SOTD: Saturday May 20 - Friday 26 May 2023.

May 21. 2023.

Milky May.

Razor - Ever-Ready Streamline
Blade - Gem #2
Soap La Savonnire du moulin
Brush - Zenith unbleached boar Olivewood handle
Bowl - Capitans Choice - Copper
Post - Refinery ASB
Frag - Tea Tonique - Miller Harris EDP

The E-R Streamline with a Gem blade is one of my favourite single edge razor's, it shaves as well as any modern single edge razor and does it with style.
The Zenith boar whipped the La Savonnire du moulin into a creamy silky lather that was as slick as a Texas puddle.
I was left with super smooth skin that always feels soft and supple after using this lovely soap.
It's hot and humid here today so the MH Tea Tonique was just the ticket, well shaved and smelling great!

Until the next time, stay safe and shave happy!

Decent shave (seventh with the Personna 74) with my recently rediscovered (circa ten years old) Cella shaving soap and also recently rediscovered home made Imperial Leather clone. This I put together with a scent made from Scent from Heaven's (remember them?) Magnific Leather fragrance along with water, witchazel and eucalyptus oil

Rating: 4 / 5

Razor: QShave Futur-style
Blade: Personna 74
Brush: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Amber Aerolite Stygian Synthetic
Lather: Cella
Aftershave: Imperial Leather clone (home made) Uses Magnificent Leather fragrance from Scent from Heaven

SOTD: 21/05/2023

Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Pol Silver Super Iridium, 2nd use
Brush: Shedeleven Spalted Scottish Hawthorn AP Shave Co G5C 26mm Fan
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: Proraso Pre-Shave Cream Sensitive Cream
Soap: Proraso Green Puck
Aftershave: Proraso Green Aftershave
Balm: Proraso Crema Liquida Dopobarba Balm
Buenas noches mis amigos del afeitado. I bid you welcome to my shave for this evening. The one with the theme, 'Bush babes'

Hedge trimmer - Ikon B1
Strimmer - Gillette 7-O'Clock
Bush brush - Hive-2
Creaming the bush - Captain Fawcett's scarpicchio
Bush fluid - Collegen
Scent of the bush - Goutal Eau De Monsieur
'You repulsive man. And you want me to trim your crack?'

Back to an old and regular friend and I must say I do rather like these 7-O'Clocks. I also the fact they have a health warning which states 'Sharp edge'. I was hoping they bloody well would have otherwise what use would they be? About as much use as a blunt razor blade I guess.

By jolly though a damn good shave with a nice sharp as fuck blade, and amazingly no blood shed. The scarpicchio is one wonderful soap and an amazing scent which lasts beyond the shave. A hint of the very matching Goutal Eau De Monsieur just to add to the final notes. The Eau De Monsieur is very much down the road of Eau Sauvage with a more complex refinement about it and I recommend it very highly. Very much a white shirt scent whereas Sauvage is a yellow stained white shirt. More a result of pissing on your lapels while trying to remain composed. 'Do you notice Chris rather smells of urine tonight?'. 'Oh he does every night'

A superlative shave

And a photo of my efforts so you can finally see Satan in the flesh. I have lied my way through TSR for the past seven years and I am in fact bearded. Sorry folk

And a superlative live band to end on. From bushes to beavers......