Shave of the day. W/C Saturday 26th Feb 2011

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N_Architect said:
Pretty nice shot there, Andy!

Yes, nice one Andy!

Well done Konstantinos! It does take time though, no short cuts possible with straights, I´m sorry to say. It can go faster if you have a mentor, perfect if in irl, that can help you with angels and how to hold, stretch and draw, but finally it´s down to you to get enough experience and muscle memory for the hand/s. I think. Hang in there though, it´s great fun once it clicks, only my two pennies worth though.

Thank you Andy and Teiste!

Soap - Tabac
Razor - Kieblitz
Brush - Tubby 2
AS - Musgo Real

MWF Hand Soap,
Palmolive SS/Palmolive SC,
Simpson Colonel,
Dovo 5/8,
Razorock Alum,
GFT Limes SF,
L'Occitan EdT.


Palmolive Superlather!! :D
And not a bad shave either! :cool:

ABC Tea Tree Soap
Ranger Tech & SM(1)
Arko & 2B Col.
Aqua Velva AS

first go with the SuperMax in this razor, went through a day and a half's growth ok-ish, the jury is out on this one - we'll see what it is like tomorrow with a straight 24 hours. Every time I use Arko, I remind my self to get some citrus-like AS at some point - deffo for summer anyways :)

Shark Super Stainless (3)
New Forest 2201
Ogallala Bay Rum & Sandalwood AS
Dr Henk's Bay Rum ASB.

Jury is out on these Shark Blades. Definately the last one in this razor. I'll try a new one tomorrow in a different one. Not too keen at the moment to be honest.
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

1964 Macys silvertip
1958 Executive/Feather
Surrey SS (pre VDH reformulation)
vintage 'Carrington' AS

Sheeesh, I screwed up the lather a bit today. First time I can remember using this soap and not getting great results. My fault entirely, having never used this particular brush with this soap. It's a floppy old thing and I just didn't load it up enough off this small hard puck. The shave was still fine, but not quite what I'm used to.

BBS results,



  • Carrington.jpg
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pedro083 said:

Soap - Tabac
Razor - Kieblitz
Brush - Tubby 2
AS - Musgo Real

Those are so sweet, the Kiebitzes, and often comes with extremly nice scales (like yours Peter). I once had a very sweet Kiebitz *violins playing in the background* but it also was the start of a very nice friendship.
Santa Maria la Novella crema da Barba/Semogue SOC finest badger brush/Merkur 33C con RED IP/Kiehls Balsam/Acqua Di Parma Colonia
boots blade and razor
palmolive sc
men u brush
rsc cream soothing
gucci sport

I knew it wasnt going to be a great shave day as I was going out :lol:

Couple of nicks the rsc cream not as good as my usual one planet asb and the gucci stung. Ah well my team won and I have had a package turn up today which must be my new razor.
Pre: Hot shower
Brush: New Forest, Tubby 2
Razor: Shavemac, by Dovo and a DE Merkur for head
Soap: Cella
AS: Code
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Clean enough :)
Skin still felt irritated, after yesterdays lanolin chock and I couldn´t get really close on my right chin/neck. Still a nice and lazy Sunday morning shave and the doom´s clean too :D

Ever Ready 1912
GEM Blade
New Forest 2201 Brush
Taylor's Sandalwood Cream
D.R. Harris Pink a/s
Davidhoff Cool Water edt

Haven't shaved with the Ever-Ready for AAAAAGES, and it show a bit. The application of the alum made me realise that it hadn't quite been the easy shave that it felt like.

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