SOTD : Saturday 26th February-Friday 4th March 2022.

Sunday 27th February


Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Moon Soaps Sorrento Shaving Cream
Razorock 400 Limited Edition w/Plissoft Noir Synthetic 24mm
Yaqi SE DLC & Treet New Edge
Pinaud Clubman Classic Vanilla Aftershave

Super shave, that! Coupling an honest, sharp Treet carbon with the Yaqi proved quite the aggressive combination and every stroke scythed through with just a sprinkle of danger. I liked it!

I don't have a great deal more to say about the Treet New Edge that I didn't already say yesterday - it's a click below the Treet Classic in smoothness, but every bit as sharp.
I seem to be getting more and more Treet blades....and the only ones I don't like are the ones referred to as the 'Black Beauties' Not smooth and they rust quickly The New Edge sound good....but I have enough Treet Classics to last me for some time
Last night's shave themed 'Indesicive'



Couldn't decide which photo to post so I went the way of post both in that case.

Not sure what razor - Tatara Nodachi
This blade? - Polsilver Lodz
Not that brush, this one - Yaqi Dandelion
Bugger. Which soap? - Signature Soaps Capra Insuriam

'Oh my word, you are such a daft twat'

A super turn out from the Tatara. So so smooth while being on the aggressive side of life at the same time. A really fine bristle removing implement which I find so hard to go wrong with. Might not have the final close finish of the Ikon, but damn near.

How could you ever not be pleased with any Signature Soap? The Insuriam may not be my final taste in scent (I may be minty but doesn't mean I am a mint man) but Hell, what a performance.

Perfection in all directions and a big grin inducing shave.

Have a great week ahead you shavateers and let us hope the events in Eastern Europe can be brought to an end soon. You have to wish.

I shall leave you with some 'Trident' who are one band I have a lot of time for.....

Mon 28 SOTD
Soap Smoking Monster Palace of Bliss
Brush Yaqi 24mm Sagrada Familia
Razor GEM Junior
Blade GEM PTFE 4th
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel Orange Chill + Aqua Velva Musk
Beautiful lather qualities from this soap. Creamy, slick, and a nice scent too...
A good shave with this razor paired with the blade. Continuing with ice water razor dip in between passes. Hmmm...can sorta feel the blade is not as crisp but still ok for 3passes without any issues for a mix bbs/dfs result. Good aftershaves too.
SOTD 26-27 and 28 Feb
26/27th No pic
Brush: Simpson Chubby 2 Synthetic Bristle
Soap: WK Vor V
Razor: CG Lvl 3
Blade: GSB (1&2)
Post: WK Vor V Tonic, Balm and EDP

Horrid shave both days, travelling over to visit my mum in Yorkshire with the Mrs and wee'un. I forgot how hard the water was there. Normally minimal effort to create a cracking lather was hampered, day two was a little better but not up to scratch. Ah well one of those things.

28th Feb
20220228_073415 (1).jpg
Brush: Wolf Whiskers Boti Chubby 2-Band
Soap: A&E Warrior of Howling Fjord
Razor: Blackland Blackbird
Blade: GSB (3)
Post: A&E Warrior of Howling Fjord

Back home in North Wales and back to effortless swirls and plenty of slick lather. A little bit of a let down on the scent front for the soap, with a name as such you expect it to be punchy, really didn't get much from it but the performance was good none the less. The scent appears to sit mainly in the splash which was pleasant but again not as powerful as you might expect.

Still good to be home and feeling smooth, refreshed and relatively ready for the day ahead.

Hope everyone has a grand day!


I seem to be getting more and more Treet blades....and the only ones I don't like are the ones referred to as the 'Black Beauties' Not smooth and they rust quickly The New Edge sound good....but I have enough Treet Classics to last me for some time
I've got the off-brand Super Tez and Super Glide to try next. Both carbon, both lively and funky graphics.

Somewhere in and amongst this lot there is an intention by the company to attract specific markets with the packaging. Exactly what that is and how it works, and then exactly what the differences between the blades is (if anything other than the wrapper) I hope to figure out.

For now, we know the DuraSharp, Classic & Black Beauty well. Also finding its way to western vendors is the New Double Edge, a stainless blade which bears all the external clues that it's a Black Beauty in new packaging but it's not at all ... it is the exact same blade as the New Steel, which domestically (in Pakistan) I believe to be aimed at Barbershops.

Likewise, this New Edge ...

... and pondering on the difference in feel to the Classic, it initially put me in mind of the Vidyut Stainless (in the burgundy pack) versus the blue pack Vidyut SuperMax Super Stainless, but actually the regular Wilkinson Sword versus the Wilkinson Sword Economie might be a better comparison, just that these blades are carbon. You could argue that those two are the same blade, just different packaging, and I'd agree ... just finished differently, either stropping or coatings.
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