SRP just a gun forum now?

Canuck said:
they are owners and collectors and look at guns as wonderful pieces of crafted engineering you could say like a Aristocrat razor objects of desire, i totally get it being a long time custom knife collector myself and admirer of well crafted firearms.

Yeah I'm still not getting it I'm afraid. You can admire well crafted things all you like but I don't see anyone putting a picture up of their razor, soap and brush along with their chippendale chaise long, or their antique silver vesta cases, or their handmade leather luggage, or anything else. These things are all collectable and beautifully made but it just doesn't happen. Only ever knives and guns and it's that which I find a little disturbing. I never found firearms to be a source of pride, they were just a tool for a job. They certainly had sod all to do with shaving.

I've just got the view that it's a macho thing I'm afraid. We'll have to disagree.

This just about sums up my thoughts as well.

I think you really need to follow the threads on SRP to get a sense of the strength of feeling regarding restrictions on holding guns in the US and the quality of debate. In a recent one involving the Batman killings I pointed out to one Republicam pro-gun advocate, his error in thinking that Dublin was in the UK - I was then lambasted with a response (from Australia!) that at least they were not like the English who shot anyone who happened to look Irish!!!

I guess if you can live with that level of debate then maybe you wiill enjoy pictures of shaving gear and guns - personally I can do without it.
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