SOTD: Saturday 8 - Friday 14 October 2022.

Mike, Safe travels. Forgive my ignorance but what company makes the Cream and Balm ?
+ 1 on the Brut Attraction Totale. It's a firm favourite of mine too, along with the Brut sport style of which I highly recommend, that's if you haven't already tried it.
Tue 11th October

Muller Silvertip Syn 19mm
Haslinger Honig
Yaqi Raster V1
Schick Proline ( 1 )
GB Grey Flannel A/S Lotion
A much better Shave today having discarded the FPG. Made rare use of the Haslinger which is a bit sad as it’s such a good soap.The little Muhle Brush was great at teasing out a superb lather from the small tin, which made the Shave go very well.

Tuesday Shave

Pre: Henro de Pravia
Brush: 30mm Synbad
Soap: S.V. Dolomiti
Razor: Karve CB Brass D Plate
Blade: Supermax Super Stainless
Splash: Floids "The Genuine"
Post: L' Occitan Original Lavender
EDT: Milano Cento

Nice collection of picks there. What is your guitar of choice Russ?

+ 1 on the Brut Attraction Totale. It's a firm favourite of mine too, along with the Brut sport style of which I highly recommend, that's if you haven't already tried it.

I think I will buy a bottle of it if I see it on sale, I like the Brut splashes I own.


Brush - Yaqi Plissoft 24mm
Soap - Czech & Speake 88 (the old one made by Valobra)
Razor - Wilkinson Flip Top
Blade - Astra SP (4)
Post - Alum
Aftershave - Brut Original

First time using the travel puck of Czech & Speake that David @Pontormo sent me a while back, I think I packed it away during one of the spells I had a beard and I just dug it out again. It'd been a while since I used a Valobra shaving soap, and since they have gone out of production their reputation seems to have grown, and I was intrigued to find out whether the lather was actually that good.
The travel puck itself isn't the largest, I think it's around 20g or something but it's the hardest soap I have ever come across, it's literally as hard as a piece of plastic, and dry it doesn't really have much scent. Once I loaded the brush from the puck and started building the lather, I was a little underwhelmed with the lather that I initially had, then I kept on adding as much air to the lather as I could and it went from being a fairly thin lather to a really thick and dense one, and it's performance was faultless as I had initially expected, a really lovely old school tallow lather.
The scent is quite a nice one, a nice old-fashioned Rose scent, which reminded me a little of the Signature Soaps Coria. Sadly for both, they irritate my skin, it seems anything even vaguely floral doesn't agree with my skin
I'm really enjoying my dad's old Wilkinson Flip Top, it's a really nice mild razor design. I've been having a few problems with Astra SP's though, near enough every time I use them now they seem to bite me, I used to be able to get great results with them before.

Anyway chaps, have a good day.

I’d h love to have a gorgeous razor like that as a family heirloom from my Dad. I didn’t even get the old bugger’s David Bellamy beard growing ability. All I got was his grumpy temper.

My last six or so shaves. No time for innovation - just tried and tested products. All superb shaves with no effort or thought - other than turning up with a face - required from me. Ideal. Karve Overlander alu, Simpson Special, Treet carbon Classic, Signature - Capra, Londinium & Novus Spice. Various splashes - Signature, LPL & A&E. Cheers - I.
That’s quite an impressive shave combo Dave, when I mentioned to my wife the name of the shaving soap I got the “rolled upwards eyes and really? expression that only a woman can give” . She said she wonders what we fellas get up to on TSR but I think I convinced her it’s nothing sinister just boys being boys cheers Alan