SOTD : Saturday 30th October to Friday 5th of November of 2021.

Shave on travel, aka "el cheapo"...due to limited luggage for air travel...
Arko stick
Yaqui Sagrada
Gillette disposable 3 blades
Arko aftershave cream

Apart from the washing liquid and medicinal scents of Arko products, a very good shave. Surprised by the performance of a disposable Gillette courtesy of the kind Sicilian neighbour...
Greetings from Catania, Sicily!

Razor: Gillette Aristocrat
Blade: GSB (2)
Brush: Alpha Outlaw V2 G4
Soap: Stirling MITA

Great soap. Closed out with Proraso Green splash and balm. Perfect for my snot filled nostrils.

This Aristocrat is a wonderful razor. Looks beautiful and delivers a sublime shave.

You'll notice that I went for a plastic tub in my SOTD photo - I'm trying hard to be a bald and bearded influencer. #cockwomble
Sun 31st October

Omega 11126 boar
P & B Citra Royale
Claymore Evolution
Feather Proguard ( 6 )
Alcolado Glacial A/S splash

Need to get this out of the way, as doing a small Roast for lunch.I somehow doubt whether I have had a better run of consecutive Top Notch Shaves in a while, especiallly as they are so trouble free. The weight and balance of this Razor seem to make Shaves so easy.

Todays Cold Water Shave Kit - Saturday 31th October 2021

Shave Score 9.6

PreShave: Hot Shower \ PAA The Cube 2.0 "Menthol"
PreShave: PAA The Cube 2.0 "Non-Menthol"
Croap: Saponificio Bignoli - Agrumi Del Mediterraneo
Brush: Yaqi 26mm - Timber Wolf
Razor: Fatip Lo Storto OC Slant
Blade: Voskhod (2)
Post Shave ASL: Saponificio Bignoli - Agrumi Del Mediterraneo
Post Shave Balm: Barts Balms - Ben Vorlich (Grapefruit & Pepper)
Post Shave Cologne/EDT: Geoffry Beene - Bowling Green

Ok note to self don't get obsessed with one new razor, gave the Fatip an outing today and achieved a near perfect BBS/FF shave again

Have a great Sunday all.


Sunday October 31, 2021
Razor: Berkeley Custom Shaver (Setting 8)
Blade: Wizamet
Brush: Trotter Handcraft Coral Oscuro
Soap: A&E NYC
AS 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Fragrance: John Varvatos Dark Rebel
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,089

Great 1st shave with the Berkeley Custom Shaver (Patent 1937) wide open on setting 8 and a fresh Wizamet blade. Smooth, refreshed and smelling good for the day. Hope all have a great day !!

PreShave: Shower then unscented Cube

Soap: HWF #3

Brush: RR 400

Razor: Feather R6S / R2

Blade: Voskhod #1

Post Shave: Alum block - Cien X Bolt splash - Cien Sensitive balm

DE Shave #36

First shave with a Voskhod blade and it was the smoothest of the blades I've tried so far (only 3). The scent of the HWF #3 is definitely my favourite of the three variants. The balm gave me a short, mildly uncomfortable burn when applied after the splash.

SOTD 31st Oct
Pre - PAA Cube
Brush - Omega S Brush 24mm
Soap - P&B Sanskrit
Razor - Gem Micromatic Open Comb
Blade - Gem Personna SSC #4
Post - Barts Balm Pink Pepper & Grapefruit
The scritchy Omega combined with my favourite scented soap aided by super slick Cube produced a simply epic lather.
Combine that with a sharp Gem blade that's been smoothed a bit after several shaves and a razor that makes shaving time an event and the result is an epic and awesome 3 pass shave. That'll take some beating.
Take care all and enjoy your shaves

SOTD: 31/10/2021

Razor: Hone 15
Blade: Personna Blue, 2nd use
Brush: Oumobrush Silvertip In a Handmade Bog Oak Handle
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: OSP Herb Garden Puck
Aftershave: TOBS No. 7 Lime Aftershave
Balm: L’Oréal All In 1 Moisturising Cream Balm
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block

A super slow and smooth Sunday shave, the Hove is my go to Sunday shaver from now on.