SOTD : Saturday 13 August - Friday 19 August 2022.

Saturday 13th August

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Williams Mug Shaving Soap
Haryali Rosewood w/Blonde Boar 20mm
Wilkinson Sword Sticky & Wilkinson Sword (Vintage)
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

Another weekend with vintage WIlkinson Sword blades, much thanks to a little stash sent to me by @Mike Smart ...

Tonight, it's the turn of another what I think is an old(er) one from the 1970s with a diagonal design wrapper around the blade and from a plastic tuck with a gold sleeve (pictured below).

Equally as smooth as the first one from this vintage that I tried, a straight-up 10/10 in terms of smoothness and this time a little better on the sharpness and probably up to the sharpness (8/10 this time, compared to 6/10) giving a very pleasant shave overall.

I've been lathering up with Williams this week and using a single edge lather catcher and thought it a good soap. Good. Not great. Sound. Switching over to a double edge razor tonight, I found the lather did that sorta juddering thing where the top cap slips through the lather and sticks when it hits skin. I'll see if it does the same tomorrow.

Another hot one today, so rather than reaching for the Alcolado Glacial I went the other way and fought fire with fire! Splash of VIBR! Just the ticket ...

Evening all,

Pre, hot water and flannel
Brush, Boti Blue
Razor, Gillette Fatboy (setting 9 for a 3 grain pass)
Blade, Gilette Nacet (2nd use)
Soap, TDS Menthol
Post, TDS Sea Breath
Music, Zach Bryan

The soap lathers easily, nice application, no issues there. It provided a great surface to work on. The scent is menthol, clean and fresh not too overpowering.

A very nice 3 grain pass, zero irritation / weepers / nicks / cuts etc. As per a lot of my shaves. Which is fine by me. I don't often dial up all the way on my Slim or Super Adjustable. But had no issues here. I did take my time and was aware of it being on 9. But i'd be comfortable doing it again. Very smooth and efficient and feels very close and clean.

I paired it with the TDS Breath. Scent is a little like Iodine, best way to explain it. I thought i had the matching scent but can't see it, so maybe i'm going mad.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Fatboy. Now would i get one, a difficult one. Does it give me anything different to the Slim / Super Adjustable. I don't think so. If i saw one at a good price, yes i'd be tempted, but will cross that bridge when i come to it. If i didn't have the Slim / Super Adjustable then absolutely!


Sun 14 SOTD in a very beautiful place!
Soap Henri et Victoria Cognac & Cuban Cigars
Brush Yaqi 24mm Aqua Tuxedo
Razor RazoRock GC.84-P on yaqi handle
Blade Personna Super Med Prep 1st
Aftershave HeV-CCC Balm
Marvelously aromatic cigarish scented soap & matching AF balm perfect for a crisply cold day...the lather is great too!
The razor and blade combination provided a smooth and comfortable 3pass shave without issues for a bbs-dfs finish...

Sunday 08.14.22
Pre: Hot washcloth & bloom water
Razor: Gillette ‘83 D2 Super Adjustable 109 PD @4
Blade: Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdgeYellow
Brush: RazoRock 400 Aluminum 24mm Noir Plissoft
Soap: ‌Luna Cosmetics Mentolado Shaving Soap
Post: Decanted Alcolado Glacial Mentholated Splash

SOTD : 14th August 2022.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears with Mint Extracts Transparent Bar Soap
Brush: Frank Shaving 20mm Synthetic.
Face Lather.
Lather: Wilkinson Sword Soap Bowl.
Blade: Feather Hi Stainless. (D2)
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Premium TTO.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse./ Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils.3 Menthol Crystals Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./Benjamins Mentholated Bay Rum./L'0REAL Barber Club Reinforcing ASB.

A relaxing Sunday morning shave.

It's been a while since i last used the Wilkinson Sword Premium TTO, and another first Paired up with the Feather Hi Stainless was another smooth efficient duo...Feather blades work wonderfully with my milder razors.

Another enjoyable 2 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report...Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of L'0REAL Barber Club Reinforcing ASB.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.

Stay safe, and enjoy your Sunday ladies & gentlemen.