Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 17th July 2010

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Brush: Semogue Owners Club
Razor/blade: Merkur 38C / Gillette Platinum UK (3)
Soap: Valobra stick
After shave: Muehle aloe vera lotion
Cologne: Alt-Innsbruck

- The SOC still in the early break-in period. Face lathering today with the Valobra went ok. Second face lather with a stick for me ever, so still learning.

- The 38C still feels a tad heavy and the handle texture could be less slippery. A nice shaver, though.

- Sticking to the same blade brand at the moment, till I play a bit with other parameters (mainly soaps and brushes).

- The Valobra smells nice when you open its little carton box, during shaving the smell is not that intense though. At the moment I do not see why a stick can give you a nicer, smelly and rich lather that a good cream can. May be that first shave with the CF Lavender the other day spoiled me so much, or may be I am not generating enough lather with the sticks.

- A first as well with the Muehle Aloe Vera lotion, essentially an after shave balm. As Europe is more or less melting now, I used a small portion today, just to see if it would alleviate the small neck irritation caused. It feels ok, nothing extraordinary, not very oily at all, kind of approaches Speick in feel. Absorbs easily. Feels more refined and natural than the Nivea ASB. But for Eur 20, well... It's a high price to pay. If you notice the details in almost all Muehle products though, e.g. in this balm, the dispenser bottle is some king of glass or ceramic (not plastic) and even the packing (carton box) is very well made, they are constructed on a high quality basis.

- Alt-Innsbruck: a first with this one as well. What a refreshing smell and feeling in the skin! Very nice, positively surprised.

Cobra Classic
Feather Pro Blade
EJ Best Badger
Penhaligon's English Fern Soap
Witch Hazel
Nivea Sensitive asb

6th shave with the Feather, and it's just about done. It felt a bit "tuggy" this morning so I'll change it before tomorrow's shave. Quite happy with 6 shaves, as that's 6 x 2.5 passes. DE blades last 5, Injector blades last 4.


Merkur 15c OC
Red Personna (4)
Grosvenor 404 Bodger
Old Spice (Lime, India) Cream

Tabac AS

Nice enough shave but my face always feels a little raw after I have used the OS Lime cream. The tube is almost empty so its not an issue for longer term concern now.

It is really difficult to express my affection for the Tabac scent without sounding (too!!) odd. The problems are that if you use it every day (i) you soon run out of it, and (ii) you become immune to its charms. Sad, I think I need to get out a little more.

Gillette New
Gillette Superthin #1
WS Boar Brush
Boots Soap Bowl
Blue Stratos

DFS, The combination of the new and Superthin blade is maybe a touch on the aggressive side for every day use but an excellent shave with 2.5 passes!
EJ DE87 with Feather blade
Simpson Duke 2 Best
Mitchell's Woolfat soap
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal aftershave

That's it.

I have now tried all the things on my 'to try' list. Some things had already fallen off it due to waning interest and/or reading poor reviews.

I have zero interest in trying anything else - no matter how good someone might tell me it is and it actually feels good . . . no more nagging doubts about a particular razor, blade, soap, brush, aftershave or cologne.

Right then, I'm off to visit Golf forums to see what clubs, balls, trolley, bag and shoes I should be using.

After that it's Fishing forums for rods, reels, line, hooks and baits.
:lol: :lol:
Pre: Hot shower
Brush. New Forest, 20 mm two banded finest
Razor Anton Wingen
Soap: Nannys Citrus Zinger
Post: Proraso
AS: Floid, Italian
Strop: Neil Miller linnen/buffallo 50/80
Result: Very clean

This little (in size) brush is a great (in performance) brush, soft but with backbone. I loaded my "Fido" for approx. 30 secs and I had enough for 2 passes + touch ups in face and 1 1/2 passes on the head. New Forest - for the serious shaving people :ugeek: . Anton Wingen razor shaved better than I thought it would and she have nice new Leopard wodden scales, made by Mr Miller
Superb shave today, i'm learning a few things as time goes on:

1) the secret to a good close shave for me, is not to shave every day. I thought leaving it a day or two between shaves would let my skin calm down, but then I end up with longer stubble that tugs and is harder to remove. If i shave every day, its much easier going and my skin is getting used to it.

2) my edwin jagger brush was too soft for the hard soaps I use, and it was hard to get a really solid thick lather from it.

3) changed how i lather up soap. I now shake pretty much all the water out my brush so i can create a thick paste on top of the soap/brush, and then add a little water a step at a time till it builds to a thick foam.

So today:

-Clinique Face Soap Bar
-Tabac Shave Soap
-Merkur 1904
-Derby Extra Blade

Three passes, one with grain, one across and one against. (not going for BBS today, just nice clean look)

-splash face with cold water
-witch hazel splash
-Italian Floid AS (courtesy of JDE) and superb stuff it is, cooling, refreshing and smells similar to tabac, so blends well
-simple for men moisturiser (across cheeks and forehead)
-Tabac Eau De Cologne

Smelling and feeling great today, and now im off on holiday

see y'all in 4 days!
EJDE89L + Iridium Super (4 or 5)
Semogue 1460 + Body Shop original
Witch Hazel
Blue Stratos

Semogue arrived yesterday and I'm impressed. Not as much backbone as my Omega 10005, but it still has enough for me. Soft tips and no pig-funk out of the box. (The Omega needed some serious lathering to make it smell of soap rather than farm!) The 1460 might be my new favourite brush

A nice, irritation free 2.5 pass shave.

Merkur Slant 37c
Derby (3)
Pure badge
Olivia's Dark Rhassoul Crema
Coral Skin food (pre and post shave)

DFS. Also first time I got a decent lather from Olivia's cream.
joe mcclaine said:
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal aftershave

I have read a few quite poor reviews of the scent of that. Things along the lines of "smells like a compost heap". How was it?

Also, I've noticed that you haven't used (as far as I am aware) the Harris Marlborough. This concerns me.


It was the outrageous reviews that made me determined to try it a year ago. Most of the reviews were by Americans who appear to have different tastes to us Europeans (they don't 'do' weird scents like Kouros and Yatagan and prefer the squeeky-clean smell of barbershops - whatever that smells like).

Anyway, it is a nice lilac scent, it does smell a (TINY) bit like cat pee in the bottle, but once it is on your face it is very nice and doesn't stink the house out. Certainly wouldn't be for everyone but I seem to like 'weird'. It isn't like anything else I've smelled. I'll get some over to you - in a nice empty Trumper's splash bottle - if you want.

I tried the Marlborough soap but the scent just didn't do it for me. Very nice, clean, subtle woods but the Almond is more to my liking - strong, dry and earthy.
joe mcclaine said:
Anyway, it is a nice lilac scent, it does smell a (TINY) bit like cat pee in the bottle, but once it is on your face it is very nice and doesn't stink the house out.

Not one for me then, I suspect one of out cats would object and would probably wait until I was asleep and piss on my face.

Ha ha, exactly what I thought when I red it aswell :lol:
Gillette NEW #77 + Red IP
Duke 3 two band + Pen's EF OF soap
Alum + OS Whitewater

Last dregs of EF soap left, I'm upset event though I have another puck.
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