SRP just a gun forum now?

Every time I have been on the SRP forum lately the latest posts are about automatic weapons, is it a shaving forum or a gun forum? I think they need to make their mind up about just what the forum is meant to be about!
Only wish i could use Glock automatic pistol as a prop in my SOTD, i post there regular there are quite a few Europeans who post automatic weapons there as well, i dont see anything wrong adds a little colour to the photo, you dont really see it that often.

you'd be hard pushed to get an automatic pistol, burst fire at best. Glocks, brownings, colts, cz75s, stars, astras, makrovs etc are semi-automatic.

sorry for being picky

...and now this forum is turning into a gun forum!

I'm sure that the gun posts on SRP can be avoided. I certianly manage it when I go over there for a read.

It's a cultural thing. Americans grow up in a gun culture (that is, a culture that allows the free access to firearms) and think little of chatting about them - a thing which to Brits especially can be a bit uncomfortable as we have mostly been taught from an early age that guns are for putting holes in things and people and are generally best avoided. It's a bit like us talking about football or fishing. (Though I believe carp fishing can get very er, intense.......
But still we are the best bespoke gun makers in the world as with bespoke shoes there are a few things we still excel at.

I find it just plain odd, nay sad, that people post a SOTD with a firearm in it. What do they do, fire off a few rounds while they shave? Is it part of the routine somehow?
Mawkish fake "manliness" at its worst. Look at my gun. Yeee-haw.
Canuck said:
I find it just plain odd, nay sad, that people post a SOTD with a firearm in it. What do they do, fire off a few rounds while they shave? Is it part of the routine somehow?
Mawkish fake "manliness" at its worst. Look at my gun. Yeee-haw.

I do tend to agree with you - I find all those macho-like props a bit out of place, including the plethora of knife pics as well. And that youtube video of that twit swigging hard liquor and shaving at the same time!
Canuck said:
I find it just plain odd, nay sad, that people post a SOTD with a firearm in it. What do they do, fire off a few rounds while they shave? Is it part of the routine somehow?
Mawkish fake "manliness" at its worst. Look at my gun. Yeee-haw.

yep, agree with that. when you can get excellent pics of the stuff used, why go and spoil it with weaponry, unless you're likely to be shot at whilst shaving, i'd have said it wasn't part of the shave!
Neil Miller said:
Canuck said:
I find it just plain odd, nay sad, that people post a SOTD with a firearm in it. What do they do, fire off a few rounds while they shave? Is it part of the routine somehow?
Mawkish fake "manliness" at its worst. Look at my gun. Yeee-haw.

I do tend to agree with you - I find all those macho-like props a bit out of place, including the plethora of knife pics as well. And that youtube video of that twit swigging hard liquor and shaving at the same time!

Yeah but that guy swigging a whole bottle of scotch and then having a straight shave was English so it's OK.
antdad said:
Neil Miller said:
Canuck said:
I find it just plain odd, nay sad, that people post a SOTD with a firearm in it. What do they do, fire off a few rounds while they shave? Is it part of the routine somehow?
Mawkish fake "manliness" at its worst. Look at my gun. Yeee-haw.

I do tend to agree with you - I find all those macho-like props a bit out of place, including the plethora of knife pics as well. And that youtube video of that twit swigging hard liquor and shaving at the same time!

Yeah but that guy swigging a whole bottle of scotch and then having a straight shave was English so it's OK.

I bow to your superior knowledge!
Canuck said:
I find it just plain odd, nay sad, that people post a SOTD with a firearm in it. What do they do, fire off a few rounds while they shave? Is it part of the routine somehow?
Mawkish fake "manliness" at its worst. Look at my gun. Yeee-haw.

It's just the type of person who wants to shave with a straight razor in America. It has nothing to do with our culture as a whole.

The straight razor attracts the outdoors-y and self sufficient man. Consequently, in America, he normally owns a gun and loves it.

Knives and straights do go together though.
pugh-the-special-one said:
Only wish i could use Glock automatic pistol as a prop in my SOTD, i post there regular there are quite a few Europeans who post automatic weapons there as well, i dont see anything wrong adds a little colour to the photo, you dont really see it that often.

Baretta makes a 3 shot burst pistol based on the 92F, the Italians had it in Iraq. Good luck!
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