SOTD : Saturday 25th - Friday 31st July 2020.

A very happy Anniversary to you and your Mrs. Have a great day Paul!

Congratulations to you both Tony.
First time using the Leaf with my favourite shaving soap...ahh...Denali
  • Pre-wash with Glyce soap
  • P&B Denali shaving soap face-lathered with Yaqi Sagrada Familia 24ml Tuxedo
  • Leaf with Gillette Nacet in top and middle trays
  • Cold rinse and alum rub and another cold rinse
  • Le Pere Lucien Cologne Fougere
  • GFT Sandalwood Skin Food

Another excellent shave this afternoon.

To all those celebrating anniversaries, birthdays or other occasions, have a wonderful day.
And to everyone else ...well you too, I guess

Happy Anniversary
@Tony'schin Happy Anniversary. It's a shame Mrs T still isn't back to full health to go out for your meal later.

Pre - Shower / Face wash
Cream - GFT Eucris
Brush - GFT Best Badger
Razor - Merkur 34G
Blade - Wilkinson (4)
Post - Alum followed by some moisturiser

A quick three pass shave this morning as I had to get out for an appointment.
a Happy Anniversary to both of you.

Many happy returns to you and your good lady, Paul
Good evening

Pre- Barts Lavender ASL
Brush- Yaqi Timberwolf 26mm Synth
Soap- Wickhams Parma Violet
Razor- Rockwell 6S (R4)
Blade- Gillette 7 O'clock Permasharp #2
Post- Osma Alum Block
Balm- Barts Amber and Moroccan Ganja

Nice and simple, all good in the shaving world.

As promised, a picture of my last ship that I sailed on at the end of my seafaring career.

Stay safe chaps and chapesses.

Awesome ships the Bay Class. Apparently the living conditions are quite good on these?