Shave of the day. W/C Saturday 30th October 2010

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Monday, 4 days growth post surgery.

Merkur TRAC II
Sensor 3
Simpsons Duke 2 Best
MB Bay Rhum
Ogallala Bay Rum, lime and peppercorn
Body Shop razor relief

4 days growth gone in 2 passes. Looking forward to the arrival of the Simpsons 57.
Monday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: C V Heljestrand no 4
Brush: Custom by Chris, 24 mm two banded
Soap: Mama Bears unscented
AS: Old Spice fresh Lime
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very Nice :D

A very nice shave, one nick though. Loaded the brush for 5 sec only, but I got more than enogh lather (I´ve got really soft water though). I´m surpirsed by how much it produces :eek:. We had loaded up with candy yesterday, but only three kids showed, maybe more´ll come tonigh :D
Post-surgery, Ids? I know how that feels, so you have my sympathy. Get well soon, mate.


Pre: Hot facecloth
Soap: Palmolive stick
Brush: New Forest 2201
Razor: Feather AS
Blade: Feather (3)
Post: Body Shop Maca Root Razor Burn Relief
Cologne: Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes.

The more I use the Palmolive stick, the more I like it. This morning the lather wasn't quite as thick and luxuriant as usual (my fault entirely) but it still provided me with a great shave. Very enjoyable.

Have a good day, guys.


November 2010:
Gillette Mach 3
Simpson Tulip 2
D R Harris Almond soap
Taylor of Old Bond St #74 (original) aftershave

Razor: Merkur 33c
Blade: Feather
Brush: EJ best
Cream: Bluebeards revenge (thanks Pig Cat!)

Nice shave but my later was a bit on the airy side. I'm putting this down to not enough cream. Great scent to the cream.
Monday 1st November

Cella - New Forest 2201 - Gillette Rocket - Gillette Bleue (2) - DR Harris Marlborough AS

Nice shave this morning. Two passes, smooth enough for work.

Gillette Tech (Gold Plated)
Gillette Swede
New Forest 2201
L'Occitane Cade soap
Nivea Sensitive asb

Monday 1st November

Merkur HD
Wilkinson Sword Blade
Somerset Simpsons Chubby1 Best
Bluebeard's Revenge
Floid Blue
Kiehl's Moisturiser

About as good as it gets!
Monday - just shaving really

King of Shaves Alpha oil
Palmolive cream
Gillette alu Tech
Bic Chrome Platinum
Witch Hazel splash
Nivea ASB

Good clean shave, noting to say other than this trad DE stuff still keeps working!
Monday early am

Aristocrat Jr. & Wilkinson Sword (#3) > SOC & La Toja stick > alum
> La Toja after shave > Henks' Dutch Moss after shave balm

A very nice shave at 5:30am, face needed this after feeling pretty rough following Saturday's shave with the FT Rocket.
Monday Nov 1 from Colorado

Gillette Super Adjustable, Long-Handle
NF2201 (nice brush, Fido)
Astra Superior
TOBS Avocado
Homebrew Cheapo Astringent (Walmart witchhazel, Dollar Store Old Spice knockoff, alcohol, grapefruit essential oil)
Prairie-Creations Goat Milk Balm, Polo scent

-> You know, Astra Superiors just keep coming back to the front of the line, over and over and over and over.

-> Hope you all enjoyed the tank job by the Broncos at Wembley Stadium on Sunday. We are hanging out heads
here in Colorado, a total embarrassment. The coach's days are numbered. This used to be a proud, respected and
feared team. :oops:


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