SOTD : Saturday 06th March to Friday 12th March 2021

Thursday AM 2021-03-11
Lawrence Welk Birthday, 1903. I was coerced into taking dancing lessons at a Welk studio when I was 13, and I had a crush on one of the instructors, Barbara Boylan from the TV show.

Rooney 1/2 Faux Horn Finest (24/50)
Floris Santal shaving cream (vintage)
Wolfman WR2-SB 0.95/WRH3
Personna Super Platinum Chrome (5)
Floris Santal aftershave
Thur 11th March

Jayaruh Syn No67
L’ Occitane Cade cream
RR Hawk V3 OC
Kai Captain Titan Mild ( 7 )
Puig Quorum A/S Lotion

Rare use of this cream which is almost finished, as usual I got far too much in the bowl. As the lather was very abundant it made the Shave go well, but will not be replenishing it, as I use Soap/Croaps these days.

Good evening chaps.

Soap - TOBS Rose
Razor - Progress (3) (2) (2)
Blade - Tiger Platinum #2
Brush - Ex S Medium Jock
Post - Barts Amber and Jasmin Balm
Splash - A&E Amber Rose

I set the progress to No3 for the first pass and I had to recheck that I actually did dial it to No3 as it seemed very aggressive. I’m presuming that this was just the blade and razor combination but it certainly felt more aggressive than No3.
Finished off the 2nd and 3rd passes on No2 and was left with an excellent result.
Post shave was excellent with the new A&E Amber Rose splash which has a beautiful scent and has left my face feeling soft and fresh.
How would you describe the amber rose scent Garry is it rose forward ?
How would you describe the amber rose scent Garry is it rose forward ?

It’s quite complex Jay, I would say the Amber is the prominent note with the Rose just behind it. There’s others too in the background but I’ve not read the ingredients list so I’m trying to fathom them out before I read them. Interestingly the consistency is a lot thinker than a splash.
Thanks that sounds nice I like amber and love rose may have to give it a go, I have the Monte Carlo splash and if it’s the same consistency as this one it is nice and nourishing on the skin
Prep- warm shower then Proraso preshave cream
Razor - Rockwell 6S R4
Blade - Super Shave X (new)
Soap- Signature Soaps Hibernia
Brush- Semogue HD Badger
AS Splash -Signature Vectis
ASB - Proraso sensitive
Moisturiser- Kiehls Facial Fuel
Awful shave this morning. Overdid the shave yesterday ( R5 plate / 4 pass shave / chasing BBS) resulting in a sore face yesterday as well as razor rash under my jaw. Today using a milder plate and a new razor blade I expected bliss. No! The blade wasnt smooth and wasn't super. Im hoping the next shave with this blade is better - giving shaving a miss for a few days to let my face ache subside, the skin to heal and the stubble to grow. Currently lusting / obsessing about a Razorock Gamechanger. 84 or Razorock Hawk in the hope that my shaves will improve. A poor workman always blames his tools!

We live and learn (or we should) - if ever i have a 'rough shave, I wait at least 3 days before the next.

The Game Changer .84 is an awesome shaver, but - the Hawk is better for smoothness, and as capable as the GC.
If I had used the Hawk first, I wouldn't have thought about buying a Game Changer.