SOTD : Saturday 16th January to Friday 22nd January 2021.

Vintage Month - Razor #18

Pre: Shower
Brush: Simpson Commodore X1
Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
Razor: 4/8 Tückmar 500 series "Karl Hummel"
Edge By: @Tony'schin
Post shave: Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Barts Balm Sandalwood Balm
Aftershave: Mäurer & Wirtz 4711 EDC
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I cannot really find anything out about this razor, i know its quite old and was probably made by Tückmantel & Martin.
Located Solingen-Ohligs. Brand name: 'Tückmar'.
The back of the tang has "Karl Hummel 500" stamped into it.
It could have been made to celebrate the Austrian, Colonel Karl Hummel (1872-1919), not sure though.

The shave was nice enough although i am not convinced by the edge. Its has given me a comfortable DFS finish although i could feel it throughout the shave, i may give it another run on the hones to see if it can be improved.
A nice post shave and overall i enjoyed the shave, still learning.
Stay safe and enjoy your day All.
Monday's Shave

Pre: Argan Oil Soap
Soap: Laugar Skogsrå
Brush: 28mm Shavemac 2Bed Synthetic
Razor: Revisor 6/8
Splash: Speick Activ
Balm: Bart's Unscented
EDT: Fragrance Ireland Patrick

A satisfying shave as this particular razor is a problem child , it has a warp in it , but with some coaching from a good friend who knows his hones , I tackled it yesterday and have managed to get a very nice shaving edge on it. I am still a relative begineer at honing so pleased to be able to get a good result.

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Monday's Shave

Pre: Argan Oil Soap
Soap: Laugar Skogsrå
Brush: 28mm Shavemac 2Bed Synthetic
Razor: Revisor 6/8
Splash: Speick Activ
Balm: Bart's Unscented
EDT: Fragrance Ireland Patrick

A satisfying shave as this particular razor is a problem child , it has a warp in it , but with some coaching from a good friend who knows his hones , I tackled it yesterday and have managed to get a very nice shaving edge on it. I am still a relative begineer at honing so pleased to be able to get a good result.

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Razor porn!!! :)

Hi! Shave #3:

Pre: hot water, homemade olive oil soap.
Lather: Álvarez Gómez Barbería.
Brush: Simpsons Beaufort B1 (30's) + FS.
Razor: GEM Micromatic.
Blade: GEM Personna (#1).
Post: Álvarez Gómez Barbería.
Take care and have a nice day!

Vintage Month

Razor - Fat Handle Tech
Blade - Personna Lab Blue
Brush - Omega 11819
Soap - Vitos Red
Post - Witch Hazel
AS - Benjamins Bay Rum

The Personna Lab Blue used to be a blade I really liked, I can't argue with the results in the slightest bit, it produced a very close shave with excellent regrowth 24 hours after but during the shave the blade in my go to razors (a few different Techs) always feels quite rough and I seem to get a lot more aftershave burn than with the same razor and using an Astra SP for example.

Anyway chaps, have a good start to the week.
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