What are you eating tonight?

Pork Rillettes on warmed sour dough bread with Isigny butter and cornichons. It was much better on warmed rather than toasted bread...

I have enough for tomorrow, I will add a touch of Dijon mustard, which I skipped today.

My mate who is involved with estate management gave me a good chunk of prime Sika fillet (top notch venison).

Mash, Italian carrots (sweated in butter, salt, sugar, flour, which gives a lovely buttery golden sauce coating), spinach wilted in the pan from the venison. The Sika was marinated in fresh lime juice, seared in butter and olive oil in a very hot pan to rare, then well rested in foil before slicing to serve. The sauce was finely-chopped shallot, softened in butter, then reduced with chicken stock and port wine, to which was finally added the meat juices.

I don't normally live like this! But when someone gives you some top game, it's good to be able to do it justice.

Pot noodle and fish finger sarnies tomorrow, but today I shall eat like a king.
(OK I lied about the pot noodle, emergency use only)
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Home cooked spaghetti with Rao's Homemade Marinara Sauce.

I see they vend this in the UK and as an FYI it wins pretty much all the Internet taste tests on this side of the pond for store bought sauce. Yes, it's that good!!

Tonight we are having one of the surprisingly good Pataks curry kits, where you fry dried spices in hot oil, then add 2 types of curry sauce to the meat / vegetables as you cook it.

Am quite a keen "proper" cook, but am really impressed with how simple and good these curry kits are and always keep a couple in the cupboard.
And she'll get the shilling! How was the covid, you ok?
Cottage pie from Sainsbury's. This version was very enjoyable. M&S and Sainsbury's keep changing their recipes. The last Sainsbury's cottage pie wasn't great, yet the version before was great.
Woo hoo, home alone on New Year's Eve as the other half is enjoying a Spa Day and New Year's party for girls only in a Cambridgeshire country hotel.

So a Sainsbury's Mac and Cheese, their third iteration in 18 months. Very tasty, but I am still hungry. I don't know how I can knock back any Champagne on a near empty stomach.