SOTD: Saturday January 14 - Friday 20 January 2023.

Something different for me today. Swapped my usual R41 and Shark blade for Merkur 45 Bakelite and a Personna Platinum Chrome blade. Not sure how many times the blade had been used before as not used this razor for years. It did feel a bit blunt and I find this a tricky razor to use. The blade gets very flexed and sits at quite an angle.

I still managed a decent shave with it, but I’ll load it up with a new Shark before tomorrow’s shave...

Are those Gillette super nacets new?

I love nacets but seen that one before

They are kind of new, sold in Malaysia and difficult to get hold off here but there is a guy selling them on eBay. I kind of lose my shit when it comes to obscure blades that have a picture of a crocodile being cut on the cover.

I think the Russian Nacet is a better blade, which I think is one of the best blades around.
yea nacets are one of my favourite blades too

hink fo the cost theyre one of the best bang for your buck for sure
Glad it worked for you Marc !