Shave of the Day w/c Saturday 27th March 2010

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I guess it would work however, the moisteriser is easier to apply with the AS mixed in.

Musgo Real Glycerine Lime Oil Pre-Shave Soap
Penhaligon's Opus 1870 Shaving Cream
Semogue 2040HD silvertip Brush
ERN Crown & Sword «Extra Hollow Ground» Straight Razor
Denim Black After Shave Splash
444 After Shave Balm

If you hav'nt already tried Super Iridiums, give them a whirl. They are good blades & I can vouch for them in a HD.

Feather Popular
Feather Blade (1)
Vulfix 404 Boar
Erasmic Shavebowl
Azzaro EDT

A DFS. I'm off on holiday next week camping, so thought I would have a try out of the kit I intend taking.

The popular certainly is a decent razor, albeit not on a par with either my EJ DE89 or Futur, but it provides a good shave and given its cost wouldn't be a disaster if it when awol while away. It was also noticeable that my lathering technique has improves since the last time I used the boar brush.
Tuesday 30/3, am

Aramis Lab series facewash
Dovo badger
Futur (3, 2 1/2)
Merkur Platinum (3)
Fresh Line 'Olympios Zeus' soap
ToBS St. James creme (first time used)
ToBS St. James AS (first time used)
AoS ASB (sample provided by The Irish Barber)

Good shave but irritation again at lower neck.


EJ Chatsworth
Supermax SS
SWK Scuttle
Mühle Pure Badger
Kent soap
Trimaran AS
Dr Henk's Bay Rum ASB.

I thought i had lost the lather this morning - it turned very airy and like a light foam after i had lathered and while i was applying the wet towel. However, i managed to get it back by adding a drop or 2 of water and going at it again. I wonder if this is the key when lather goes all airy? Anyone else sometimes get this? Once i had re-mixed, the lather was there, longlasting and slick!

Have a good day gents.

Israeli (Shaving Shack) Personna (1)
EJ Med Pure
Body Shop Maca Root Cream

Forest Fresh AS
Nivea ASB

Excellent result! Let's see how these IPs perform over a few rotations; I've got dozens of them, so they may as well get used or at least a fair crack of the whip.

I think that this may now be my hardware set-up for a few weeks.

Edwin Jagger DE87
Gillette 7 O'Clock Black (3)
Vulfix VS5
Tabac Soap
Wilkos AB
Old Spice (P&G) AS

3rd shave with cold water and a rather hurried one, due to a change of shifts, so a quick spin around the chops and got a DFS.

Have a nice and pleasant day Gents.


There's me muttering that my water's not hot enough and people are using cold water! What't the world coming to?

Always something new. Today I used Sonny's secret soap. It's pink and smells like roses and produces fine lather. But who makes it? Sonny will one day enlighten.
First proper run for my New Forest Best badger. It's a great knot - the softest tips of any best badger I have - more like a silvertip. Excellent.

And thanks to Antdad, a dollop of Tabac balm was sprinkled with the A/S - very nice. Chatsworth/red personna as good as ever.


30's Gillette New OC
Shave shake Israeli Blade (3)
GFT Pure Badger Brush
GFT Coconut cream
GFT Coral/moisteriser

DFS apart from usual redness bottom neck. I do seem to get less using the OC razor.

Ever Ready
Personna D3
Semogue 830
Kells Original - Casbah Mint
Aqua Velva / 444

Great shave. The Personna is done. They are a good blade, just, not as good as Ted Pella's IMO.
Tuesday 30-03-10.

Soap from Marseille - 50's Restored brush TGN Grade A silvertip - Merkur 25C - Personna red box #2 - Pre Proraso - TOBS Avocado sample - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Pashana sample + ASB 444.

The TOBS Avocado shaving cream is spectacular, a very good scent and the best leather you can have. The AS's mixture is fantastic too.

Special birthday shave

N1 Black-handled Superspeed - since I was born in the first quarter of 1968.
Cyril Salter Indian Sandalwood cream - my utter favourite scent.
Kent BK4 Silvertip badger brush - amazing lather maker
L'Oreal Men Expert 24Hr Hydrating AS Balm - keeps my face soft & young afterwards
Body Shop Activist EDT - my birthday present from my 9yr-old daughter today

Happy Birthday lagaffe

Bic Sensitive
Semogue 1305
Old Spice soap
Old Spice aftershave
Yowee!! gave myself a nice 1" nick today i was however rewarded with my best straight shave to date so im slowly getting there.

Gold dollar 200
P160 tipo duro soap
Thayers asb

Im slowly figuring out how to shave with a straight, can't go atg right after i go xtg i need to do an in between the two kind of diagonally, im that bristly that it'll stop the razor dead in it's tracks but if i make a diagonal pass then my hair is sufficiently short enough to make atg doable.
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