SOTD : Saturday 23th January to Friday 29nd January 2021.

Made from girders!
SOTD: 25/01/21

▫️ABC Sapone Da Barba
▫️Timeless SS Slim
▫️StorkTamplier Handle
▫️Kai Blade
▫️Zenith B03-A26 Boar Brush
▫️ABC Aftershave Milk

Paired with a fresh Kai blade, I was expecting the Timeless SS Slim to be on the aggressive spectrum, but it was completely the opposite! In tandem with the shave cream, It delivered an efficient, comfortable and buttery smooth, 3 pass shave. To me, Antica Barbieria Colla is the lusso version of Cella, the ingredients list is very short and clean, which is something I like. The scent is more of a bitter almond scent rather than the accustomed sweet Cella vibe. However, the creamy lather, cushion and the protective slickness is next level. Topped off with the quick absorbing aftershave milk, made for an enjoyable quality shave.
Mon 25th January

The Grosvenor 404mixed
Ach Brito Mogno
Occams Oren 3dot
Feather Proguard ( 3 )
Tuff Green A/S Lotion

There are no frills with The Oren, skeletal in appearance and with a rather dubious method of securing a blade. I have had numerous Shaves with it, no problems loading a blade which stays quite secure until a change of blade is needed. I can rely on the Oren to deliver a good hassle free Shave, and today was no exception.

Monday AM 2021-01-25
National Opposite Day

Rooney Polo 1 Ivory Finest (24/54)
Chicago shaving soap (tallow)
Haircut & Shave P076-SB Copper
Personna Super Stainless Titanium (3)
Brut aftershave (vintage)

The soap, which appears on lists of vintage tallow soaps but about which I haven't read any reviews, has a light, faint cologne-type smell. It makes excellent rich, thick lather, but it dries my skin, which makes the roughness of this blade even worse. I was going to use the blade for at least 6 shaves, but even in great razors it just leaves my skin feeling too raw, so I threw it out. Time for a London Bridge.
Monday 25th January

An absolute stinker of a day at work and so I was very much looking forward to my evening shave ...

French Pink Clay & Charcoal Face Soap
Meissner Tremonia Bay & Rum (pre-Market Test Formula)
hjm Professional (Boar)
Muhle Rocca
SuperMax Blue Diamond Titanium (1)
Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum (VIBR)

My last three shaves with the discontinued SuperMax Super Platinum have been particularly enjoyable. Great! I bought 50. That blade is often spoken about in the same way as their (also discontinued) Blue Diamond Titanium, which is a blade I landed on as my "go to" blade early on when I came to traditional shaving. I quickly stepped sideways into single edge and so it's been a few years since Iast used that Blue Diamond ...

Well, it wasn't as good as I remember and certainly not up to the SuperMax Super Platinum at all. I had to do two passes to get sufficiently shaved where my usual regimen is for a single pass, unless I'm particularly enjoying myself. Aside from that, my wind-down shave was good. Post-shave feel is excellent from the soap and the aftershave - I particularly like Pinaud VIBR and my skin respond very well to it. Good, then, that I splashed it all over - face, hair, neck, chest. It has a reputation for being a bit fierce. Some of the older inmates here will remember forum hardman Vinny who'd say that VIBR could bring him to tears. I didn't get much of a tingle indicating the shave was indeed good.

Apologies for the lack of picture. Hoping for a better day at work tomorrow ...
Good day gentlemen and those not so gentlemen among you. Today's trip to the shower room for the wife annoying activities took the theme 'Schick, slick or just plain shit?'

A day with the two little people better known as the granddaughters has probably made me feeling a bit more upbeat about life and a little more beat up as a granddad. I feel like my time spent with them is more an exercise on being used as a human punch-bag. I thought little girls were all about being sweet and pretty. The pretty I will agree with, the sweet is just a load of old bollocks.

Beat up - Stainless Colonial general
Beat root - Schick Proline
Beat it - Steve Jagger 30mm Cashmere
Beat a dead horse - The Bath House Cuban Cedar and Lime soap
Beat on the brat - The Bath House Cuban Cedar and Lime

For a change I recently decided to give the Schick blades a whirl as it seems a long time since giving them an outing mainly due to my single mindedness with Kai or Feather Super Pro's. Or may be I just know what works for me. Anyway a change is as good as a rest to a blind bat, or is it a horse, or something like that? Who cares, except a blind bat looking for a rest and getting a change instead. No rest change for the wicked.

The general is a well proven work horse (Not a blind one though. Unless blinkered and hence semi-sighted) and I know what to expect from it. It only does brilliant and smooth which is always a good starting point. Enter the Schick. Mmmmm? May be I am just too pig stubborn and don't believe in much outside of what I believe in, but this just doesn't feel the same as a Feather Super Pro. Smooth most definitely, but it just lacks that edge of the shave sensation. I tend to like blades which push barriers and the Schick is not just going that bit extra here. It is not bad by any means but I find it hard to swear at. I like swearing at razor blades. That 'You little fucker, that was bloody close you twat' kind of thing. A bit like I could nearly achieve with the granddaughters, but I am just too much of a standard bearing grandfather to let profanities get in the way of me and my two small angels. Bastard, twatting little......etc etc etc

May be I need to give the Proline time to bed-in before I make an outright final statement on the matter. In due respect that the average SE blade lasts 15+ shaves that will be some time yet. Bugger.

I can't say the final results today were perfection, more 'good but can improve'. Words I became quite familiar with at school. And my adult life in reflection.

The brush and soap are both first class and I could never say anything bad about them. So I won't.

Happy smiling results, just not quite a grinning cat from Cheshire.
'Oh my God and I dreamt you were not super smoothly shaven! What a nightmare'

I better leave by saying 'I love you all' and leaving you some super Japanese ladies to sing you out and in to the next SOTD to follow.

touch of class
It's Burns Night if you haven't already noticed lol A lot of scotsman on tonight & i'm not different.
i'm trying to have a shave every two days just now but sometimes the face won't let me but here goes it had to be a scottish cream & possibly one of the best creams out there.
Preshave was my own home made.
Cream = Castle Forbes
Razor = Ikon B1 OSS
Brush = Yaqi 24mm
Splash = Tobs Eton College
oh nearly forgot
Blade was the same as the other Day
Gillette Blue, i wanted to use this again in a different Razor to try gauge the difference but again it was a superb shave.
The Bowl is by Steph Baxter a local pottery from Glasgow

Haggis, neeps, and tatties?
Tue 26th SOTD
Soap Stirling Orange Chill
Brush Yaqi 26mm Orange Black
Razor Karve Brass SB-D
Blade Shark Super Stainless 1st
Post & aftershaves Ice Water + Thayers + Hyaluronic + Aqua Velva Musk
The leftover lather from yesterday is still good enough for today's shave. Almost no more scent though.
Shave with razor paired with the blade was ok. Reasonably smooth and comfortable enough for 3passes dfs/ccs result but micro creepers were seen later. Enjoyable shave with the lead...Karve Razor! Rating 9.5