SOTD SAT 30th JAN TO FRI 5th FEB 2016

On the road again. San Francisco today.
Travel kit SOTD
Palmolive shave stick
AoS travel brush
EJ DE 89
MK Sport cologne
Have fun!

Tuesday 2nd February 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: Ever Ready 1914 Little Lather Catcher
Blade: Tree Carbon
Brush: Semogue OC SE2012 Mixed
Soap: Boots Vintage
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDT: Grey Flannel


Prep - Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Gillette Slim Adjustable
Blade - Rapira Swedish Supersteel
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - D.R. Harris Sandlewood
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BBS++

It's all about firsts for me this evening. I broke a golden rule though, changing more than one variable at a time. The trouble is, I'd wanted to try the soap and blades for so long and it just so happened that they came to me at the same time.
The blade was everything I'd read, smooth and sharp, very different to how I found its stablemate, the Super Stainless - I really didn't like those at all.
The soap was a first on two counts, maker and scent. If this is Sandlewood, then bring it on! It's everything I look for in a soap, lovely thick marshmallow with loads of cushion and glide. I love it! The post shave feel is fantastic!
Razor wise, I'll probably stick with the Slim throughout February, as I did with the Tech and Clog Pruf through December and January respectively. I think I've learned a lot by doing this.
The result? Put simply, it's the best shave I've ever had this razor, one of the best shaves ever.
Godrej Soap
RR Barber Plissoft
Sam Seong Kamisori
Feather Proguard
Ever Ready 1912
GEM [3]
Barbus AS
Arran Aromatics Bay Citrus EDT

Awful shave but good in a way as its proven to me that straight shaving simply is not for me. I can't see the point spending hours learning the art when I can simply use DE/SE/Injectors to get the job done enjoyable, simply and quickly.
First outing with this cream, wow, very nice all round with a fantastic post shave feel that almost warrants nothing post shave.

This razor is awesome and zero AS sting despite taking down 3 days worth of growth.

Today's shave

Ikon OC Razor
Wilkinson Sword blade
Nannys lemon shaving soap
Kent BK8 Brush
Old Spice aftershave splash

After the last shave with a naff blade the other day, this shave was way better. I do know that Kent BK4 brush loves nothing more to shed hair out of its knot like it's going out of fashion so I think it was a badger hair that did the blade in, next time I use that brush I'm going to count the hair loss. For £55 would I recommend it? No, go and buy on from petter.

Results BSS WTG
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