SOTD : Saturday 8th January-Friday 14th January 2022.

Monday 10th January

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
TDS Troika Shaving Soap
Razorock Bruce w/Plissoft Synthetic 24mm
Muhle Rocca Jet & Treet Carbon Steel (Black Beauty)
Novaya Zarya Russian Forest (as Aftershave)

TDS Troika? Yeah, my own blend ... well, a mush-together of the dog-ends of three (trois) samples I was sent: Lilac, Rose & Juniper. The result is a dark, earthy floral punch of gorgeous! Not a million miles off the cologne I used afterwards.

First run out with my new Muhle Rocca Jet (much thanks to @The Geordie Shaver for the sale) and it was everything that I hoped it would be, giving an exceptionally (if not surprisingly) smooth shave with the Treet Carbon Steel blade, a blade which can feel scratchy at times. I don't think the Rocca can actually deliver a bad shave.

Enjoyed so much, I'll be doing the same tomorrow ... but swapping out the splash for their Shipr (Chypre).
Razorock XXX
Razorock plissoft
Merkur 34C
Gillette Platinum (1)
Razorock XXX ASL

Ordered a bunch of new blades to try out so have been keeping the setup nice and simple, tried and tested, and changing only the blade each time.

First run out with the Gillette Platinum and I found it to be super sharp and super smooth. Almost BBS in 2 passes. Wonderful!