SOTD Sat 16th Feb - Fri 22th Feb 2013...


Pre hot towel + Proraso Aloe blue cream + Vulfix 2234 + Weber Bulldog with Merkur head and Super Flash #3 + Sergio Tacchini splash and Proraso Aloe blue balm

A good and close shave! BTW I liked more the balm than the shaving cream of this line.

Prep Palmolive Verbena & Neroli Soap
Razor Vintage G' TOWA T' 7/8
Strop Kanayama Cordovan #8000
Brush Semogue OC Special 2012 Boar & Badger Mix
Shaving Soap Cella
Alum & Witch Hazel
Una Brennan Neroli Moisturiser
Tom Ford Black Orchid Eau de parfum


A super smooth lovely two pass shave three days growth wiped out.

Mikael said:
This is my meanest razor (the Kamisori), point is like a chisel point (but I'll be damned if I mute it) and it's scary sharp, I don't think I've shaved once with it without getting nicked. This time I was in hurry as well :-/, needless to say I was nicked a couple of times, nothing serious though, but I knew I was in hurry but didn't change razor - why??

Mikael, do you use this in the traditional Japanese way - just one side of the razor and, if so, just one hand.

I ask because I've seen videos of this method and it seems to require quite a lot of awkward positions.
UKRob said:
Mikael, do you use this in the traditional Japanese way - just one side of the razor and, if so, just one hand.

I ask because I've seen videos of this method and it seems to require quite a lot of awkward positions.

In short - no. I've tried, but I don't feel motivated enough to learn it the traditional Japanese way ... which, by the way, is debated if it actually is the correct way to do it, if you shave yourself... but I'll leave that to the ones more qualified to debate. :D

Monday 18th


Hot shower
Hot flannel
Irisch moos cream scuttle lathered
Simpsons Emperor 1 super badger brush
Merkur Progress long handle set at 2.5
Rainbow (3)
Cold rinse
Witch hazel
Irisch moos aftershave balsam

Comfortable shave last one with this Rainbow blade smooth irritation free. My neck has the odd rough area when i rub my fingers over it. I didn't go against the grain in this area. I'm enjoying the Irisch moos very nice.
Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Semogue SOC 2band
Razor: Gotta 120
Soap: Castle Forbes lime
AS: Proraso
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Uberclean :D

Monday 02-18-13. MUSIC: Roxy Music_LP Siren (1975).



Soap from Aleppo - Semogue SOC two bands - Feather all stainless - Red Personna #2 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving cream Castle Forbes Lime - Alum block - Thayers Oroginal - ASB Castle Forbes Lime - ASL Honeybee Gardens Key Lime.
Late Sunday night (had an early start Monday morning)

MÜHLE Silvertip Fibre 21mm
Nancy Boy Signature Cream
MÜHLE R89 Grande
Polsilver Super Iridium
Bulldog ASB

Comfortable shave, as irritation free as I get. Close enough but I need to adjust my technique slightly on the sides of my neck, not quite close enough there.
Today's shave

Merkur 37C Slant Bar
Feather Blade
NSS Scotch pine ( bowl Latherd )
Kent Bk8

Results BSS WTG

Felling bristles with these razors is easy now I've got the hang of it :)
parker 91r/ fatip
7 o'clock black
semogue 620
4711 AS/ 444

excellent shave. loving this hybrid razor, does everything i want from a razor.. mows down stubble, no irritation, no blood and a close shave. its funny how when i bought it as a fatip piccolo it was a bit hit and miss, but now ive put a bigger handle on its outstanding.
Monday 18th February

Hot Shower and Facial Scrub
Shavex Cream
Feather Artist Club RG/Super Professional
Semogue SOC 2012SE Badger/Boar
Culmak Soap
Witch Hazel
Organic Shea Butter
4711 AS
4711 EDT
Yardley Brilliantine
Brian's Own Moustache Wax

My post night duty shave.....and it was supposed to be quick and functional. Turned out to be a rather nice shave. Feeling well ......:and totally relaxed:D
This morning:

Prep: Cold rinse
Razor: Cadman & Sons Bengal, 6/8", restored by UKRob
Brush: Neep #1156 cocobolo chubby 24mm extra silvertip
Soap: L'Occitane Cade
Scent: Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet

Outstanding. Magnificent razor.
Palmolive lemon cream
Henk walnut silvertip
Fatboy gold on 5
Personna Lab Blue (3rd shave)
M and S Woodspice balm

BBS. Very gentle on the skin even though the problem areas took an additional two passes
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