Shave of the day w/c Saturday 1st May 2010

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Razor: Henckels 401
Brush: Omega 50014
Soap: Ogallala Bayrum Sage & Cedar
Cologne: OBR Sandalwood


Gillette Flair Tipped Rocket
Irridium D2
Semogue 830
Omega Cream
Speick ASL

The Omega menthol blast is just the tonic when shaving in a 5 star hotel on the equator.

MWF wash soap
Speick Cream - bowl lathered
404 Mix
Rocket & Astra SP (1)
Speick ASL

Good enough shave after last nights. no irritation so that's good, dunno if this bowl lathering in the morning is gonna last - timewise. will try face lathering it tomorrow, otherwise Speick will move to weekends and the wife'll have to lump it!
Good morning,

Imperial Leather bar soap wash
Tabac shaving soap
Feather and Futur
Men-U Pure bristle brush
Tabac AS splash
Natural Grooming Co. AS balm

I normally rotate between the Futur and HD. Since dialling down the Futur to 1.5 and shaving every day I have fallen in love with this razor all over again, and the HD has been zipped away in a wash bag for the time being.
Don't see this set up changing much in the near future, apart from the alum. Still not feelin' the alum.

Thanks and regards
Bic Sensitive razor
Semogue 1305 brush
Tabac soap
D R Harris Pink aftershave
Geo F Trumper Royal cologne

Gone Golfing.

First ever round of golf today. Going to a par 3 course which is apparently a good place for a beginner to learn. I went to the driving range a couple of times last week and if my performance there is anything to go by I should be looking at a 6-hour game.

Trumper Razor
EJ Best Badger
Taylor Rose Shaving Cream
Clinique Post Shave Soother
Davidoff Coolwater

Razor: Henckels 401
Brush: Vie-Long 13061, 16590
Cream: Olivia Seife Bayrum
AS: Superior 70 Bayrum, AII Osage


Mühle R89
Wilkinson (3)
Pure badger
Olivia crema Dark Rhassoul
GFT Coral Skin Food then moisteriser

I've decided that on days I don't need a really tidy/clean shave to just do a 2 pass shave WTG then XTG and no major touch ups. This worked very well for me today. I just have a small patch bottom left neck, which has always been a problem what ever method I use. I would normally go over this area, I decided not to, so my skin doesn't get really beat up unless I really need a clean clean shave. Today still a fine socially acceptable shave.

Following a good noon fitness session, an out-of-location DE shave:

AoS travel badger brush
D. Hayward tin shaving bowl
Merkur Vision / Gillette Plat. Plus (Russ.)
AoS sandalwood sc
Aramis Lab Series water lotion
Bioterm Aquatic lotion

The Vision is doing a fine job (but the sound it makes during shaving is not in par with that from the Futur)
The Aramis tonic lotion literally stinks

Gillette Fushion :shock:
Wilkinson Boar
VDH Select Soap/RSC Cream [uberlather]
Brut AS

Man flu has struck so couldn't trust myself with a DE and this was my first time ever with a Fushion [had it for ages, bought it when it was on special at SuperDrug]. any way not a bad shave, close, smooth and I would probably use one daily if the cartridges where about 40-50p. Back to my sick bed .

Have a jolly spiffing day Chaps.



1947 Gillette Milord
Feather (2)
Cyril Salter Indian Sandalwood cream
Kent BK4
Alum block
Pinaud Clubman AS Lotion
Gillette Series AS Balm

Today I tried the Eclipse Red Ring, I picked this up from a charity/junk shop while doing a good deed (waiting for the missus to get her hair done). Since then I have been trying hammer out the formula as to which good deeds are rewarded and which aren’t, when I work it out I’ll let you know

Proraso pre/post before coffee and breakfast
Long hot shower (holidays are great)
Eclipse Red Ring with new Personna Blade
Warmed brush scuttle
Penhaligons EF Old Formula
Custom Duke 3 2 Band brush
2 pass shave with touch up
Thayers witch hazel
Thayers moisturiser
Tabac AS splash

The Red Ring is an interesting razor, it is light in the head (all the weight in the handle) and I have to say it is odd looking. The neat feature of this razor is a magnet on the base of the handle that you can pick a blade up with. I have never dropped a blade so I doubt the usefulness of this feature, neat none the less. However it is this magnet that adds a bit of weight to the handle, the razors feel as if all the weight is in the handle so you need to control the razor pressure rather than draw the razor across with the head heavy ones. I found holding it further back helped but this is just a little different. There also is an arrow and markings on the side at the screw end, there are no numbers but I wonder if this is meant to act like the loosening off an open comb trick; which makes them a little more aggressive.

Many people talk about the noise feedback of the Merkur Futur, it is a cutting machine and it is sort of satisfying to hear, alarming for the first few uses but once you are used to it serves as a useful indicator as to when your angle is right, if it doesn’t make a noise you are already BBS or not holding it right. The Eclipse has this audio feedback as well but it is a strange noise. If the Merkur Futur is a snarling V12 then this is a British V12 where they tried to quieten it down but it is still there, a sort of rasping but a tinny one, it has an unusual blade guard and comb makes it feel a bit weird at first.

By the third pass I was getting into it and look forward to tomorrows shave. Normally non TTO’s have the poles that go through the blade on the head cap, the Eclipse has them on the head attached to the handle. To load it you take the cap off and put the blade on top of the pegs on the head and the cap has two holes in it that tighten down through the pegs. This is a strange arrangement but it works well, anyone who has suffered from the weeble wobble of a blade resting in the curved upturned cap and then tried to slot the handle onto it will appreciate this design.

I like it so far but time will tell with this one, todays shave was nice and smooth but I did play it safe with the blade and soap and did not go all gung ho either.

Veleiro Pre-Shave Soap
TOBS Luxury Sandalwood Shaving Soap Stick
Semogue 1550 brush
Bartmann Straight Razor
Denim Black After Shave Splash

Hi S.T.G. !

Yeah, I use the Alum every shave! I find that for me, it heals all the tiny abrasions we can't see, but know are there - when the alum first touches them. Also, of course, it instantly stops blood flow coming from the larger nicks that we certainly can see. It's made my Styptic pencil redundant! Not that I get more than one nick usually, and always in the same place - of course! After a couple of minutes, I dab my face dry with a towel and apply the ASB. I think the alum acts as a mild antiseptic too , so that any germs that may be floating around at the time don't get much of a chance to mess about with your tender, just shaved skin. Having said all of that however, I'm quite sure I could manage quite well without using it, but I 've got into a bit of a routine now, and it just feels right - for me!

All the best,

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