SRP just a gun forum now?

pugh-the-special-one said:
Thank God for guns we just won the gold in the Men's double trap. :icon_cheesygrin:


Jamie - to be fair, several of us, myself included, differentiated between a rifle that would be used for target shooting, clay pigeon shooting or game shooting, and the small but nasty handguns and, especially, the assault rifles and AK-47s. There is, IMO, a hell of a difference.
Let's have it right.

Most SOTD posts are basically pissing contests ... looking for 'Ooooo, aren't you really great' comments.

I've seen expensive watches and bottles of single malt included.

Won't be long before someone posts a picture of their cock and then the shaving forums' (plural) already shaky reputations will be well and truly mullered.
joe mcclaine said:
Let's have it right.

Most SOTD posts are basically pissing contests ... looking for 'Ooooo, aren't you really great' comments.

I've seen expensive watches and bottles of single malt included.

Won't be long before someone posts a picture of their cock and then the shaving forums' (plural) already shaky reputations will be well and truly mullered.

so true! :icon_razz:
The internet is one giant e-penis contest.

The acquisitions and SOTD threads on here are not exempt. There's plenty of non-shaving items in these threads. Each to their own, but I'm really not bothered about how much money someone has to spend, someone's latest £3300 handkerchief or their AK47.

(or their penis)
joe mcclaine said:
Let's have it right.


Won't be long before someone posts a picture of their cock and then the shaving forums' (plural) already shaky reputations will be well and truly mullered.


That's a 'coq' and the word is 'millered'...:)
Well it would be fairer to say the SOTD threads are as much about staging and photography as they are the shave. Guns, books, background views, coffee, knives, and even action figures have all featured in SOTD threads I have seen.

On the day of a martial arts charity marathon I included a pair of nunchaku and if I had a pistol ( I used to be a target shooter as a teenager) I would probably have included one on days I was competing.

I think that the UK has the laws on gun ownership pretty much right and I fail to see why any American needs a collection of high powered weapons but SOTD threads are about showing off what you are proud of in an artistic way. If people are proud of their firearms then its appropriate to include them, whether they should be proud of them is a different matter.
Jeltz said:
Well it would be fairer to say the SOTD threads are as much about staging and photography as they are the shave. Guns, books, background views, coffee, knives, and even action figures have all featured in SOTD threads I have seen.

If people are proud of their firearms then its appropriate to include them, whether they should be proud of them is a different matter.

You saved me a bunch of typing and said it better than I woulda done,

Yeah, some of these members put real effort into their pics, and it shows. Very thoughtful arrangements with nice points of interest. Personally, I appreciate a handsome gun as I would a great looking knife.

The SOTD posts sometime give me an idea for my own shave in the future. Or maybe someone answers a question I had but never posted it. Of course, being a nosy bastard, I also like to see what everyone's using for their set up that day.

The SOTD posts sometime give me an idea for my own shave in the future. Or maybe someone answers a question I had but never posted it. Of course, being a nosy bastard, I also like to see what everyone's using for their set up that day.



I have to agree with Martin here. I've never bothered posting SOTD photos, I'm too lazy for that. But I enjoy looking at photos and to be fair a lot of them are well thought of and set up.

A lot of my purchases have come from SOTD photos.
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