SOTD : Saturday 5th October - Friday 11th October 2019.

Pre - Face wash Heno De Pravia / Pinaud Clubman Shave Oil
Soap - Meissner TremonIa Exotic Elimi
Brush - YaqI Chianti 24mm Synthetic
Razor - Rockwell 6C plate 4
Blade - Gillette Platinum (3)
Post - Paul Smith Aftershave

My first use of Clubman Shave Oil, and it smells good enough to drink !
I think I used too much of it though as it seemed to kill my lather. Nothing that re-loading couldn't put right.
As I feared - the oil made a mess of the basin, as most shave oils seem to.
I'm not sure the shave oil added any real benefit to the shave or end result.
A good shave, finished off with Paul Smith Aftershave
I had a similar experience with the Clubman oil. Smells fantastic but I noticed it was a common denominator in a few rough shaves I had. Despite having decent lather on the surface, I'm convince it was breaking the lather down on my skin. Ended up with razor burn a few times. I tossed it in a hissy fit in the end which proved beneficial as my shaves have been ok since. YMMV of course
Saturday, 06 October 2019

PreShave: Warm to hot water, most from the boiled kettle some from the tap
Cream: GFT Violet
Brush: Kent BK8
Bowl: My recycled T&H cream bowl
Razor: The Sledgehammer (Merkur 39C)
Blade Nacet (2)
Post Shave: Alum

Fragrance: Floris 89

A nice Sunday shave for a semi-relaxing day (some relaxing, some work). Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and have a good week, folks.

Sotd - yesterday - Saturday the 5th of October.

Razor - ER Streamline
blade - Gem vintage (2)
soap - MT - dark limes paste - vegetarian
brush - AP Shave - silksmoke synth
post - witch hazel
a/s - Deliplus splash
balm - La Toja - classic
scent - Creed - bois de Portugal edp.

Result - just fine.

A cold shower and a cold water shave - face and head - what was he thinking? - Glasgow in early October? What's that about? Just an idiot or a masochist on a diet? I had no choice - my bloody boiler - has decided to take a f***ing hissy fit to itself and stop producing hot water - although the heating still works - which I don't understand. We have a service contract for the thing - but thus far - I can't find any paperwork to remind me of the company it is with. So - lets make the best of it. Bracing and no mistake - my other half expressed surprise that shaving with cold water wasn't an immediate invitation to the spilling of much claret - but no - my skin responds very well to it - for reasons I have never fully understood. It actually might be better than using warm water for me - but not what you would want at this time of year - up here in Ultima Thule. Cue laughter from you types in Londinium - and parts south - still sitting by the pool - sipping cocktails in your Speedos. The Tremonia soap always works for me - but the AP Shave knot makes short work of producing the finest of lathers - ice cream tips in no time. Before getting this brush - I was distinctly sniffy about synthetic knots - not anymore. Lesson learned. Despite the odds - a great shave - have a good week - one and all - yours - I.

Oh - the picture - which probably needs some explanation - @Paul L - you like me - are fans of the Spanish Artic Kinesia aftershave - I made a concerted effort to find some more in Alicante a couple of weeks ago - rien - nada - no joy - no tenemos - lo siento. It seems to have disappeared. Anyone that had previously stocked it - hadn't seen it for ages. The Deliplus splash might well be a worthy replacement - initially I thought they were the same thing with different packaging - smell, appearance and performance - but a closer look at the labels and ingredients suggest not. Made in different cities - the former outside Barcelona - the latter Tarragona. Both have extract of marine algae in them - the Kinesia also has castor oil and menthol in the formulation - which the Deliplus doesn't - not that I noticed a difference. Deliplus is an own brand used by the Mercadona supermarket chain - you will find them pretty much everywhere in Spain - it is stupidly cheap - I think I paid about two euros fifty cents for the 300 ml bottle - I was prepared to abandon it on the way home as I only had carry on - but my partner brought it back in her hold bag as she loved using it after shaving her legs. If you are in Spain - I'd recommend you try it - their aloe vera aftershave gel is superb too.

Hope the boiler gets fixed soon, Iain. A minuscule compensation, for what it's worth though: I heartily recommend cold water for the entire shave (minus the shower, perhaps). Minor irritation used to plague me in the hot water days; not a bit of it now. Whether it was coincidental with improved technique, I'm at a loss to say - but cold water is definitely the way forward for me.



Cold water shaving in Glasgow in October ? . . . . They breed them tough over the border!

Before reading your SOTD, I read the label on the bottle and noticed the marine ingredients and thought of Kinesia.
As it happens, I will be in Spain next week (Torremolinos), I'll look out for the aftershave in the local Mercadona.
I've already done my packing and the 100ml bottle you sent me is in my travel wash bag.
Thanks for the heads up Iain

I hope variable water temperatures are reinstated to your household very soon !
Date:- 07 October 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Yaqi Sagrada Familia Tuxedo Synth. 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Ariana & Evans ~ St. Barts
Razor/Blade:- RazoRock Game Changer .84P / NOS Wizamet Super Iridium #12
Post/After-shave: T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20), Tea Tree Antiseptic (10), Lavender (15) & Peppermint (10 drops)
Fragrance:- Tommy Hilfiger for Men
Monday 7th October

Pears Glycerine Soap
Creghton's Ultra Rich Shaving Cream
Yaqi 24mm Timberwolf Brush
Turkish Copper Shaving Bowl
Focus R28 Slim Al with a Gillette/Wilkinson Blade
Witch Hazel
Palmer's Moisturiser
La Toja AS

With the late shave yesterday...2 quick passes for a great finish