Shave of the day. W/C Saturday 30th October 2010

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Thank you for sharing your shaves, gentlemen

Today I've been walking with the camera in hand through the valleys near Gipuzkoa

The palace-tower of Donamaria, it is a defensive building. It was restored because it was demolished in the XV century after the conquest of the Kingdom of Navarre by the Kingdom of Castile.

The trees are losing their leaves or painting them in red

Red frog, endemic of the Atlantic forests of Spain, protected by law and rarely seen.

And yes, I have a shave this morning...

Vulfix "Strand" + TGN Silvertip : Henckels FRIODUR 5/8 : Lavenda SC : Proraso ASB : Lavenda EdC


6/8 Royal Warmar
Nanny's Ice & A Slice cream
Simpson's Commodore X1
Razorock alum stick
L'Oreal Men Expert Hydra Energetic post shave balm
Blue Stratos AS

First use of Nanny's Ice & A Slice cream that arrived today. What fabulous stuff! It smells divine and 'real' (especially compared to the awful 'cheap washing up liquid' scent of TOBS Lemon & Lime cream), and it's thick, slick and face-lathers beautifully. There's no discernable menthol note to the scent, but I can definitely feel the tell-tale coolness on the skin when I lather up and the enhanced icy chill is even more evident when you splash with cold water. I could almost eat the stuff as it smells delicious - another winner from Sharon :shave

Realised half way through that I'd colour coordinated, so the aftershave was chosen accordingly:

New Forest silvertip
Gebr. Lang "Fermarud" 3/8 round point

Mitchell's Wool Fat
Tabac aftershave.

Time to crack out the sheep juice, after a long layoff. It did occur to me that it might misbehave because of that, but I needn't have worried, and Fido's brush seems to suit it well. The Fermarud seems to be right on the width limit for me - tricky to get the angle right - but it gives sterling service given a bit of extra care and patience.
Tuesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Brush: New Forest two band
Razor: Filharmonica Doble Temple
Soap: Nannys Yushu
AS: Old Spice Musk
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very clean

I´ve heard so much re the Fillis and now I´ve got one . It shaved really easy for me and I was kind of surprised (suspected it was a hype).
It wasn´t sharper than my other razors or something, it was just easy shaving all the way. Funny... have to try again .
Tuesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Brush: WS Bristle
Razor: WS classic
Blade: WS
Cream: Ingrams
AS: Old Spice
Moisturiser: Nivea sensitive (for these winter days!)
Result: BBS - My best yet

After justover a week of this DE shaving I feel I am now starting to get the hang of it!

The brush has now came into its own and is bloody brilliant for the price payed and great for noobs like myself!
The WS razor is also great for noobs IMHO and again doesn't cost too much and is readily available on the high st.

In conclusion, today's shave was the best yet and I can't wait for the next now!
Tuesday 2nd November

Mitchell's Wool Fat - Duke 2 Best - Gillette Rocket - Gillette Bleue (3) - Ogallala Bay Rum Limes & Peppercorns

First try with the Wool Fat, I face lathered and got an okay lather. It was drying out towards the end of the first pass though so added a bit more water for the second. The combination of soap and aftershave have left my skin feeling fantastic though, very impressed for a first attempt.

Pre: Hot facecloth
Soap: Palmolive stick
Brush: New Forest 2201
Razor: Merkur Futur
Blade: Super Iridium
Post: Acca Kappa 1869 post-shave gel
Cologne: Acca Kappa 1869

Clearly, there's an opportunity here. I'm going to sell my used Iridiums on the Bay of Thieves. Three shaves, a quick wipe over, back in the paper and straight on the Bay. Tenner each, I reckon. All blades will come with a copy of the proof of purchase, and if you buy ten, they'll come in the original box. Form an orderly queue.

Have a good day.


Merkur 37c
Merkur Stainless (3)
404 Bodger
Nanny's Yushu Soap

Forest Fresh AS
Nivea ASB

The Yushu soap smells (to me) like the freshness of a pine forest after a shower of rain - wonderful, now if Nanny made an aftershave to face always feels well nourished after a shave with one of Aunt Sharon's little gems.

That was the last of the Forest Fresh AS; I do like it but I want to work my way through some of the others in my current collection.

Excellent shave, again!
ikon bulldog classic
feather (1)
NF silver

Despite the thick creamy nature of Tabac ,I always find the shave a let down, always ends with blood. Still I'll give it a go again at some point, at this rate the puck going to last a long time.
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

1964 Macys badger (yes, the brush is dated on the bottom)
1958 Executive/Iridium
Surrey SS (pre VDH reformulation)
Caron 'Yatagan' AS (1970s vintage)
Caron 'Yatagan' Pour Monsieur EdT (1970s vintage)

BBS results,


Razor:1966 Slim Adjustable set on 6
Blade: Wilkinson Sword Classic
Brush: Wilkinson Sword Classic
Post: Alum, Azarro PH splash

A quick 2 pass shave, very good.
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