SOTD : Saturday 24th April to Friday 30th April 2021.

Tuesday 27th April


French Pink Clay & Charcoal Face Soap
Meissner Tremonia 'Natural Brown' Black Pepper & Coriander
DSC w/Blonde Boar 24mm
Yaqi Katana w/Windrose Darwin Handle
Lancet Advance Plus Super Platinum (1)
Harvard Sandalwood Aftershave

Third of a trio of blades from Lancet ...

This is the Lancet Advance Plus Super Platinum and it's much more a regular Super Platinum. Its sibling, the Lancet Sharp Edge Super Platinum, feels more like a very good stainless; super-sharp, no masking behind smoothness and very consistent. By comparison, this blade is smooth and sharp with the usual Super Platinum feel - I do like it, but not as much as, say, any Super Platinum from the SuperMax house. Quick and dirty 8.3 rating, where my usual for a good Super Platinum is 8.5. The Lancet Sharp Edge Super Platinum which I used yesterday and the day before pulled a higher 8.9, just short of a 9 as it wasn't quite up to the Gillette Winner Special Platinum.

While in the loft, I pulled out a stack of Meissner Tremonia market testers. I have a wide array of scents based on both an olive oil base and this coconut oil and olive oil base with honey and other goodies. This is a superb soap formula and it's a real shame that it never made it to market under Meissner Tremonia - it may well do in future. Tonight, Black Pepper & Coriander which is a wonderfully spicy soap with a gentle tingle from the pepper. Splash of Harvard Sandalwood Aftershave to finish off the Indian Flava.
Pre = Nice warm shower not to hot with some L’oréal face wash followed by
Elemis Pre Shave.
Razor = Feather AS-D2
Blade = Winner Special Steel ( 3 )
Brush = Yaqi 24mm Synthetic
Soap = Ariana & Evans Sol Cal Hipster
Matching Splash
Balm = L’oréal Barberclub.
Another Brilliant shave today before work
( night shift ) :mad:
These Winner blades are superb, both types seem to be right up my street.
Sol Cal Hipster is right up there in terms of scent, just so fruity as you would expect with A&E.
Can’t wait until my next shave.
Stay Safe

The shave with the theme 'I love you all' :love::love::love:


I love this razor - Occams Enoch :love:
Te amo esta espada - Titan Mild :love:
Brushing and blushing - Yaqi Dandelion :love:
Love cream - Abbate Y Mantia :love:
Love comes in spurts - Guerlain Homme :love:

Shakespeare never penned 'Enoch and Juliet' for good reasons but this razor gave plenty of love this evening. I still loathe the blade securing and locating design but like love, you can't have everything. Or in my case anything. But time after time this razor delivers shaving heaven even though I find myself searching for the right angle each time it is let out of the cabinet. But get that angle, hit that sweet spot and perfection prevails. This outing was no different.

The Abbate never fails to impress and I couldn't recommend this soap highly enough. Well I can. 'Bloody well get your arses in to gear and treat yourselves'. The only minus I can find is that I don't think it is the best of soaps for face lathering and I have tended to prefer a bowl mix first. But a small misforgiving for a wonderful product.

The Yaqi Dandelion? Cheap as chips and my idea of a great brush. Never fails.

So a lovely shave and a lovely finish. A few spurts of the new Guerlain and love is in the air. It is a pity I am still stuck on a rickety tug boat with the most unattractive salty arsed bunch of sailors one could meet. But I try my damn best to educate them on the finer sides of life.......... And fail sadly.

'Oh come on Vader. That's all I bloody get off you, fail, fail, fail. Get a positive mindset man!.... man, half man, bit machine. Whatever'

And I will end all this rubbish by saying (in case I haven't said it before), I love you all.

Actually not quite the end as what is a shave without those Otoboke Beaver girls saying how much they love you. Or not.

