SOTD 13th - 19th October

Gillette New #77/#88
Schick Ultra Platinum (2)
Vie Long 13061
Proraso green tub (old)
Proraso Balsamo dopobarba

Penhaligon's Castile

Brand new to me razor that I traded with a forum member in user grade condition. It's had a vinegar bath and a nice scrub with toothpaste but, really, it needs stripping and replating. Still, it shaves reasonably. Not as aggressive as my Old Type open comb but not as terrifying either as the blade isn't anywhere near as exposed. I'm enjoying the Vie Long too. Rather than scrubbing away in circular motions, it seems to respond best by painting the lather on while face lathering.

Slight mistake this morning, I started shaving and wondered why the blade felt so rough, then realised I had forgot to change it after having already had 2 shaves with it. A quick change for a Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge as that was the only blade in the bathroom cabinet and the results were a lovely BBS shave.

Prep: Hot Shower
Soap: Floris JF
Brush: Simpson Chubby 2 Best Badger
Razor: Feather AS-D1
Blade: Chinese Gillette Super Thin(3) initially then Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge
A/S: Floris JF
Had a shave in the shower at lunch time, after my morning run.

Prep - hot and sweaty face from running! Warm shower
Razor - R89
Blade - Derby Extra
Soap - a tub of left overs I use for face lathering. ATM it is TOBS lemon and Lime cream and a Palmolive stick
Brush - Erasmic
Finish - One final lather, a cold shower and M&S Havard AS

Not BBS, but a nice and very comfortable two pass shave.
Prep - Hot Towel, Simpson's Shave Cream
Razor - Muhle '11 R41
Blade - Astra S/P
Brush - New Forest Tubby 1 Finest
Soap – P-160
Cold Rinse/ Witch Hazel/ Pacific Shaving ASB

BBS, but a little irritation on the 'trouble' spots. Very happy with the Pacific Shave ASB, and the Tubby + P-160 whipped up a storm!!

Merkur 34C
Shark SS
Omega 49

Vifrex Dopobarba
Proraso Sul Filo Del Rasoio AS Cream

Santa Maria Novella Melograno EDT

Lovely lovely lovely.
Prorazo Preshave,
Martin de Candre Soap,
TI 26mm superbadger,
Fon Golden Star Razor,
Fitjar Balm,
Barbershop A/S.

This razor is a recent acquisition but very smooth - the Fitjar balm is in daily use at the moment and has been for almost a month.

I'm loving the razor Rob.


Sunday 14th October

Hot shower and facial scrub
Proraso Sensitive Pre/Post cream
Sanguine Shavette/Super Max SS blade
Vulfix Grosvenor 404 Badger/Boar
Nanny's Forest of Norway Soap
Home produced toner (based on cider vinegar)
Organic Shea Butter
Yardley Citrus & Wood EDT
Morgan's Classic Hair Cream

3 Pass BBS.
Sunday 10-14-12. MUSIC: Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane.


Soap from Aleppo - Rooney 1/2 silvertip - Merkur 25C - Astra green #1 - Pre JASÖN - Gibbs Nº 53 shaving soap - Alum block - Thayers Original - ASB Truefitt & Hill Classic - ASL Pinaud Clubman.
Sunday morning

Pre-shave soap: Musgo Real Glyce Lime
Soap: DR Harris Arlington
Brush: Butterscotch Duke 3
Razor: Dovo 6/8 "Best Quality"
Post: Cold rinse, DR Harris pink milk
EdT: 1870

Passable 2-pass shave. First time I've felt presentable after a straight-only shave. About 80% of the way to perfect ...

Proraso Pre/Post (Original formula)
Ikon S3S
Supermax Platinum
Neep Jubilee
Vitos Extra Super Shaving Soap - Coconut
Nivea Replenishing Aftershave Balm
Creed Original Santal

Hard work to get anywhere near today - meh!

Morning shave.

Proraso Pre/Post


Gillette 7 o'clock (Yellow)

EJ Best badger brush

Palmolive Shaving Cream

Boots Witch Hazel

L'Oreal Aftershave Balm

Prada aftershave

Normal pre soak with hot flannel then the Proraso then a squeeze of Palmolive into the centre of the brush & a good face lather. Two passes, WTG & XTG, not too bad but not as good as I get with the Supermax Blue Diamond. Finished with cold rinse & splash of Witch Hazel followed by the balm. Very slight irritation too.

Will try the same again tomorrow, but if no improvement then strike one Gillette Yellow 7 o'clock!
Prep: Nivea Face Scrub
Razor: Weber Bulldog DLC
Blade: Gillette Super Thin (New Improved) #1
Brush: Simpsons Duke 2 Best
Soap: MWF
After: Proraso Menthol Post Cream (Old Formula)
AfterAfter: Proraso Aftershave Lotion (New Formula)

Excellent Sunday night shave
Scent from Heaven Chocolate shaving soap
Fatboy (gold plated) on 4, 2 with Gillette "Swede" Platinum
Old Spice Whitewater a/s splash

Very nice, smooth shave. No need to go uber-close.

After the Whitewater has been on a few minutes I can smell a mix of it and the chocolate shaving soap!
Day of rest:
Stonking hot shower
Dr Harris Windsor cream (Bowl lathered)
Kent BK8
Weber DLC - Polisilver Stainless
Cold water face cloth (from freezer)

My first hot shave (usually use cold water) for a while. After ripping my face apart for the last week with the R41 this was pure luxury. I don't break out my Kent much anymore, but there's no substitute. Pure luxury. A new addition to my routine taken from mantics blog was putting a wet face cloth in the freezer whilst shower and shaving, was nice and refreshing and took all the red flushed colour out of my cheeks. Bloody lovely.