SOTD : Saturday 13th March to Friday 19th March 2021

Emergency shave required, due to an unexpected Zoom call.

So I reached for some favourites and had an excellent shave with the Fatboy, Peregrino, Castle Forbes and Captain’s Choice lime balm.

Stay safe and enjoy your shaves.

Razor: Gillette Fatboy 1959 E2
Blade: Israeli Crystal (2)
Soap: Castle Forbes Lime
Brush: PAA Peregrino Synthetic
Pre-shave: Proraso Green
Post-shave: Captain’s Choice Lime Balm
Bowl: Captain’s Choice Copper
Good evening chaps

Rockwell 6S (4) (2) (2)
Tiger Platinum #3
Dcosmetic 24 mm Badger
Mudder Focker
Baylis and Harding Black Pepper Balm
Mudder Focker Splash

This soap is an enigma to me, lathers up well in the bowl but always dissipates within a minute or so of applying to my face but still gives me great shaves, strange.
I love the scent of this splash and so does Mrs Seaman which is always a bonus.

Stay safe gents and have a good Saturday night!!
Saturday 13th March

French Pink Clay & Charcoal Face Soap
Arko Shaving Stick
Semogue SOC Taj (Boar)
Muhle Rocca R96
SuperMax Stainless (1)
Pinaud Clubman Musk Aftershave Cologne

Well that certainly exceeded expectations!

Nearing the end of my SuperMax adventure and we're on the basic stainless blade under the SuperMax brand which I rather enjoyed! Thinking it through, it's not much of a surprise as the blade appears in every way to be the same as the still widely available Vidyut/SuperMax branded Economy Stainless and the Super Stainless (in the blue packaging) ... which I indeed enjoyed.

These stainless blades are sharp enough and do the business. I don't think they're as sharp as, say, Lord or Shark Super Stainless but they are keen enough and smooth enough. I remarked of the Vidyut/SuperMax Economy Stainless that it felt more like a carbon blade and this SuperMax also feels like that kind of shave. It's a plain, ordinary, no-frills shave. You get shaved, you're done. For me, that was fine in a single pass.

My Semogue SOC Taj is breaking in good and proper now, no hint of its out of the box thirstiness and a really good comfort lather was pulled off the brush after my single pass. Splash of Clubman, certainly can't complain! Enjoy yout evening, chaps ...
Warning - visual pun ahead -

This afternoon -

prep - facial scrub
razor - Ikon X3 slant on s/s handle
blade - Trig (2 - and out - never will any of these sully my razors again)
brush - Wee Scot LE
soap - Haslinger sheep - tallow
post - witch hazel
a/s - Old Spice
balm - Nivea Sensitive
scent - Gotas Frescas.

Mostly all good - apart from the Trig - be gone. The Wee Scot and the Haslinger are natural companions,
for reasons of scale if nothing else. If you face lather - it is - for me - a superb brush. Super precise in use
and it does hold enough soap for a full shave without problems. A proper knot - just smaller - or it might be very
far away? Who knows? Apart from the blade - burn the witch! - great.
Enjoy the weekend all - have great shaves - yours - I.
Very orthodox!

Today’s stubble killer:
Pre: hot shower and sanctuary triple cleansing mousse
Soap : tobs peppermint
Brush: yaqi 24mm purple haze
Razor: Rockwell 6s (plate 4)
Blade: Gillette super thin platinum #3
Post: cold water, brut AS, nivea post shave balm

again tobs peppermint whipped up a beautiful lather, nice and slick . Enjoyed using my new brush (thank you again @Boycie83 ). It feels much better to use in this small bowl than my 26mm - probably when using small bowl, I’ll use this, but on my collapsible dog bowl I’ll stick to omega 49 boar or yaqi 26mm.

razor again performed well - plate 4 feels like a good pick for me.
Blade wise - first two passes (WTG, XTG) went through flawlessly , one small weeper on the neck due to me going a bit too fast for my skill.
The problems started on ATG once I got to area under nose and right on chin - blade started tugging quite a bit and causing few weepers - one match was enough to stop bleeding on all of them, however stopped the shave at this point .
Achieved DFS+, although face is BBS in places where all 3 passes went through fine . Swapped 7 o’clock black (was in my blackbird) into the razor ready for another shave tomorrow