Good evening gents

Soap - TGS Abysso
Brush - Simpsons T3
Razor - Progress (5) (3) (2)
Blade - Tatra Platinum #2
Post - Baxters After Shave Balm
Splash - TGS Abysso


I’m not a great fan of TGS soaps. It’s never upset me or had an affair with the Mrs or called her fatty but it just does nothing for me.
It smells nice enough but that’s about it, a passable shave but I’m not going to hang around as I’ve got to make fatty a cup of tea.

Stay safe fellas.

Today -

razor - ATT Calypso alu - M plate
blade - Feather (3)
soap - PAA - CaD - vegan
brush - AP Shave Co. - SilkSmoke - synth
post - witch hazel
a/s - La Toja - Manantiales
balm - La Toja Neutro
scent - Quorum edt.

Very good - my face is smoother than an otter that has just been skinny dipping in a Texas puddle. You couldn't ask for more?

Yours all - have great shaves - cheers - I.

Oh - @Scotshave - picture for you - #blemmyaeporn - I presume you know the text? Charming - late 14th C. - the first travel narrative - as we would understand the term today - in western Europe. The author describes himself as a 'knight of St Albans' - he wasn't - best evidence indicates it was originated in a French dialect then translated. The book is in two parts - the first bit is mostly accurate - culled from pilgrims' manuals - how to get to Jerusalem and back without getting killed - beyond Constantinople - it goes seriously off-piste. To a large degree plagiarised from Herodotus - gold mining ants - that sort of thing - all manner of fantastic beings. It pre-dates Marco Polo by almost two centuries - who, to my mind never left the house - his father and uncle did - for sure - they were the real deal. Polo fails to mention such things as the great wall of China and foot binding - to pick but two examples - which ought to have been obvious? In my opinion his book was a conflation of family tales and the experiences of Catholic monks in the far east. Should any of you ever come to study medieval history - I would strongly advise against taking this approach to the subject - I did in an essay - okay - I still got a decent mark - but my tutor described my approach as 'controversial.' I stick to my guns - Polo was a charlatan - at least Sir John Mandeville knew he was making it up.
Wed 28 SOTD
Soap/Cream Cella Milano
Brush Yaqi 28mm Tuxedo
Razor Yaqi DOC
Blade Persona Red Platinum 1st
Post & Aftershaves Ice Water + Stirling Witchhazel Orange Chill + Hyaluronic + Cella Milano
Not sure this Cella is a cream anymore. It's now harder than some other soaps I have. Almost no scent for my nostril. The lather is, however, terrific! Thickly creamy and slick...
Shave with razor paired with this rare blade was very good. Easy, smooth, and comfortable for 3passes without any issues for a bbs/dfs result. I have only 2 of this blade so will maximize it. Aftershaves were awesome!
Prep: Shower, Palmolive Olive Oil Soap
Pre: Proraso Green
Soap: Wickham Magnum
Brush: 24mm Yaqi Sagrada Familia Tuxedo
Razor: Merkur 34C HD
Blade: Voskhod (3)
Post: Superdrug Forest Fresh ASL

While the Merkur and a Voskhod are a decent match, it does feel "safe". Is that a bad thing:unsure: Certainly not for the upcoming return to the pre-lockdown version of my job, involving early starts, 1,000 miles a week in the car and being suited and booted to meet customers. However while I'm still sitting in front of a laptop, and enjoying a leisurely approach to the morning's ablutions I almost crave the need for concentration and a more in-depth shave. Then I slap myself, think back to my previous first outings with new hardware - being attacked by the Futur clone, or the 1912 trying to convince me that beards are the way forward - and realise how nice a daily driver this is, and I should appreciate how much my technique is still improving :giggle:
28 April

Extro Bergamoto di Calabria
Yaqi Dandelion
Yaqi Katana
1/2 Personna med prep
Floïd Mentolada Vogoroso


A super smooth close shave this morning with the little Katana and a lovely lather from the Extro and Dandelion. I’m pretty sure that the Katana gives me as close a shave as an R41 but with more consistency and less risk. Amazing.
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