SOTD : Saturday 13th March to Friday 19th March 2021

Tue 16th March

RR 400. SE- Plissoft noir
Vitos Super Red
ER “Streamline”
Gem S/S ( 2 )
Jaguar Prestige A/S Lotion

Just had to replenish The Vitos for today’s Shave. Always a good soap for this Razor, so today’s Shave was pushed a bit to get an ultra close finish. Forgotten that a close Shave with a Gem Blade means that the A/S application can be a bit lively.


Brush - Yaqi Plissoft 24mm
Soap - Arko Puck
Razor - Yaqi Katana
Blade - Personna Lab Blue (1)
Post - Alum
AS - Brut Oceans

A rare 2 days worth of growth which the Yaqi Katana and PBL cut through like butter. I was taken back by how exceptional the results were at the end of the shave but noticed I'd missed a tiny spot beneath my nose and I thought it would be a great idea to turn the razor at a strange angle to try to clean up that spot and what happened? Well it doesn't take a professor to work out that instead of shaving the missed spot of stubble I nicked myself!

Now and again there's a mishap that reminds you it's a good idea to put your junk back in your pants before pulling up the zip.

Shave Rating - 9/10
Stupidity Rating - 10/10
Hey...many thanks!! I truly and sincerely appreciate your very kind and generous offer but I am quite far away in Malaysia. I know it is not cheap to ship to me so you have my deepest gratitude.:)
I have long checked Connaught for GEM and now the Prolines blades but haven't pulled the trigger because of the shipping, including the famous Signature soaps...perhaps 1 day... ;)
Thanks again and warmest regards...
I thought you were in the UK, but if you PM your postal details I'll post them out to you
Tuesday AM 2021-03-16
National Freedom of Information Day

Rooney 2/1 Faux Horn Finest (22/53)
Crabtree & Evelyn Sweet Almond Oil shaving cream (vintage)
Haircut & Shave P076-SB 17-4
Personna Super Platinum Chrome (10)
Ginger's Garden Almond aftershave

16 March

Signature Soaps Hibernia
Cadman M55
Ikon Deluxe DLC
Feather Hi-stainless
Signature Soaps Hibernia splash

View attachment 66462

Another excellent shave with the Hibernia from Signature Soaps. The Ikon razor with the DLC coated open comb head slicing through the stubble like a hot knife through butter. I finished with the Hibernia aftershave splash that leaves the skin feeling fresh with no greasy residue. Good stuff.
Thank you

Pre: Hot Shower
Soap: Southern Witchcrafts Carmilla
Brush: Yaqi Sagrada Familia
Razor: Yaqi AC Single Edge Razor
Blade: Feather Pro Guard (1)
Post: Cold Water Rinse
A/S: Southern Witchcrafts Carmilla

A new AC style razor from Yaqi. Very impressed with it. Smooth, easy to use and delivered an easy 3 pass BBS shave.
Southern Witchcrafts are one of my favourite soap bases. The lather you get from these soaps are just brilliant. Dense, rich, creamy and very protective. The scents will not be to everyone's taste but this one was great, it filled the bathroom and has a very warm, calming, relaxing scent that was a joy to use. The splash has very few ingredients but left my face feeling smooth and very soft. Good stuff indeed!!​
Last edited:
Tuesday 16th March


French Pink Clay & Charcoal Face Soap
Monsavon Shaving Soap
Semogue SOC Taj (Boar)
Muhle Rocca R96
Gillette 7 O'Clock PermaSharp Stainless (1)
Pinaud Clubman Aftershave Cologne

Good to be back on what you might call a baseline blade which I had such a lovely single-pass that I made it a two-pass. Plain sailing in the Muhle Rocca. I find this is one of those blades that sharpens up during the first use, so expecting another great shave with it tomorrow for which I'm going to drop it into a King C Gillette head. Baseline blade, baseline razor. The KCG head is somewhere between an R89 and M34 but appears to have the same geometry and comb.

Good shave, that!

Brush - Yaqi Plissoft 24mm
Soap - Arko Puck
Razor - Yaqi Katana
Blade - Personna Lab Blue (1)
Post - Alum
AS - Brut Oceans

A rare 2 days worth of growth which the Yaqi Katana and PBL cut through like butter. I was taken back by how exceptional the results were at the end of the shave but noticed I'd missed a tiny spot beneath my nose and I thought it would be a great idea to turn the razor at a strange angle to try to clean up that spot and what happened? Well it doesn't take a professor to work out that instead of shaving the missed spot of stubble I nicked myself!

Now and again there's a mishap that reminds you it's a good idea to put your junk back in your pants before pulling up the zip.

Shave Rating - 9/10
Stupidity Rating - 10/10
That's why they invented mustaches.
Good evening gents

Soap - Signature Soaps Britania
Brush - Omega Boar
Razor - Progress (2.5) (2)
Blade - Sputnik #2
Post - Proraso
Splash - Rossini
Listening to - Radio Devon Plymouth Argyle v MK Franchise.


I bought this splash with the matching soap years ago on the Bay, the soaps shite but the aniseed splash matches up perfectly with the Britania soap. Just a quick with and across the grain this evening. Very nice indeed.
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