Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 26th June 2010

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I've not been on here for a while as I had no internet for a few days, plus other commitment etc. Also means I've only skipped back through the last few pages of SOTD. Anyway todays SOTD


Merkur Slant 37c
Feather (3)
Pure Badger
Penhaligons opus 1870 *
Coral Skin Food

Just a 2/3 pass shave, but very light on the final pass. A DFS.

*I have put my Penhaligons into a tub rather than squirt from the tube. I like to dip my brush on the top. I notice that compared to other creams it's very runny and gooey. therefore dipping my brush on the top, gets a massive dollop. Anyway else experiance this (the runny watery like consistancy?

Mach 3
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Trumpers Coconut Shaving Cream
Boots Witch Hazel
L'Occitane asb

Another very good shave. Whenever I use the Mach 3, I always wonder why I ponce about with DE razors, but I always end up going back to one.

Hot towel
404mix/DRH Rose (Nice stuff )
Gillette slim/Astra (Great pairing)
L'occitaine Cade ASB

One of those shaves that was so well cushioned and effortless that I kept going back thinking it hadn't worked!,,,it had,,, and it was a lovely shave. Nice old razor and it liked tha Astra.

regards, beejay

EJ Chatsworth
Thai Superthin (5)
EJ Med Silvertip
SWK Scuttle
Palmolive Cream
CHH Tobbacco AS.
Good afternoon.

Mon Savon shaving soap
men-u pure bristle brush
Feather blade
Merkur HD razor
Proraso Pre/post

Irritation under my chin. I think because I normally shave with Futur, I have forgotten my HD technique.
The Proraso pre/post cream is good to have on hand. And quickly takes the heat out of my fizzer.

Neil's Yard soap
beejay custom silvertip
Thai Super Thin (8)
Gillette balm

Unimpressed with Neil's Yard soap. Too thin despite serious loading. I'll wring the brush out next time.
Only went for two passes and it was a pretty crap shave. I think the blade is on it's last legs too.

New Forest Superior Badger 2201* (2)
Nanny's Citrus Zinger Soft Soap* (applied to the face with the spatula)
1958 Gillette British TV Special
Gillette Thai Super Thin* (6)
Speick AS*

Jeepers! Where did all that lather come from? I had to scrape some off my face and add more water... more cushion than DFS (or any other soft furnishing retailer you care to mention) - a lovely shave, impossible without TSR. (All items marked with a * were purchased due to all you bleeding enablers thanks)
Tuesday, 06-29-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Omega 11126 boar brush - Super Slim Adjustable - Iridium Super #3 - Pre Proraso - Col. Conk Almond - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Brummel + ASB 444.


I chuck my blades after 3 sessions. After 8 the poor thing must be worn out! Heroic to get that far.

1949-50 Gillette Super Speed
Feather (#1)
Omega cream
Kent BK4
Alum Block
Simple for Men AS Balm
Floid Blue AS

Seriously hot in the flat, so I treated myself to a shave guaranteed to leave my face feeling ice-cold with all that menthol goodness!

New Forest 2201
Wallace Armer 5/8 round point

Tabac a/s

A brand new, cute little badger brush: so it's going to reek and not produce huge amounts of lather, right? Nonsense, on both counts: it's an inoffensive smelling lather monster. It gets a day off tomorrow, then it's Wool Fat time; in the meantime the verdict is that Fido has got this one spot on. Well done and thanks.
Hot Shower
Wilkinson's boar brush
Palmolive soap stick
1960 Gillette Fatboy with feather, set to 3
Cold water rinse
Alum rub
Nivea sensitive ASB

Very clean first shave with the newly acquired Fatboy, two passes was closer than with my Superspeed which I imagine is down to the sharpness of the Feather. My face is fine on a 3, but my neck a bit sore, I might relax the Fatboy to 1 on my neck next time.

Working on the underside of my chin and base of my neck is the next goal.
Edwin Jagger DE87
Red Personna
Simpson Tulip 2 (2-band) Super
D R Harris Almond soap
D R Harris Pink aftershave
Hammam Bouquet

Noxzema Foam
Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Sensor (Excel)
Johnson's Baby Lotion

I'm going to make a real effort to shave the bonce more often as I have been leaving it until the weekend lately. I've been looking at the Headblade range of lotions and potions (not the skate-board razor). I have been shaving my head for 20 years+ but have mainly stuck to whatever was cheap at the time. I might treat myself.

'59 Fatboy (4)
Thai Superthin (1)
Vulfix 404 Boadger
SWK Scuttle
Monsavon soap
Cerrus Blue Steel AS

Almost out of lather for pass 4 so a quick rub on the soap to reload. I think this was mainly due to me not loading enough at the start - i don't use the 404 often and so frequently when i do forget the little nuances of the brush. It's softening up nicely though.

This was the 2nd Monsavon shave and i really like this stuff!

Have a good day gents.
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