Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 5 June 2010

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Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010


MWF wash
Slim & Astra (3)
Tabac & 404
Tabac AS

Recently my psoriasis had flared up on my right hand and was just not clearing, til i had an epiphany on sunday (best days to have them ). I started applying the aftershave with just my left hand and now it is starting to clear up nicely, the alcohol was obviously drying out the skin and exasperating the symptoms. Obvious really :?
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010


Merkur 34c
Shark (4)
404 Bodger
Palmolive SS

Nivea ASB
Old Spice (USA) AS

Another very good shave in this rotation. It's ages since I used a Palmolive stick and with the holidays looming I thought that a reintroduction was long overdue. It was terrific and I had forgotten just how good and effective it actually is!

Scent, lather, smoothness - its all there. Newbies take note, it's only 49p.


What a difference the hardness of water makes...

AoS travel badger brush
R89 / Gillette Bleue
Gillette Sensitive sc tube
Osma alum
Floid (Italian) AS
YSL Kouros EdT

Greetings from Shanghai, folks.
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010

Tuesday morning - with a Le Grelot bought on SRP
Pre: Hot shower, made in Sweden
Straight: Le Grelot, made in France
Brush: Custom 2 band finest, made in England (by Chris here)
Soap: Monsavone, made in France
Post: Proraso, made in Italy
AS: LaCoste Challenge, made in France

Wow, these Le Grelots sure can shave! I _think_ that they´re close relatives to Swedish straights/Heljes, in the way they shave and the construction of the blade/quality of steel. Just my two pennies though. What a nice shave it was today and I went French as far as I could today
This is a keeper, I´m buying a pouche for her (Miller time again ).
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010

Tuesday, 06-08-10.

Soap from Aleppo in the shower - Semogue LE09 - Gillette Super Speed (Y-1) - Israeli Personna #2 - Pre Proraso - TABAC shaving soap - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL spanish Floïd Blue + ASB 444.

Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010


Gillette Tech
No Name Badger Brush
Witch Hazel
Anthony Logistics Balm

Comfortable but a little patchy in areas. Wanted to try out the Anthony balm proper today and it's weird stuff. It works but has made my top lip sweat. Strange. Again leaving out the alum has saved me a lot of discomfort.
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010


Gillette open comb (1930s/1940s Service Set of some kind, as yet unidentified but almost identical to this)
Palmolive soap (grated into a dish)
Kent BK4
Alum Block
Gillette Series AS Balm
Tabac AS
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010

Monday night:

Later than usual ...

- Lots & lots of cold water.
- Dipped my men-u bristles into my JM Fraser sample of Jake's Sport shave cream from Gary at Shoebox Shaving.
- Red bakelite Minora 3-piece and a NNS Nacet Platinum also from Gary at Shoebox Shaving ... deffo Russian/ZAO stock with the tell-tale 4 blobs o' glue.
- Witch hazel
- Koportu (SP?) Limon kolonya as AS
- Urban Hermit's own Bay Rum Baba Balm ASL

Started to late; took too long; made too many repeat tracks with the blade/razor. ... all that considered, plus a wee bit of persistent stubble, and a tiny bit of not-quite-razor-burn, no blood and otherwise a shave that is both hunky and dory, simultaneously.
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010

Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning

Pre: Hot towel
UberLather: Erasmic Shavebowl soap and Wars Cream
Razor: 5/8 Stainless Steel Round Point Basler
Brush: Vulfix 2235 Super Badger
Post: Alum, Aquatonic AS
Post, Post:
Rather a large glass of Aberlour 10 year old single malt

About my 12th straight shave and after making very little progress in the last few shaves I decided to re-watch what seemed like all the straight shaving tutorials on YouTube.

This shave took about 40 minutes and I made far too many passes but I know my skin well from when I learned DE shaving. I know that it will take it fine at the moment and I know when I'll need to lay off for a couple of days.

Anyway the shave! Gradually gaining muscle memory and establishing what passes work for me. Above the jaw line its a good close shave, but still taking much more effort than a DE shave, consistency of blade angle improved a lot tonight and I tried directional passes that I had not tried before and they worked. I'm gaining much more confidence with my left hand in fact I reckon that some of my left hand shaving is better than the right, but that just reinforces a suspicion that I am probably mildly left handed but was taught to to be right handed as a toddler. Certainly I'm left eyed, left footed and am more comfortable boxing as a southpaw!

Below jaw line is far closer than it has been before but but still rates at about 400 grit
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010

Razor: Tsugeru Kanetaka S2
Brush: Vie-Long 12315
Soap: OBR Bayrum & Sandalwood
AS: OBR Bayrum & Sandalwood, AII Osage
Cologne: OBR Bayrum

Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010

Fusion - I don't actually own a safety razor any more
Semogue 1305 shaving brush
Palmolive shaving soap stick
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010

Vinny...does that mean you are a full-time convert back to the Bic Sensitive and cart razors?


'59 Fatboy
Wilkinson Sword white label (4)
EJ Med Silvertip
SWK Scuttle
ToOBS Sandalwood SC
CHH Tobacco AS
Nivea ASB

Nice shave, though that was clearly the last shave from that particular blade.

Have a good day gents.
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010


MWF Soap
Slim & Astra (4)
Tabac & 404 Mix
Tabac AS

early shave today - you can't beat marching about the square to set your day off on the right foot - well, left actually

sometimes, i hate this job Anyway, good shave for a last day jobber - single pass and touch up - fnarr
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010

AJP said:
Vinny...does that mean you are a full-time convert back to the Bic Sensitive and cart razors?

I'm going with the Sensor.

The Bics are brilliant, really - it's just the Sensor does a bit more (head shaving if needed, easier to rinse and a closer shave in fewer passes).

DEs and the Feather AC were nice to use but they required a bit more concentration than I can spare in the morning.
Re: Shave of the Day. W/C Sat 5 June 2010


EJ Best Badger
Kent Soap (MWF)
Clinique Post Shave Soother

After using creams/soft soap exclusively for a good while, I thought I'd dig out the fat. The fact that my face is a bit warm is reminding me why I went back to creams. Haven't had a shave this crap for a good while.

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