SRP just a gun forum now?

Guns aside - and i do see the connexion twixt straights and outdoorsy, hirsute types - I think it would have been most interesting to see yon fella with a gutful of scotch do it again half an hour later when the alcohol had really hit him!
I just don't get the anti gun thing, it's probably because i grew up using and owning guns from a young age, i no longer have my shotgun or my firearms certificate and sold all my guns many years ago, but if i was living in the states i would have a major collection going on, from the age of 10 i kept and worked terriers so hunting fishing and shooting were like second nature to me, i know many gun owners and place a lot of trust and responsibility in those people and feel more than comfortable knowing they have guns at home.

I've got nothing against guns - what I have got something against is the (sadly unavoidable) fact that a tiny minority of gun owners, both here and in the US end-up shooting innocent people. That said, I fail to see why anyone in the States who either doesn't hunt, or hunts anything less than the largest prey available, needs something as powerful as an AK-47. I do wonder if the time has come for them to regulate access to such weaponry so that the Second Amendment reference to a free militia isn't infringed, but so one individual cannot have sole access. Perhaps a system where a collection belonging to a group is stored in a secure facility with a security system that requires more than one authorised militia member to take weapons out of the building? This would at least limit the sort of guns that people can keep at home to those with which they can defend themselves and their property, but without being able to mow down large numbers of people in just few seconds.
chrisbell said:
I've got nothing against guns - what I have got something against is the (sadly unavoidable) fact that a tiny minority of gun owners, both here and in the US end-up shooting innocent people. That said, I fail to see why anyone in the States who either doesn't hunt, or hunts anything less than the largest prey available, needs something as powerful as an AK-47. I do wonder if the time has come for them to regulate access to such weaponry so that the Second Amendment reference to a free militia isn't infringed, but so one individual cannot have sole access. Perhaps a system where a collection belonging to a group is stored in a secure facility with a security system that requires more than one authorised militia member to take weapons out of the building? This would at least limit the sort of guns that people can keep at home to those with which they can defend themselves and their property, but without being able to mow down large numbers of people in just few seconds.

Very well said.
Canuck said:
I find it just plain odd, nay sad, that people post a SOTD with a firearm in it. What do they do, fire off a few rounds while they shave? Is it part of the routine somehow?
Mawkish fake "manliness" at its worst. Look at my gun. Yeee-haw.
You just made me spray coffee all over my monitor!!! :icon_lol:

I like guns, and knives and I can't explain why. I have made a few knives because I enjoy it and probably own more than is healthy. I have never been without one in my pocket since I was 16, don't worry it's just a wee folding penknife. I also try to shoot guns when I can, and used to do pest control with air rifles. Always had a free and almost endless supply of top quality meat. But the need to show them off the way some people do is needless. Guns and knives are to be used with caution and more than a bit of common sense, when used in this mannor they are no more than tools! I wish people would stop calling them WEAPONS!!! A biro is a WEAPON if some arsehole decides to stick it in your kneck, your DE, SE etc is a WEAPON if you choose to missuse it. But most of us gladly don't and that is why I am glad of some laws over here are a bit tighter than our cousins over the sea. I couldn't imagine what would happen if some of the idiots I know were allow an FAC or SGC, we'd all be fubar

While a knife has purposes other than as weaponry, a gun doesn't (even as a sporting implement it's a weapon, which is not necessarily a problem), so calling it one is not an unreasonable thing to do, I think.
I'm going to have to agree with Dr. Rick. They fit the definition of weapon pretty exactly.

Do you just want us to call them guns? They are tools in the broad definition, but weapons are a form of tool.
pugh-the-special-one said:
I just don't get the anti gun thing, it's probably because i grew up using and owning guns from a young age

It's not that I'm "anti firearms" per se Jamie, I did 22 years in the armed forces carrying and firing all sorts (and being fired back at) so it's not like they're alien to me and I'm somehow paranoid about the subject.
I just don't like the macho aspect and I don't see how they fit into a SOTD post.

My weapons stayed in the armoury and were taken out to either potentially kill people or to practice potentially killing people. That's what firearms are designed to do.
I'm a civvy now so I've stepped back from firearms, I'm neutral on how that feels, doesn't bother me if I never pick one up again.
I've certainly got no interest in showing people pictures of my GPMG or Browning 9mm as part of my shaving setup anytime soon. I just don't see the link.
Well Canuck i fully understand your point of view and where you are coming from, but we must also try to understand the American culture owning guns to a lot of Americans is a normal thing to do, i know quite a few of the gun owners who post on the straight razors place and have had personal dealings with a few of them, and can say that showing a picture of a gun as very little or nothing at all to do with macho man syndrome, far from it, they are owners and collectors and look at guns as wonderful pieces of crafted engineering you could say like a Aristocrat razor objects of desire, i totally get it being a long time custom knife collector myself and admirer of well crafted firearms.

After the latest Batman massacre I heard a pro gun US commentator say the problem was actually the lack of gun ownership, if those cinema goers actually had guns they wouldn't have been such a soft target.

Bizarely, my only thought was why the heck wasn't Richard Littlejohn in that audience.
they are owners and collectors and look at guns as wonderful pieces of crafted engineering you could say like a Aristocrat razor objects of desire, i totally get it being a long time custom knife collector myself and admirer of well crafted firearms.

Yeah I'm still not getting it I'm afraid. You can admire well crafted things all you like but I don't see anyone putting a picture up of their razor, soap and brush along with their chippendale chaise long, or their antique silver vesta cases, or their handmade leather luggage, or anything else. These things are all collectable and beautifully made but it just doesn't happen. Only ever knives and guns and it's that which I find a little disturbing. I never found firearms to be a source of pride, they were just a tool for a job. They certainly had sod all to do with shaving.

I've just got the view that it's a macho thing I'm afraid. We'll have to disagree.
Hand guns are manufactured for one specific task. Putting a hole in another human being as are assault rifles and some shotguns. The intent is to take human life. Why on earth does a grown 'man' wish to own one of these weapons, and weapons are what they are. is beyond me. Childish fantasies? Feelings of inadequacy? Who knows.
Shotguns and rifles for hunting, properly licensed and authorised I have no problems with. I feel somewhat bemused that members here would like to have a handgun, especially to place beside shaving products for photographs.

Yours worried
For the record the one in the pic I posted (as a joke) is a Co2 air pistol for target shooting, I have a few air pistols for target shooting and I used to be a member of an air rifle/pistol shooting club.

I enjoyed the various shooting events and competitions I entered, it was a good day out. After watching the air pistol shooting at the Olympics last Saturday I may take it up again.

As a former Police Officer I have seen first hand and close up, having had a gun pointed at me on one occasion, what these handguns can do in the wrong hands and agree we don't need them unlawfully on the streets here, however I have also seen what damage a pint glass in the back of the head/neck (and I mean IN), a knife slash across the stomach, a brick to the face, a belt buckle, a razor blade etc the list goes on.

In fact most articles can be adapted to become a weapon and used on innocent people, I wonder how many random attacks there would be if the criminal had to stop and think whether the 'victim' was armed or not and could fight back? I believe we should be able to protect ourselves but as was said before the criminal has more rights!

I don't understand why people need assault weapons though, thats just crazy and should be kept for war.
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