SOTD : Saturday 15th May to Friday 21st May 2021.

Monday 17th May

French Pink Clay & Charcoal Face Soap
Derby Shaving Stick (Grated)
Semogue SOC Butterscotch (Boar)
Yaqi AC V1 w/Muhle Rocca R95 Handle
Schick ProLine P30 (1)
Gillette Series Cool Wave Aftershave

Starting a week of classic shaving sticks ...

Derby, Arko, LEA, Vie Long, Wilkinson Sword, Palmolive & Speick. Tonight, Derby.

I've also swapped out the now used once Kai Captain Mild (Pink) for a Schick ProLine P30, generously sent to me by @mpf9ret - I'll go back to the Kai blade in a short while, but today I have irritable regrowth which is indicative to me of a less than sharp enough blade. I commented that from the off, it felt like a three day old Feather. More like four or five, when the sharpness is discernably dropping off. The Schick kinda feels like a once used Feather - it's sharp, it's smooth, but it's not going to slice your jugular if you're not watching.

Good shave, with a consistent feel all over from a single pass. I'm enjoying the balance of this razor with the large, but hollow (and so light) Muhle Rocca handle which makes for a really natural pairing.

Vintage Gillette Series Cool Wave with oakmoss in the ingredients, from an era before it because popular to synthesise. Oakmoss does to me what catnip does for cats! What a joy!

Two Pass Shaving Routine..

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
F.W. Engels Special Solingen Full Hollow 5/8th
Hans Baier Silver Tip
Wickham 1912 Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I had a Glorious Shave Today with My Rather Fancy F.W Engels Special Solingen 5/8th..A Very Special Shaver.Another Razor I Brought in from the Good Auld USA..I have a Fetish for Solingen Razors Made for the USA Market..

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..

Prep: Shower with Baxter’s of California Daily face wash.
Pre: Baxter’s of California Shave Tonic
Soap: Proraso green
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Moka Express Synthetic Hair Shaving Brush
Razor: Leaf Twig
Blade: Shark
Post: Alum, Baxter’s of California Shave Tonic and Baxter’s aftershave balm.
The Proraso as always doesn’t disappoint and is just what I needed to wake me up to face the week!
The Shark Blade is great, there really isn’t a blade I’ve found so far the Twig can’t tame.
The Baxter’s tonic was lovely again and complemented the refreshing Proraso Green.
Pre = Bloomed Water
Razor = Rockwell 6s ( 4 )
Blade = Gillette Superslim Platinum ( 1 )
Soap House Of Mammoth HYGGE
Matching Balm
Balm = Tobs Eton College Collection
Brilliant shave for me today
I’m starting to really enjoy the Rockwell and i reckon plate 4 is my go to.
probably my go to razor really, iv i’m in any doubt what to use then i normally pick up the 6s.
Also loving this soap and hopefully within a few days there’s another on it way to me here in Norway, the Almond Leathef this time which smells class, as the wife sent me out the balm last month by accident.


Pre: hot shower
Brush: Stirling 24mm fan finest badger
Cream: tobs peppermint shaving cream
Razor: Rockwell 6s R4
Blade: feather #3
Post: cold water rinse, Stirling glacial lemon chill

Yet another excellent shave with the Rockwell 6s . Shave of the night but it was very refreshing - just what I needed so I can stay awake few more hours.

Blade performed - still nice and sharp on its third outing. Quite smooth too. Definitely will make it to top 5 of my favourite blades, however more on the lower end of them.

one weeper where I nicked the spot however other than that an excellent shave.

SOTD : 18th May 2021.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Nivea Men ~ Power Fresh Shower Gel.


Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears ~ Transparent Bar Soap With Mint Extracts. + Nuage Menthol shaving Oil.
Brush: Omega S10065.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Tesco's Ceramic 'Cosmo' Side Bowl
Lather: Ingram Menthol Shave Cream.
Blade: Gillette Nacet. (D3)
Razor: 1960's Gillette Slim Twist.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezings, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils. + 3 Menthol Crystals, Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./L'0REAL ~ Soothing Birch Sap PSB./Alcolado Glacial Mentholated Splash Lotion.


Early morning Shave,

A wonderful performance from my much loved Gillette Slim Twist...Paired together with the Gillette Nacet made a superb razor & blade duo...the Gillette Slim Twist will always be a firm favourite of mine...let's see if the latest modern Gillette offering will last and perform with brilliance for the next 50 years plus...

A very enjoyable 3 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report.

Finishing the shave off a with a generous splash of Alcolado Glacial Mentholated Splash Lotion.

My face is feeling cool & super smooth.

Stay safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.
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Soap The Goodfellas Smile Abysso
Brush Yaqi 24mm Silvertip
Razor Yaqi AC Aluminum
Blade KAI ProGuard MG 3rd
Post & Aftershaves Alum + Stirling Witchhazel MitA + Hyaluronic + TGS Abysso
Nice soap with a good scent and easy to lather qualities producing a creamy and slick layer...had a great time face lathering with the nice brush!
Shave with razor paired with the blade was very smooth, comfortable, and enjoyable 3passes without any issues resulting in a mostly bbs result. Excellent aftershaves too.