Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 16th October 2010

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Monday - can't get a close shave

Palmolive cream
1950's Tech
Bic Super Plat (3)

I don't know what's going on at the moment. Did all the usual pre shave stuff. Maybe the Bics don't suit the tech, or my technique fell out of the window, but I didn't get anything like close today. Ended up going back for another go with a WS Extreme 3 disposable, which got a bit closer but nothing special... all in all, disappointing.
Hot towel
Ever ready 12a/Tabac
Gillette Flair/Shark Super stainless
Ogallala Bay Rum
The blade saw off a 3 day growth with ease and left me feeling like a new man ,,,,no wise cracks please
regards, beejay
Monday, 10.18.10

Warm water splash
Palmolive Classic Shave Cream
New Forest #2211 Finest Silvertip
Genco Master Barber
SRD Premium I Strop ... 40 Linen/85 Leather
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman kinda' day...

The Palmolive cream and NF Silvertip was a great combo... The Master Barber always delivers the goods!


White proraso pre/post
NF Silvertip
Erasmic Cream
Flare tip rocket + Red IP (2)
Thayers with Lemon
Anthonys Razor burn relief

A crappy shave. dont know why, but first time out with erasmic cream, so that must be the culprit. Seemed like a good lather too, just maybe not as protective as I was hoping for. Even the thayera tingled a bit. Razor burn relief is excellent face numbing stuff though, and I needed it today. Just one of those days :roll:
8/8 Erik Anton Berg Razor
Simpson Polo 8 Brush
Mitchell's Wool Fat SS
Alt Innsbruck AS/Cologne

Tony Miller Red Latigo fly fishing journal
& some fresh Humpy's destined for NZ 2011

Last night

Kent BK4
Wallace Armer 5/8 round point

Taylor's sandalwood cream
Taylor's St James aftershave

Surprisingly good, that, given that the razor has been in the honing queue for a while. It'll get another outing tonight following a touch up, and then it's off on its travels.

English Ever Ready HD, GEM SE blade, Tabac stick, Thayers Lemon Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera, Gillette Series Extreme Cooling balm, Tabac AS

Monday 2010-10-18

Gillette No. 55 & Wilkinson Sword (#2) > Art of Shaving Silvertip & Godrej shaving cream
> alum > P&G Old Spice after shave > Penhaligons Endymion after shave balm

- First shave with the Godrej (though I've had it for months). Very nice, rich lather, offering plenty of cushion. Recommended.
- The Monobloc (No. 55) is a solid performer while the Art of Shaving Silvertip confirms the advantage a good badger brush can offer you.
- I believe the Endymion balm matches discreetly the P&G Old Spice (scent-wise), hence today's attempt to combine them.
Monday evening

Hot shower
Proraso pre shave
S.O.C brush
Gillette Superspeed
Gillette 'Swede'
Floid Genuine AS
BS Macca Root razor relief

I've never got a great lather from the MWF, but I know I'm not alone so I persevered, and although I've only had the SOC under a week I've never got any more than two passes out of it. With this in mind I loaded the brush for a long time, and then some, and had the best MWF lather I've ever had - and it (just) lasted the three passes. So maybe the two have found their bed fellows. More on the 'Swede' in due course, suffice to say I'm pi$$ed they're out of production! Floid was a sample kindly sent to me, I think I prefer the Blue in honesty, but it was nice enough. Bit of irritation on my neck for some reason (I still don't think I've mastered the MWF) hence the macca root saw service again.
Monday, 10-18-10. MUSIC: The Cure_Starting at the sea/The Singles (1986).

Soap from Alepo - Semogue 2000 - Gillette English Aristocrat #58 - Polsilver #1 - Pre PREP - Lavanda shaving cream - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Lavanda + ASB Floïd.

I got this monster Wosteholm Wedge to hone up. It had several hack job bevels, and tape had ultimately been used, so I took the time to reset the bevel. It's wide, so wide that I got too much sticktion and resorted to one layer of tape. I then tried to pick out the manliest smell I have, which was Olivia's Bay Rum. All I can say is that after the exquisite shave, I chopped some firewood, butchered several small animals and chopped the veggies for dinner! I'm going to have to lose this one in the mail !

Razor: Wostenholm Wedge
Brush: Penworks Badger
Cream: Olivia's Bay Rum
Aftershave Lotion: Olivia's Bay Rum

Tuesday - My back to work shave

Razor - Merkur Trac II
Blade - Sensor 3
Brush - Simpsons Duke 2 Best
Soap - MB Bay Rhum
AS - Brut AS

After 5 days of not shaving the Merkur/Sensor hybrid sliced through the lot in 2 passes. Used the Duke for the first time today and struggled to generate enough lather and had to reload the brush.

Result - Clean and smelling giid
Tuesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: SSA
Brush: New Forest silvertip
Soap: Tabac
AS: Alt Innsbruck
Strop: Neil Miller
Result: Very clean

Second go with the new NF brush and either I´m off re lathering (again) or it´s still breaking in. I got an ok lather, but it was nothing special. I blame myself for now, becuase I _know_ the NF brushes are da tits :lol:

Pre: Hot towel and watery lather
Cream: Trumpers Coconut Oil (sample)
Brush: New Forest 2201
Razor: Feather AS
Blade: Feather
AS: Pecksniffs Citrus ASB
Cologne: Pecksniffs Citrus

The cream was part of the sample set kindly sent by G F Trumper recently, and very good it is, too. Very slick, despite my attempts to get it wrong by adding too much water. I'll give it another go and try to do better tomorrow, but the overall result is very satisfying and smooth. I don't need any other razors - the Feather is a revelation, and my Futur never fails to produce a superb shave, so I'll stick with what I've got. Which leaves more of the shaving budget for creams and colognes. Oh, and possibly another brush from Fido.

Have a good day, chaps.


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