Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 31st July 2010

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Gillette 58 / Gillette Goal D2
Rudy Vey Beehive w/ shavemac knot
Speick stick
Speick ASL

Speick product range is a bit like Proraso in as far as all their stuff is good.
fozz77 said:

Gillette 58 / Gillette Goal D2
Rudy Vey Beehive w/ shavemac knot
Speick stick
Speick ASL

Speick product range is a bit like Proraso in as far as all their stuff is good.

+1 :shave The AS Splash is outstanding
Friday - A Tale of 3 Razors

Razors - Valet Auto Strop/Schick Injector Model L/Gillette Alloy Tech
Blades - Modified Super-Max SS/Personna PTFE Injector/Feather (2)
Vulfix 404 Boadger
MWF - M-Bombed
Boots Fresh Wood ASB
G Bellini Ice [with added menthol}

Yesterday I received 3 razors and today tried 2 out, the first the Valet Auto Strop, I have the version the dosen't take the modified SE blade, so I modified a DE blade, the shave was so so, it really needs the thickness of a SE blade, but hey I can shave with it, so then I used the Schick to clean up the rest of the stubble, the model L is very mild know where near as aggressive as my PAL, so in the end I used my alloy Tech with a Shimmed up blade up to finish the shave off. In the end I ended up with a reasonable shave after a lot of passes, hey but it was fun. The M-Bomb rocks, finally sussed how to use it, eye watering menthol MWF!!!!.


Friday, 08-06-10.

Soap from Marsella 72% palm oil - Vulfix 2233 boar brush - Ever Ready 1912 - Ted Pella GEM #2 - Pre Proraso - Godrej mentholated - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Aqua velva + ASB 444.


Gillette super thin
New forest fido 2201
Mama bears ice lime
Old Spice fresh lime

Futur+ super thin + fido + alum all excellent as usual.
Only added one new element to the mix today , MB ice lime. Quite a strong menthol hit and not as limey , lathered up quickly on my trusty fido .Very cooling .I liked it.Its good stuff alright. I'll try the dublin tweed next.

Enjoy the rest of the day

Friday 4pm

Hot shower
New Forest Brush
Gillette Superthin (2)
Merkur 39C
Osma Alum
Proraso cream
Floid ble AS

The MWF whipped up into frothy lather very quickly and then calmed down a bit, but it wasn't great but still only my second attempt. I was probably a bit heavy handed with the superthin and has some neck irritation, but the Proraso cream did a great job of calming it down. Ten minutes later and Floid brought out the menthol all over again, and the irritation is minimal, just cool and fresh.

More skill needed tomorrow :roll:

Gillette Slim Twist
Gillette Superthin (2)
Vulfix 404 Boar
Palmolive Soap
Old Spice Whitewater

Forgot to post this earlier. I get such great results with Palmolive that I'm beginning to wonder why I ever use anything else, DFS achieved.
Friday - 2nd Shave

Gillette Fat Handle Tech
TBS Synthectic Brush
Dorco ST301
Palmolive Shaving Stick
Lacura moisturising cream as ASB
Excite AS [with added menthol]

Decided to have a 2nd shave tonight after my experiment early [I'm one of the lucky ones that can shave twice a day], I face lathered tonight as I can't remember the last time I done this and got a wonderful lather, my ebay Tech was pressed into service with a Sainsburys Dorco and I had a luvly shave a DFS, the Fat handle to me is a better shaver than my alloy Tech, both being very good shavers.


Blyth Spirit said:

Merkur Super (3)
Grosvenor 404 Bodger
ToOBS Cream (Mr Taylor) - phew, the end is definitely tomorrow!

Fresh Wood AS
Imperial Leather Talc

Again very good.

Used the talc as a dusting, after the AS had settled in a bit, and I am rather pleased with the result. Go on, give it a whirl.
Tell me Blyth, did you bouffant your hair, and put on a white lacy cravat, and maybe paint a beauty spot on the lower part of your face? Perhap's you also wore a rather fetching pair of Knee britches-in lavender or pink? All to go with the talcing of the face-of course !! :lol:

(yeah! I'll probably try it ... :oops: )
My face is extremely smooth again today and I am thrilled.

Merkur Barberpole HD O/C Razor.
Merkur blade(new).
Bodyshop Maca Root cream.
Savile Row 3120 S/Tip brush. Afterwards: Alum. Gillette series Intense cooling balm. Tabac AS.
Liz Riley Shaving bowl c/w handle.

The new razor is a real "handful", heavier than I thought it would be! I thought I would give the rather controversial blade a spin, it seems ok at present. the Bodyshop Maca root cream is lovely, and together with the excellent Shaving bowl, you would have to be really inept not to make a really slick, smooth, and creamy lather, without too much effort! The brush was as reliable as ever. Two passes,with & against, and a very even SAS. No nicks, irritation or soreness! It was just a work day shave, so didn't try too hard. Incidentally, the above Balm is exactly as described - intense! It easily matches any menthol based product I have tried, and is very cooling!

spandex.. :shave :D
Don't go quoting your Bristolian Gainsbrough fantasies at me young fellow...we all suffer for our addiction.

Ars gratia artis.


spandexcodpiece said:
Blyth Spirit said:

Merkur Super (3)
Grosvenor 404 Bodger
ToOBS Cream (Mr Taylor) - phew, the end is definitely tomorrow!

Fresh Wood AS
Imperial Leather Talc

Again very good.

Used the talc as a dusting, after the AS had settled in a bit, and I am rather pleased with the result. Go on, give it a whirl.
Tell me Blyth, did you bouffant your hair, and put on a white lacy cravat, and maybe paint a beauty spot on the lower part of your face? Perhap's you also wore a rather fetching pair of Knee britches-in lavender or pink? All to go with the talcing of the face-of course !! :lol:

(yeah! I'll probably try it ... :oops: )
My face is extremely smooth again today and I am thrilled.
Blyth Spirit said:
Don't go quoting your Bristolian Gainsbrough fantasies at me young fellow...we all suffer for our addiction.

Ars gratia artis.


spandexcodpiece said:
Blyth Spirit said:

Merkur Super (3)
Grosvenor 404 Bodger
ToOBS Cream (Mr Taylor) - phew, the end is definitely tomorrow!

Fresh Wood AS
Imperial Leather Talc

Again very good.

Used the talc as a dusting, after the AS had settled in a bit, and I am rather pleased with the result. Go on, give it a whirl.
Tell me Blyth, did you bouffant your hair, and put on a white lacy cravat, and maybe paint a beauty spot on the lower part of your face? Perhap's you also wore a rather fetching pair of Knee britches-in lavender or pink? All to go with the talcing of the face-of course !! :lol:

(yeah! I'll probably try it ... :oops: )
My face is extremely smooth again today and I am thrilled.

...Nice one Blyth, and 'spot' on, of course... :lol:
I've been away for the past few days in Finland. A quick run down.

Wednesday (day I left UK)
Merkur 15C
Israeli Blade (3)
Pure Badger Brush
Coates Ltd edition cream
Coral Skin food (pre and post shave)

Thursday and Friday (in Finland)
Mühle R89
Israeli (1)
Super Badger Travel Brush
TOBS st James shave stick
Limes skin food (post shave only)
Next after shave moisturiser (Thursday only)

Thursday DFS. Friday's was particularly good DFS+
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