Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 3rd July 2010

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6/8 Air Brand straight
Body Shop Maca Root cream
Kent BK4
Alum block
Simple For Men AS Balm
Blue Stratos AS

2nd ever straight shave - only a couple of tiny nicks this time, though struggling with shaving the point of my chin ATG to actually get it smooth. The stubble on the end of it just seems to stop the blade dead in its tracks and deflect it so that it then digs in. I guess I'll discover a strategy to avoid this in future with more practice! Other than that, I actually managed a DFS :D
Sunday, Evening

... and sultry is the breeze caressing the leaves that teasingly sway about the tree branches which drape about the windows of my flat's livingroom; revealing intimate glimpses of sun-dappled bark-clad limbs, like a ballet dancer's tutu diffuses the voyeuristic footlights on each evening's performance.

The sun, dipping behind the funeral parlour across the road, reminds me that all of life's joys are fleeting, ephemeral, tinged by the morbid hues of bruises brutally inflicted upon us by Time, who beats us to a bloody, pulpy death and leaves our corpses in a blind alley, but only after pissing in our swollen disfigured faces one last time.

    • Ah, Summer ... oh well. On with the shavey stuff:[/list:u][/list:u]
      • - cold water, lots of it for dunkings and rinses etc.
        - cleansed with Thayers' Rose witch hazel with a single drop of MenthoHol
        • ... nice, I guess, but a bit too over powering menthol scent-wise[/list:u]
          - Boots' Cool Cologne shave cream & Omega Pro 49
          - 1960 Gillette Adjustable 'Fatboy' with a Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge (Russian yellow)
          • - 3-pass shave at settings 3-4-3[/list:u]
            - My Mighty Menthol AlumWater spritz
            - Thayers' Rose Witch Hazel
            - Nivea Cool Kick ASB[/list:u]

            A bit dissatisfactory.

            Not the shave itself, though I did too much OCD going over the same area too many times, so a bit meh, not even really raw or truly irritated, just kinda meh in the usual trouble spots. The Fatboi performed with diligence and distinction in most places, including under the honking great skislope of my nose and around both of my chins.

            The cream smelled ok and did 2 passes pretty well, but I guess I didn't load enough for the full third pass.

            The ASB is not a sensitive skin one, but I figured I'd try it anyway as it is supposed to be a 'Cool Kick'. Sadly the cool kick was preceded by taser darts, and some alcohol-fueled strikes with a hot rubberhose, before a pixie (in plimsolls that just came from an under-powered fridge's crisper drawer - lettuce limply wrapped about the toes), halfheartedly nudged my chin.

            Tomoorow is another day ... another Monday, sadly, but I'm looking forward to some things that should be being put in the post for me tomorrow, so where on the karmic wheel does this shave sit?
              • FiIk.[/list:u][/list:u]

Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Merkur 38C
Blade: Gillette Suer Thin (2)
Soap: Boots Cool Cologne
Astringent: Thayers Original Witch Hazel with Aloe
AS: Proraso

Urban I seem ed to have the same wishy washy shave as you had with the Boots. It's the first time I used it but will rotate it in again during the week with a Red IP blade. I can't seem to use any other razor than my 38C at the moment. It's weight is fantastic!
Sun. 4th July 2010 10-11pm.

Good evening/morning folks!

M. Slant 37g / Personna Red (1)
EJ Med. S/tip
Coconut cream,(Trumper's I think).
Alum / Thayers W. Hazel Toner, (Rose). Prep: Warm bath.

Nice, lazy affair! CCS. Nice subtle fragrance from the Thayers, perceptible for about an hour- I like it! Off to beddy-byes for me. 'Night all , (we-l-l, maybe a very quick surf around the forum afore I go ;) )

Razor: Rogers Special
Brush: MM928 Cocobolo short
Cream: Ginger's Garden Bayrum Lime
Lotion: Ogallala Bayrum & Sandalwood

Sunday Night

USA Special 5/8 round point
Edwin Jagger DE89 with Laser Ultra blade
Mr Taylor's shaving cream on a Vulfix 2235
Witch hazel

Str8 save no 19. The straight was again a bit better than last, and I would have been happy to go to work with no clean up after it. However I've got a nights sleep to fit in before I do so a DE was enlisted to provide a BBS.

When DE shaving I normally do 3 DE passes plus some localised clean up with blade buffing and J hooking. However, if I do 2 straight passes and 1 DE I don't need to do anywhere near as much localised clean up work! I'm sat here with about the smoothest face I've had since puberty, some minor irritation but that's all a great combination of equipment.
Razor: Rolls Razor
Brush: Omega 599
Cream: Lord Emo Menthol
AS: Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bayrum, AII Osage


'59 Fatboy
Thai Superthin (5)
2201 New Forest (Possibly the "Burley"...?)
SWK Scuttle
Boots Soap
Witch Hazel
Boots Freshwood AS.
Hot Towel
Ever Ready 12a/TRS sensitive
Gillette slim/Astra
L'occitaine Cade ASB

3 passes resulting in a smooth and uneventful shave,,very nice
fresh coffee,,,also very nice :)

Off to the Post office now.
regards, beejay
Monday morning
Pre: Hot/cold shower
Razor: Garantie
Brush "Henk" 20 mm silvertip
Cream: Vulfix Rose
Post: Proraso
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
Result: Very good!

This Solingen blade is very nice, looks like a pretty plain German 5/8, but boy does she shave nice! and Henks brush was very nice, face lathering with cold water/scuttle today and it was very nice :D

Schick Injector Type "J"
Schick Blade
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Boots Witch Hazel
Nivea Sensitive asb

Took it a bit more steady with the Injector today and got a better result.

Re: Monday

andyjreid said:
Quite an expensive day on the shaving software but nice nonetheless.

True, I hadn't shaved with the AdP for months, almost forgotten how good the stuff is (albeit pricey)...
Razor: EJ DE87
Blade: Iridium Super
Brush: Duke 2 Best
Soap: D R Harris Almond

The "shaving my head every day" bubble has burst after less than a week. Can't be arsed with faffing about so will be going back to doing it as and when I can be bothered / bovered (Fido).

Just working my way through the few DE blades I have left. Well, if I'm getting a pay freeze for 2 years with the threat of redundancies looming I can hardly afford to go wasting money on expensive Gillette cartridges now, can I?
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