What made your day a crap one??

That's a little high IMO. Not that hard to fix.

Thanks for the video. It was very interesting and confirmed my thought that this repair was well above my pay grade. As my wife never ceases to remind me, she married handsome, not handy. Actually, the opener is more than 25 years old and more than the plastic sprocket had to be replaced; there were metal filings in the housing indicating worn bushings and other metal parts as well. The opener now operates a lot more smoothly and quietly than it has for the last year. Most important, however, my wife is happy, as this is the opener on her side of the garage.
Thanks for the video. It was very interesting and confirmed my thought that this repair was well above my pay grade. As my wife never ceases to remind me, she married handsome, not handy. Actually, the opener is more than 25 years old and more than the plastic sprocket had to be replaced; there were metal filings in the housing indicating worn bushings and other metal parts as well. The opener now operates a lot more smoothly and quietly than it has for the last year. Most important, however, my wife is happy, as this is the opener on her side of the garage.
So it was HER fault?!!!
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