smear mustard over the burnt bits and pretend it was know with a gritted teeth..

Sharon I hope you get a nice car, take your time to make sure you don't end up with a ming'er :s
Thanks John, problem is we have no car at all at the moment and I need one urgently.
The more cars I look at the more our price bracket is inching considering a more modern Freelander which I believe are much more reliable post 2008?
NotTheStig said:
Yeah bacon, eggs, sausages - who could like them? ;-)

One of the classic British them yum,yum bash the bosh and its back home for bacon and eggs....don't tell Martin he's a yank and being one of them, they don't generally understand British food.......apart from Roy Orbison he loved British food,He was from Texas don't you know, what with our country pubs, villages,and the bit that gets to him....the table condiments :D:D

soapalchemist said:
Thanks John, problem is we have no car at all at the moment and I need one urgently.
The more cars I look at the more our price bracket is inching considering a more modern Freelander which I believe are much more reliable post 2008?

That's always an issue Sharon of needing it now,you've got your heart set on a Freelander mud plugger, but you still want to take your time to find the best one you can for your money the last thing you want is a stolen/ finance ridden/ cut and shut jobbie, good luck finding one with in your price bracket, a few years ago the older modles (second hand ones) were dropping in price but the newer ones will hold on to there price a bit longer

Jeremy clarkson said that if you have a land rover then your a murderer, (plenty of room in the boot for dead body's) :s
soapalchemist said:
Thanks for the info so far gents. A long and sweaty walk to the local garage turned up a very shiny looking Disco; but with 122,000 on the clock, 2004 model, I thought at £6,250 it was a bit pricey. Any thoughts on that?

Very pricey for a near ten year old car from what I've seen, is there nothing else HWMBO would like?
Extremely pricey. You can get a 9 year old Toyota Camry 2.4 with the same miles and a full Toyota service history for 2.5 grand, and it'll do the same mileage again if you look after it. Same can't be said for the Disco, it's done most of it's life already.
Must it be a plastic land rover? They're all known for needing lots of TLC, parts, oil and money. You'll probably spend the purchase price all over again in the first year or two on repairs.
That's very true Canuck re oil and Landrovers.

We have one disco that comes to our garage. Just one. It's always needs something and the owner ploughs plenty of cash into it, why i don't know. Pretty rubbish cars IMO. The td5 which this one is is super heavy on juice too.
Canuck said:
Extremely pricey. You can get a 9 year old Toyota Camry 2.4 with the same miles and a full Toyota service history for 2.5 grand, and it'll do the same mileage again if you look after it. Same can't be said for the Disco, it's done most of it's life already.
Must it be a plastic land rover? They're all known for needing lots of TLC, parts, oil and money. You'll probably spend the purchase price all over again in the first year or two on repairs.

It won't break down either.
We should really have looked into all this long ago, anticipating the demise of our old Disco, and got shot of it before we found ourselves in this position. Of course, looking for a car is harder without a car. We have found the Disco very reliable until about a year ago, and spent nearly £1000 last year on repairs. Oh well, we live and learn......
I just hope whatever we get doesn't break down on the road to Holyhead, which is fast approaching.
It's not just the 4 x 4 but also the high driving position that HWMOM likes. Problem is that options are limited locally. I've now decided we would like something from a local garage, in the hope that it's easier to sort out any problems that crop up in the post sale period, than with an individual (impossible, I expect) or a garage further afield.
This covers all bases...local, 4x4, Japanese, warrantied, ugly as sin.
Nice find, Tony.

Sad to say but there is no way I would choose a Freelander over that at that price point (unless you're lucky and find a seemingly rare good one).
Its a 1.8 K series engine, its only marginally safer than playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets.
If the CHG doesnt let go, cooking and warping the head thus rendering the top end FUBAR there is the risk that it will drop the wet liners thus rendering the bottom end FUBAR.
If you really want to buy a Hippo find a nice L series 2.0 diesel.
High driving position a must?
Consider a 2.0HDi Berlingo (et al) the 90BHP HDi is a very unstressed engine and quite bulletproof. Only typical French electrics let them down but are easy enough to fix.
Oh Gawd, now I'm totally confused. Going to try to see the Toyota today............
Father Ted, stupid question I'm sure, but are you talking about the Freelander?:icon_rolleyes:
Hi Sharon, F.T is on about the Freelander have a read.. ....My nephew had one and it cooked the engine twice in 12 months. Once a skimmed head cured it the next it had a second hand engine put in it and he got rid of it fast.
When you look at the Rav4 ask about service history and check the book to see if has been done. You should be able to get something off the asking price and beware of them selling you the extra warrantee as 1/2 (most ?) of them have the wonderful "wear & tear " clause in them. Which means they get out of paying you for most repairs.
Give it a good test drive and check everything, aircon, elec windows, sunroof, etc. Plus give it a good hard drive when you test drive it.
Offer him about 3K to start off with and see where he goes from there.
I have just been through all of this and did all of that and got over £350 off a car in the same price range from a dealer !!
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