SOTD : Saturday 3rd April to Friday 9th April 2021.

Wild West Brushworks Cashmere
Gillette Slim Adjustable 3)
Wizamet S.I. (2)
Trumper’s Lime shaving cream
Thayer’s cucumber with hazel
Speick Active a/s

Impressed by the performance of the cream. Really enjoyed the scent, it’s got a little bit more going on in background other than straight up lime. Very refreshing.
Enjoy the Bank Holiday chaps.

Brush - Yaqi Fan Tuxedo 26mm Knot
Soap - Tabac
Razor - Gillette Ball End Tech
Blade - Gillette Winner Stainless (1)
Post - Lea 0%
AS - Denim

A great lather today, I'd not used Tabac since October, I remember the month as I had planned to use it for the entire month but got sick of it and shaving and grew a beard for a few months.
For building the lather, I literally rubbed a little around my jaws and took to my time to build the lather and with the Yaqi Fan Tuxedo, and kept on adding water and air to the lather and had a huge amount of lather from a tiny amount of soap; I've been overloading it hugely these years and it's taken a long time to appreciate I get better results from a slightly thinner highly hydrated lather.

After reading Paul/ @pjgh less than favourable experiences with the Gillette Winner Stainless yesterday, I thought I'd see if it was as bad as he made it out to be. AKAIK it's the only Gillette blade which has been made by a third party (the Vertice factory) and unsurprisingly, it doesn't really feel like an Indian Gillette blade. Oddly as well, it feels quite sharp but doesn't deliver a really close shave, and even with a 3 pass shave I had a little growth left. I think for the next shave with one of these blades I'd pair the blade with a more efficient razor. Nonetheless a few hours on from the shave and my face is feeling very comfortable.

The star of the show though was the Ball End Tech, I've been using other old Gillettes for a while but the BET is the most efficient of the ones I own and it produces great results.

Have a good start to the week chaps.
I think for the next shave with one of these blades I'd pair the blade with a more efficient razor. Nonetheless a few hours on from the shave and my face is feeling very comfortable.
The Yaqi Katana (as you know) is a very efficient razor and I'm sure you can see how I enjoyed that blade fresh out of the pack. Sharp-feeling and with the efficiency of the razor, delivered. Second run was not so exhilarating.

This afternoon -

razor - Karve alu - C plate
blade - Feather (4 and out)
soap - Lavender - homemade
brush - Yaqui - Moka two-band
post - witch hazel
a/s - 4711
balm - Weleda
scent - Homme de Caron.

I was raking about in the den looking for something and found an unmarked tin of soap with no idea what it was. Then remembered,
I made it. No idea how long it had been there - obviously it had been put aside to cure and then promptly forgotten about. Annoyingly
I can't find the right notebook - so can't say exactly when it was made or exactly what is in it. From memory it is one of my standard
bar soap bases with some chemical added to promote the production and stability of the lather. The scent is predominately English
lavender with - I would guess - an underpinning of - something like - rosemary, thyme, basil, mint and white musk? Bugger it - thought
I - let's give it a go and see if it works. It wasn't that bad at all - I got a comfortable smooth shave. A little lather dissipation on the second
pass - it lacked a bit in slickness and wasn't the best post-feel but given you would normally add things to address these issues, that
was to be expected and with a decent post regime it didn't really matter. The scent was the best feature - it has held really well and was
clear and present for the whole shave. All told, though it lacked in sophistication, the soap allowed for a decent shave. An interesting
experiment - I may return to it - see if I can make it better. Enjoy yours - one and all - take care - I.
Monday AM 2021-04-05
Bernard Baily birthday (creator of DC Comics), 1916

Rooney Beehive Ivory Finest (24/50)
Harrods by Floris (tall) SS + Moroccan Rose Absolute/Hydrosol
Carbon Mokume-gane Brass/R2 Copper
Wilkinson Sword 'New' (6)
Calvin Klein Eternity aftershave

Just a couple drops of the Moroccan Rose livened up the facing scent of the old Floris soap. The blade remains sharp and smooth. The aftershave is good but just a bit too heavy with the vetiver for my tastes.
Monday 5th April

• Christian Dior Eau Sauvage Shave Cream
• Yaqi 24mm Tuxedo Marble Handle
• Timeless 0.68 SS Scalloped
• PolSilver Lodz Stainless (2)
• 4711 Aftershave

A welcome return to my Timeless 0.68 that has been on long term loan to my son, whom I hadn't seen since before Christmas due to Covid restrictions.
Paired with the Lodz blade, it was a very smooth reunion.
The Yaqi Katana (as you know) is a very efficient razor and I'm sure you can see how I enjoyed that blade fresh out of the pack. Sharp-feeling and with the efficiency of the razor, delivered. Second run was not so exhilarating.

I think it could be the intended nature of the blade, a one and out blade for barbers.

I was less than impressed for my first run! It was smooth enough but I didn't have a very close shave and my 5 o'clock shadow is a lot more visible than with other shaves.

I'll give a few more of the blades a go otherwise they will go in my PIF pile!
Monday 5th April

French Pink Clay & Charcoal Face Soap
Wickham 1902 Garden Mint
Haryali Rosewood w/Blonde Boar 22mm
Yaqi Katana w/Windrose Darwin Handle
Gillette Wilkinson Sword (1) Made in China
LEA Classic Aftershave Lotion

You read that right ...

1902. Indeed, 1902. Before 1912 was settled upon as the name and formula that we know and love from Wickham's, Darron had another formula which is a more classic shaving soap. He put out some samples with various scents to the forums that he was on at the time - I got Garden Mint, which is a lovely refreshing soap, nothing even close to menthol and certainly not a face-freezer; just a nice, splash in a cool stream kind of cold.

Lovely to have dug that out of the loft. Several years on, it just lathered up fine and very much put me in mind of any number of vintage soaps. It was a good formula, but in the end the on we know as 1912 was settled upon.

I'm trying out the Gillette Wilkinson Sword blades ...

I have a tuck Made in India and I have two or three Made in China (much thanks to @donnie_arko for the MICs). I'm leaving the blades in the razors when I shave with the Yaqi Katana, so good to have two. The Made in China is in the chromed model and the Made in India in the DLC coated model. I started with the Made in China this evening.

Not a bad splash, that LEA Classic. Not a massive scent, but then I don't really want one ... it worked very nicely to pick up the coolness of the soap and just give a gentle evocation of wood and moss alongside the fictional stream that I just shaved in.

Pre: hot shower
Brush: yaqi 24mm 2band badger
Soap: wickham gothic revival
Razor: Rockwell 6s R4
Blade: Voskhod #1
Post: cold water, wickham gothic revival post shave balm

DFS+ achieved

another use of newly acquired yaqi brush - performing very good and producing more than enough of lather for 3 passes.
scent of the soap is quite interesting - first time using it and as much as I’m familiar with performance of the base - the scent was quite new to me. It was a blind buy and I’m glad I did. Can’t really describe it but it definitely is a pleasant scent to my nose.

first outing with voskhod blade too - I’m finding it quite mild but also sharp enough for comfortable shave. Will see how it performs in next two passes - hopefully it won’t dull too fast like the tiger blade did.
Finished the shave off with cold water and matching balm - skin is feeling very smooth.