SOTD: Saturday March 11 - Friday 17 March 2023.

I've never used the old Tabac but this stick generated plenty of slick, cushioning lather. Taken on its own, this is pretty good soap and I actually quite liked the scent which is a surprise to me.

Thanks for the info. It seems the new one is actually a pretty decent shaving soap. Maybe the doom and gloom about the new formulation was unfounded after all.
Pardon me for not posting for awhile.

Began with #11 pre-shave oil followed by a hot towel. Reapplied #11 and whipped up a yogurt-like lather with the Parker Silvertip. I picked up the Feather DX for the first time in a couple of months and did three passes with it, very satisfying shave. The finish consisted of a hot towel and the classic aftershave Brut, unscented Balm, Brut cologne, and Clubman Talc.

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: Feather Artist Club DX
Blade: Feather Artist Culb Professional Blade
Brush: Parker Silvertip badger
Pre-Shave: Old School Cool #11
Lather: TOOBS Coconut Luxury Shaving Cream
Aftershave: Brut Classic Splash
Additional Care:
Brut Classic Cologne
Van Der Hagen Post Shave Balm
Hot towel
Hot Towel #2
Pinaud Clubman Talc
SOTD: 14/03/2023

Razor: Stando Rod
Blade: Feather Pro, 5th use
Brush: Shedeleven Spalted Scottish Hawthorn AP Shave Co G5C 26mm Fan
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Saponificio Varesino Mirto Di Sardegna Puck
Aftershave: PAA Future Fiction Cologne
Balm: Liz Earle Aftershave Balm Balm
A shave of old medieval tales of Excalibur and aquatic maidens, and this one makes an appearance under the theme, 'The nights of the round pub table'

The crossed swords - Yaqi Excalibur
The Slaughter House - Feather Super Professional
The sweepers arms - AP Shaving 24mm Cashmere
The Soap works - The Bath House Spanish fig and nutmeg
The Cock and Seaman - L'Occitane Cade
'Make mine a pint of lather please'

A local pub which was renamed some years back by the old 'Wills Pubs' chain. Slightly controversial for obvious reasons, but now sadly closed. And to think they had plans to rename another pub 'The Cock n cider'

Pubs and shaving, and on to the shave....

This particular bit of face time was driven by @LeeMaz and his recent thoughts on the Yaq Excalibur. And by jolly, was the chap correct. Often overlooked by me I'd forgotten how damn fine this (what equates to a) blade on the end of a handle really is. In this case the blade on the end being the Super Professional. A blade which has taken a bit of stick recently, but one which has always tickled my fancy and probably shaved one or two as well. An absolutely smooth delivery and a very fine finish indeed.

And the lady of the lake held Excalibur aloft and said, 'Arthur, you are the true King of England. Now take this razor and shave that fucking beard off you bearded twat.'

A quick word for team lather. Thank you. You are more than worthy of a seat at the round table.
'It's bloody square'

Hope everyone is fine and dandy and yes, I love you all. I shall bow out and leave you with some M.O.8. Not quite all Japanese girly, but there is one in there somewhere. And a Buddhist tub thumping monk. Enjoy.....


SOTD: 14th March 2023.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears Original Transparent Bar Soap.
Brush: Yaqi 26mm Rainbow Brown Synthetic. (Faux Horse)
Face Lather.
Lather: Ach Brito Mogno Shaving Soap.
Razor: Muhle R41. (2013) - Derby Usta. (D1)

Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse./Alum Rub./Cold Water Rinse/Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel. /P&G Old Spice Whitewater ASL. /Aloe Vera Gel.


Early morning Shave,

The Ach Brito Mogno soap gets top marks for it's performance, scent, protection, slickness & post shave feel. A wonderful shaving soap.

A close comfortable 2 pass + pick ups shave with no errors to report. Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Aloe Vera Gel.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.

Keep safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.

SOTD 14-Mar

Brush: M7
Soap: AE Snake Venom
Razor: WR2 1.25
Blade: Wizamet (Z-6)
Post: AE Snake Venom AS

Good one this morning, final shave for the blade, 6 is perhaps one step too far, would be able to eek out a couple more but wouldn't be as comfortable. The new venom set is very nice, I think I got a hit of citrus with some ginger in there and something else in the background, as normal I'm vague as I can't be totally sure with my nose. It's not my normal style of scent, I lean more towards smokey, but it should see some use.

Hope everyone has a grand day!


Tue 14
Soap Stirling Black Cherry
Brush Yaqi 24mm Freedom
Razor J. R. Torrey 5/8
Aftershave Bvlgari AS & Balm
A very beautiful creamy & slick lather whip-up with the excellent brush on the soap. The scent of the aftershaves was classy & terrific! Thoroughly enjoyed the shave with this razor! Silky smooth & crisp edge after stroping on the Roo leather. 3passes for a bbs-dfs finish...
It really is great and though I don’t like the ideas of direct clones I feel this is different enough to the Vector for it not to fully fall in that category. It’s certainly milder, obviously lighter and shaves just too damn well for me to care! It was a great way into my SE habit!
Today I decided to go full metal jacket. Saponificio Varesino Dolomiti lathered up beautifully on the Rubberset 400, I built a proto lather in the bowl and worked it up easily into perfect yoghurt consistency on my face. A fresh Wilkie in the Tech took off the small amount of stubble that reappeared since yesterday's lunchtime shave so I'm good to go. Tabac and Bio oil to finish.
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