SOTD: Saturday February 18 - Friday 24 February 2023.

Mon 20
Soap & Aftershave Signature Soaps Hibernia
Brush Yaqi 24mm Mojito 2 Band Badger
Razor Joseph Rodgers 5/8
Beautiful lather from this quality and slick, easily whipped up by the excellent brush.
This razor potential is further realized in today's shave. Previous use was not keen enough. After putting it slowly through the 0.1um balsa followed by the Kanayama... the razor's edge is now silky soft smoothness and very keen. Almost did not feel the edge. 3passes for a good bbs-dfs finish...
Monday February 20, 2023
Razor: Schick Type "E" Injector
Blade: Vintage Schick Injector
Brush: SV 2.0 Cocobolo/Badger
Soap: A&E NYC (1508.5 Project)
AS 1: Witch Hazel
AS 2: A&E NYC Splash
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,568
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush - Simpson Duke 2 Best Badger - #1
Soap - Mitchell's Wool Fat
Razor - Razorock Hawk V3 "A"
Blade - Kai Captain Titan Mild
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Floïd Balm
A/S - Floïd SE Mentolado Vigaroso
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Why Razorock called this "A" plate Aggressive is beyond me, it is so smooth and efficient and never bites at all. It really is a very comfortable shaver. I have to say it is a bit cumbersome when you first start using it with its front heavy head but you do get used to it.
I have 2 x Duke 2 best brushes, the knots in these are perfect for me, today i used the #1 which i dropped a while back, you can see where i tidied up the chip in the base with the Dremel under the sticker, it actually works quite well as it allows a fingertip to sit in there, maybe i need to do this to all my brushes to stop me from dropping them;), not really.
A wonderful face lather with the brush holding enough soap for a 3 pass shave, which i actually did today. WTG, ATG then XTG.
A nice post shave routine leaving me BBS, clean and comfortable.
Whats not to like.
stay safe and enjoy your day all.
20 February, 2023

Prep: Hot towel
Razor: Merkur 34C HD
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium ( NOS )
Brush: Simpsons Chubby 2 Two Band
Soap: 345 Soap Co: Den of Thieves (Deus Vult)
Post: CeraVe moisturising lotion..
Fragrance: Atman Xaman Eau de Parfum by Lorenzo Villoresi

now, considering that the 34C/ Polsilver S.I combo is one that I rave about constantly, the Wizamet S.I.( NOS ) fell quite a bit short of the mark, TBH.. I have some of the Arabic ones to try in the near future, but for now, the Polsilvers still take some beating when teamed with the Merkur.

Fantastic shave on 2 day beard!! This tallow soap delivers in spades!! I only wish my Eurobuddies could try this gem of tallowy goodness!! Imagine merely reaching into the cupboard and getting a perfect soap without having to send your poor ol' auntie Gwendolyn out to check batch numbers for you!! ;) :p:ROFLMAO:
A great second shave with the Astra Keramik blade. It pairs really well with this Futur copy.
I've been experimenting with adding a different smell to the Arko stick that I pressed into a bowl. It's been airing for about a month now and I've added lots of an alcohol and glycerin based aftershave to the bowl (probably 100ml).
I guessed the alcohol would kill the lather but the glycerin would help it. I have had it soaking in since Friday evening and have had several hours with the lid off during that time to allow some of the alcohol to evaporate.
It provides an excellent lather with the full scent of the aftershave lotion, with just an undercurrent of the Arko smell.

The Lider Classic is good stuff. I had a reaction to the balm but the lotion is fine.

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: QShave Futur-style
Blade: Astra Keramik
Brush: Henkverhaar (TSR) badger brush Walnut Silvertip
Lather: Arko with aftershave lotion
Aftershave: Lider Classic lotion
Pre - Shower
Brush - Simpson Commodore X1 Best Badger
Soap - Martin De Cadre Fougère
Razor - Blackland Sabre L1
Blade - GEM PTFE S/S
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Barts Balm Lime Balm
A/S - Martine De Cadre Limette EDC
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A new Artisan soap to me in the MDC, i chose the small X1 Best for the 1st use as the jar is brimmed to the top so a larger knot would just overhang. I completed about 12-15 swirls just say coating the bristle ends and set about face lathering. I find it has a very nice citrusy scent, light and fresh, not overpowering. It takes a lot of water, dipping and working it on the fizzog produced plenty of nicely scented, slick, creamy lather, by the end of the 1st lathering the brush was struggling to hold the lather in the brush.
From the 1st few strokes i noticed this blade was going, still sharp enough, however, i knew it would be relegated to the window scraper jar after the shave.
2nd pass lathering, i spread what was in the knot evenly around the face and started again to dip and lather, it went again, producing another lovely covering. the scent still there after this rinse off and check, as i thought, the blade is not shaving as sweetly as it should.
Not to worry, the L1 is a very tame and efficient beastie and you can complete 3 passes in comfort with it.
I had enough lather left in this little knot to complete the 3rd pass without revisiting the jar.
Job done, comfortably BBS from 3.
I did notice though that the soap had left a film on the razor during the clean up - Hmmm, is this a thing? that is a pet hate of mine.
I finished with a rub of Barts balm and a nice splash of the MDC Limette, now then, this stuff is nice.
Both will stay in the den for now, i do need use it more to have a better opinion
I am happy with the MDC so far, not "Miles" better than any other "Artisan" but at least on par with my favourites:-
Now then do i need the Rose and Argumes?
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
i’ll give you a chunk of Rose when i’m home if you fancy trying it

Fantastic shave on 2 day beard!! This tallow soap delivers in spades!! I only wish my Eurobuddies could try this gem of tallowy goodness!! Imagine merely reaching into the cupboard and getting a perfect soap without having to send your poor ol' auntie Gwendolyn out to check batch numbers for you!! ;) :p:ROFLMAO:
For those that want it in the UK:

Razor = Feather AS - D2
Blade = Wilkinson Sword ( Brazilian) 2
Brush = Simpsons T3 St Mary’s
Cream = Bozzano Comfort Repair
Splash = Bozzano Light Blue
Balm = Arko Cool
1FB0F1A3-3412-444F-A73C-6F6136B0AA25.jpegWell i’m starting to lose count,
i can’t remember if iv used this blade 2 or 3 times.
and that’s when you know your in trouble when you can’t count to 3 and totally no excuses.
Carnival time here in Brazil but i never went over the door,
stayed in the hotel all weekend & no beer :eek:
i was needing a good dry out but iv now realised what a bloody waste of time that was lol
Don’t think i’ll make that mistake again.
So the Bozzano cream is very good,
don’t get me wrong i doubt i’d buy it again
but the same goes with the Arko creams.
They do a job and do it well but snobbery gets you everywhere.
The last Bozzano cream i tried was Aloe Vera.
this one was very similar to performance infact without reading the label i would suggest it’s probably the same cream with a different scent.
if i have room to carry all this stuff home i will if not we’ll the blades come first.
Onwards & Upwards
Stay Safe Everyone
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