SOTD: Saturday 18 May - Friday 24 May 2024.

Razor Schick Cartdidge
Brush = Yaqi Cavern Lake
Cream = Unknown
Splash = Nivea 2 Phase
Nivea Original
That’s me back in Africa and as some of you know i stay in a few hotels so iv decided to use the hotels complementary shaving kits.
This one is from the Dubai International Terminal Hotel & very nice it was for an Airport hotel.
Rubbish & boring i know but i like a challenge.
This cream wasn’t a cream lol it was a gel
so no brush required.
To be fair it done the job,
total bbs however i hadn’t shaved on around 3 days so needed 3 passes but this gel only managed 2 so i finished it off with some hand soap & yes this was also hotel stolen property :ROFLMAO: .
For me it was the first time iv used cartridge in around 4 years and although i got a bbs it reminded me of everything i didn’t like about shaving.
Nonetheless it done the job it was intended to do.
Perhaps if my growth wasn’t as bad as it was it might have been an excellent shave but this one was quite dull & boring but was sort of ok ish at the same time.
Onwards & Upwards
Prep: Face wash with Nivea face wash
Pre: Bart’s Pre-Shave
Razor: Rockwell 6S (R4)
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless (1)
Brush: Highlander Candy
S Soap: Nivea Sensitive Pro Liquid Shaving Cream
Post: Nivea Sensitive Pro ASB

For the last few months almost invariably my blade of choice was the Blue Astras (Superior Stainless)
For me it ticks absolutely all boxes and gives the same great results both in the Rockwell and the Muhle R89.

Astra SS.jpg

Personna blade
Omega 49
Ariana & Evans Amber Rose
Thayers Rose Petal Facial Toner
Royal Copenhagen AS

Not a bad shave, but not as good as I usually get from the ER1912. Something seemed to be slightly off. Maybe I've let that blade sit too long. Anyway, I binned the blade after, and I suspect the next shave will be A-OK.
Love that photo.
How did you set the blades up like that?
Prep: Face wash with Nivea face wash
Pre: Bart’s Pre-Shave
Razor: Rockwell 6S (R4)
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless (1)
Brush: Highlander Candy
S Soap: Nivea Sensitive Pro Liquid Shaving Cream
Post: Nivea Sensitive Pro ASB

For the last few months almost invariably my blade of choice was the Blue Astras (Superior Stainless)
For me it ticks absolutely all boxes and gives the same great results both in the Rockwell and the Muhle R89.

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Monday 20th May

Cream • Palmolive
Brush • Yaqi Bali 24mm Synthetic
Razor • Gillete Flair Tip
Blade • Gillette Spoiler (6)
Post • Arctic Kinesia Aftershave

Inexpensive shave cream shave again today. This time it was Palmolive. OK, the scent is nothing to write home about, but my grandads would likely not have had a choice in their day? I bet they didn't have much in the way of a post shave routine either. . . .Aren't we privileged??
It lathers like a champ and performs as well as can be expected of a shave cream.
This tube of cream was marked up at only £1 in the local village chemist shop. Proper value for money.
More cheap creams to use this week . . .
Milky May

Monday 20th May


Haslinger Schafmilch Shaving Soap & Semogue SOC Taj Pure Bristle
Muhle R89 Twist & Wilkinson Sword (German) Super Stainless (1)
Pinaud Clubman After Shave Lotion

My Menthol Monday Madness Shave today consisted of...
Prep Proraso preshave balm.
Brush Goodfellas Smile Wild hog.
Soap Master soap creations Frosted Spearmint.
Razor Stando Rod.
Blade Kai Titan mild Blue (3)
Post-Shave Johnny Bravo love potion.
Aftershave Master soap creations Frosted Spearmint splash.

Today I thought I would use the Frosted Spearmint to see if I was being unfair to the Stirling and had grown some sort of Menthol resistance.
In short absolutely NOT this stuff rocked my world and chilled me down at least 10.c
The Wild hog brush I love as it never smelt, didn't need breaking in and works amazingly well straight out of the box so to speak.
That's me frozen and smelling of lovely Spearmint Mmmmmmm.
Enjoy the night everyone.
Love that photo.
How did you set the blades up like that?
Many thanks.
I rolled a strip of Play-Doh and then stuck the blades in it. With the first blade I made sure to push it all the way down to cut the plasticine completely and removed the bit cut off (you can actually see the grease marks left on the bottom right corner)
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My Menthol Monday Madness Shave today consisted of...
Prep Proraso preshave balm.
Brush Goodfellas Smile Wild hog.
Soap Master soap creations Frosted Spearmint.
Razor Stando Rod.
Blade Kai Titan mild Blue (3)
Post-Shave Johnny Bravo love potion.
Aftershave Master soap creations Frosted Spearmint splash.

Today I thought I would use the Frosted Spearmint to see if I was being unfair to the Stirling and had grown some sort of Menthol resistance.
In short absolutely NOT this stuff rocked my world and chilled me down at least 10.c
The Wild hog brush I love as it never smelt, didn't need breaking in and works amazingly well straight out of the box so to speak.
That's me frozen and smelling of lovely Spearmint Mmmmmmm.
Enjoy the night everyone.
That's a great handle on the Stando Rod!
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