Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 18th September 2010

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Merkur 38C
Super-Max Super Stainless (3)
West Point Mixed
Monsavon Bol à Raser
Inspire AS

The Super-Max goes well with the HD and have had 3 good shaves from it [the first a bit rough, will probaly cork the next blade], I've got so many of these buggers [cheap as chips], that 3 shaves is the Max :roll: with these.



Hot shower and towel
Sensor excel
Semogue 1520
Mama bear's aged spice
Old spice original

Excellent shave due to the mama bears scent and I'm now in a good mood for the day. Using this has proven that you don't have to put up with a smell for a great lather so the tabac will be making it's way onto the B/S/T.

Trumper Razor
Gillette 'Swede'
New Forest 2201
Taylor's Lavender Cream
Williams Aqua Velva a/s

Another great shave. I seem to have hit some sort of groove.

My Sinusitis appears to be getting better. I don't appear to have a permanant headache so far today.

Wednesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Dorko + 15/16
Brush: Henk 22 mm silvertip w oak handle
Soap: Scheerzeep Bay rum by Henk
AS: Clubman Bay Rum
Strop: Neil Miller
Very nice shave and very, very clean. The Dorko have a blasting good and sharp blade :mrgreen:
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE87
Blade: Feather Hi Stainless
Brush: Simpson Duke 2 Best
Soap: Klar Kabinett

Was sent this soap by Phil (Bullgoose) from another forum to test and write a review. It is the only non-tallow soap I own, and it's nice.

Hot towel
Truefitt and Hill Ultimate Comfort cream
New Forest 2201
Edwin Jagger DE87
Derby blade
Truefitt and Hill Ultimate Comfort ASB
Acca Kappa 1869 cologne

Same as yesterday, minus the T&H pre-shave oil, and no perceptible difference to the shave which was, as before, close and comfortable.
For the past two days I have just reconstituted the cream - I make the lather in a Pecksniffs soap tub, which has a screw-on lid, and I just whip it up again.
I posted about this in General Shaving a while back, so I'll update that thread. It's not really about saving money, more being able to use more expensive creams more economically.

And I still think that Acca Kappa is fantastic stuff!
joe mcclaine said:
Was sent this soap by Phil (Bullgoose) from another forum to test and write a review. It is the only non-tallow soap I own, and it's nice.

Vinny, is this a sign you are starting to break down your non-tallow resolve?


Slim Adj
Gillette Platinum (2)
New Forest 2201
Trumper Eucris Soap
Floid Original AS.

A lovely shave this morning! (Though one nick on a mole on my chin - happens from time to time - and a new lesson: Styptic kills lather :lol: )
AJP said:
Vinny, is this a sign you are starting to break down your non-tallow resolve?

It could be.

Just don't expect to see me wearing shoes made out of hemp and and jangling a tambourine any time soon.

Parker's butterfly razor
Derby blade
Unknown (cheap) badger
Tabac everything else.

I make my own range of shaving products, but still rotate with Tabac, love the scent.


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Ahh, there was me imagining you in a pair of tie-die trousers too :lol:

In all seriousness though, good on you. I like tallow soaps, but also like non-tallow ones too. I can get some very nice shaves from both, and to limit myself would just mean less goodies to use.
EJDE89L + Gillette Bleau (7)
Omega 10005 + Godrej Lime
Witch Hazel + Old Spice Lime

Two passes. Very smooth face.
Lime stuff from samples from pedro083. Not so fussed about the Godrej Lime scent, but the OS is lovely.
Thanks again Peter.

#16 Aristocrat
Gillette super thin
Nannys Lime menthol
New forest 2201
Olagalla peppercorns lime bay rum

First go with the new Aristocrat. Second go with the Nanny lime/menthol and the Olagalla.
Aristocrat nice shave. Nanny's lime/menthol nice latherer/smeller . Olagalla nice aftershave , this is the longest lasting bay rum (sillage wise ) I used it this morning ~7:30 and its 2:30 and I can still get a hint of it .
Just as I finished postie arrived with a few samples from Prof Blighty ,just as I'd finished. Tomorrow...

The verdict : nice ,very nice

USA Special 5/8 open razor
Bic Sensitive for a wee but of clean up
Vulfix 404 boar
Palmolive soap
Aquatonic AS
Hugo Boss EDT

Stropped with my home made denim strop then a Neil Miller starter strop, the razor was markedly sharper than normal, so clearly my stropping has been lacking previously. Still cant get a couple of patches on my neck due to the growth pattern being at an angle where I can't get an ATG pass so after several different tries at attacking the last few rough bits I gave up and decided to use a Bic sensitive. I think I'll just do that in the future, if I'm bothered, as the several attempts lead to a bit of harsh feedback from the Alum. Anyway in the end a BBS with no particular irritation.

Steam Room prep
BiC metal
Boots soap stick
olde boar brush
Clubman vanilla a\s

first outing with the Clubman sample, smells nice and works ok

Semogue 2009 LE
Electric Razor Co. Hamburg Ring 13/16

Taylor's sandalwood aftershave

Par for the course.


Neo boxwood best badger
Buddel 6/8 french point

Nanny's Yushu
"Calm" aftershave from Aldi

A birdie, at least.

Right, that's me away for a fortnight, though I may be able to look in from time to time. Happy shaving folks, and mind the sharp edges. :shave
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