Shave of the day. W/C Saturday 6th November

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Thursday Night:

    • - Le Tuft Urban Hermit's Black & Blues custom shave set
      - Lord Cool blade
      - Nanny's Lavender soft shave soap
      - Thayers' Lavender witch Hazel[/list:u][/list:u]

      ... a relaxing wind-down to pretty much a crapola sort of workday.
      • ... and I still, really love the term "Lord Cool" shave blades - good thing I find their performance more than up to the task so far.[/list:u]

Razor: Gillette Slim (1st pass on 5, 2nd pass on 3)
Blade: Personna Platinum (#1)
Brush: Semogue Owners Club Brush (2nd Outing)
Soap: Mitchell’s Wool Fat (beginning to run out)
After Shave: Thayers Witch Hazel Aftershave with Aloe Vera
After Shave Balm: Handmade Naturals: Organic calendula & aloe after-shave balm.

Today was the second outing for my Semogue Owners Club brush, I’d tried to break it in a little prior to using it with 4 or 5 test lathers, so it’s had a little use but it’s no where near broken in yet. It’s also the messiest brush I own, next to my New Forest brushes it’s looks like an unkempt wild child that’s had a couple of seriously heavy nights. I love the handle though, and even in it’s per-broken in stage it’s showing great potential.

Yeah he used the Obsidian with cream HERE. I doubt it's his technique. I don't know how comfortable his shave was but I'll stay away from the cream. Thanks.
Razor: Rolls Razor
Brush: Omega 599
Cream: TOBS Sandalwood

Wring 3x. 5min 23. 6 pass. Rework 1, 2, 4, 5. Texture of cream was hard kept falling off while trying to work in lather. 2min in lather formed.
Post-shave smooth as can be sans moisturiser.

Edwin Jagger DE89 with a Jewel Blade #2
Wars cream on a Vulfix 2235
Tabac ASL

A very pleasant shave, happy with the Jewel blade and the Tabac grew on me yesterday

Antient Gillette (Canadian) OC
Astra SP (1)
Fido NF 2201
Erasmic Cream

Nivea ASB
C&E Sienna EdeT

A good, efficient shave however I'm out of practice with this razor so the smoothness will take a few days to rediscover.

Pedro's spare handle has saved the razor from a life of lying around feeling sorry for has got it's mojo back .

The (beloved) Erasmic cream was ok - still smells great - but I think that I will stick to soaps for the colder months.


Proraso sensitive pre/post
Gillette Slim
Gillette Super Thin
D R Harris Arlington soap
SImpsons Keyhole 2
Body Shop Razor Relief
GFT Bay Rum cologne sample

First time with the Super Thin blade this morning and it gave me a nice close shave. Let's see how they do for longevity over the next couple of shaves.

Merkur HD
astra (1)
Simpsons 57 2 band
MB Unscented
Ogallala limes and peppercorns

Went running back to the astra after yesterdays horrible shave with the 7 o'clock black, lots of left over irritation so used the ogallala,it worked a treat but the longer it's left on my face the More it's starting to irritate.
Pre: Hot shower
Brush: Henk 21 mm silvertip
Razor: Boker "Griplus"
Soap: Cella
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very clean
I had to stop myself from chuckle when I shaved today, it was such a treat. Really, I had to pull my face together to be able to shave. What a blade!
SiR-ed8 said:
Wring 3x. 5min 23. 6 pass. Rework 1, 2, 4, 5. Texture of cream was hard kept falling off while trying to work in lather. 2min in lather formed.
Post-shave smooth as can be sans moisturiser.

I wish i understood this. :lol:

Three sessions of table tennis in 24 hours. There's still life in the old legs.

The Astor is the Simpsons 90th anniversary LE brush. It's my favourite two band. Not too dense, the 52 mm loft is just right. Palmolive really is incredible value - lather is as good as most highly priced hard soaps. The brush cost 375 times the cost of the soap stick! Works just great in the mini casserole dish.


I'm a few weeks ahead of you in the breaking in process, but agree with your sentiments entirely. Especially seeing the SOC sat in cupboard between my two New Forest brushes! It has the best handle of all my brushes too.
Friday, 11-12-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Vie-Long P3_55 mm. - Merkur 37C slant - Israeli Personna #2 - Valobra stick in a puck - Alum block - ASL Lilac Vegetal by Pinaud + ASB Floïd.

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