SOTD: Saturday 5 - Friday 11 November 2022.

A most happy of anniversaries to your good self from here.
Thursday 17 November

Razor: SUPPLY Adjustable injector
Blade: SUPPLY Black Label injector
Soap: ToBS Sandalwood in old barber pot
Brush: Old Pewter re knot synthetic
Post: Gillette face wash, Gillette moisturiser

South Downs now visible in the distance, not been visible for a few days.
I’m impressed with the SUPPLY, razor and blade, I set it on 3 and it did the job with minimum fuss, good enough with one pass and a few clean ups around my jaw line. The ToBS brush combo also delivered a good creamy lather but I find it tends to dry out quickly, not that this is a problem as I like brushing soap on, bit like painting (DIY) which I also enjoy.

Have a great day fellas,