Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 17th July 2010

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Monday Lunchtime

Hot flannel
New Forest Superior 2201
Nivea cream
Derby (2)
Nivea ASB on face, Sensitive on neck.

This was probably my worst shave since I started, for reasons pretty much unknown

I returned to the Superspeed after three days using the 39C - the Derby in the SS was 2 shaves old and they usually do me four but from the outset it wasn't cutting and was pulling and tearing, so mid way through the first pass I swapped for a new blade. This was a lot better but I think I needed too many passes and my skin was fairly sore and very dry afterwards.

So I'll try again today, I know Derby's have a bit of a reputation for inconsistency, so i don't know if the blade had somehow 'lost it' after sitting in the SS unused for a few days, or if I had got used to the 'aggressiveness' of the 39C quicker than I realised...... Or some other factor :?
quattrojames said:
or if I had got used to the 'aggressiveness' of the 39C quicker than I realised...... Or some other factor :?

It can take me a couple of shaves to adjust to a razor, especially if it's predecessor has been used for a long time. You may have got used to the best angle for the 39C, and used that for the SS, which may or may not work.

I have to almost 'reset' my brain when changing razors.


I've noticed this with blades that I've left in a razor as well , I thought it was just me.

'66 Slim Adj
Thai Superthin (1)
EJ Med Silvertip
SWK Scuttle
Trumpers Limes Cream
Witch Hazel
Canoe Cologne.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

+1 on some Derby blades giving up after 2 shaves. Derbys are the only blade I've found this with.

+2 on on blades left in the razor. Although this was a Derby with one shave in it. It was useless for the second shave after sitting unused for a few days. Could have been the sitting in the razor or the fact it was a Derby that was the cause.

Merkur Slant 37c
Derby (1)
Pure Badge
Penhaligon's Opus 1870
Coral Skin food (As pre and post shave)

DFS and SAS in parts. Not fantastic due to lather being a bit on the watery side.
Tuesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Heljestrand B K no: 42
Brush: "Henk" 20 mm silvertip in olive wood
Soap: Nannys Eucalyptos
Post: Proraso
AS: Alcolado Glacial
Result: Sharp

Had this blade at Neils for honing and it sure came back ultra sharp. A very clean 2 1/2 passes shave + a couple of nicks. Heavy 1/4 hallow grind.
IanM said:
It can take me a couple of shaves to adjust to a razor, especially if it's predecessor has been used for a long time. You may have got used to the best angle for the 39C, and used that for the SS, which may or may not work.

Damian Murphy said:
I've noticed this with blades that I've left in a razor as well , I thought it was just me.

Two very plausible reasons there. It's almost like the blade has 'gone off' over a few days, I guess the sharp edge would only need a few minute specs of rust on it to lose it's cutting ability. It just means from now on I will use a razor to the end of that blades life before trying a new razor. It's no great problems with DE blades as they're cheap enough, not like Fusion cartridges where I felt I needed to use them till they removed skin to get my moneys worth :roll:

Gillette Tech
Gillette Sharp Edge (1)
Omega #49 Pro
Culmak Soap/Palmolive Cream [Superlather]
Nivea Cool Kick ASB
Old Spice [P&G] AS

First ever shave with a Tech, my first ever shave was with my Dads "New" and the first DE I bought was a G1000 [I liked the TTO doors] so I've never owned a Tech. Bought one off pedro083 and it turned up today, a quick disinfection and oft we jolly well go [not arf]. It needs a sharp blade so I loaded a yellow into it and still had to do multiple passes for a close shave, got there in the end with no irritation. I like it as its totally different to some of my other razors [slanthammer, old type etc], all in all a good shave, next I'll have to put a Feather in it.



I've noticed exactly the same.
Now I don't leave a blade on an idle razor for more than few days.
I don't use derby blades but I've noticed it with Iridium super and gillette super thins .The last time I noticed it ( and finally learned my lesson) was where a blade was left idee for one day , and used the next day.Would it have been fine if it had been used on the idle day ? I think it would .
quattrojames said:
<snipped>... It's almost like the blade has 'gone off' over a few days, I guess the sharp edge would only need a few minute specs of rust on it to lose it's cutting ability. ... <snipped>

If this is an actual concern for you qj, you might want to try the following regimen:

  • - soak the blade in isopropyl alcohol/barbicide after each shave
    - between shaves: coat the blade/edges with a thin coat of oil - almost any kind of veg oil (and probably most if ot all kinds of mineral oils too), though I knew a few people who said the best are the thicker ones, like extra virgin olive oil.
    • ... personally, I say "who wants secretions from an olive that didn't even look good to another olive?"[/list:u]
      - rinse oil off of blade in hand-hot water before you shave[/list:u]
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