Shave of the day w/c Saturday 15th May 2010

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'59 FatBoy
Astra Platinum (1)
EJ Med Silvertip
SWK Scuttle
DR Harris Marlborough SC
Witch Hazel
Brut Aquatonic AS
Nivea ASB

After the Croma blades, the Astra was like a breath of fresh air! A really nice, comfortable shave with good results too.

Have a good day gents,

After giving away my Feathers because they cut me to pieces I found a couple in my drawer. I gave one a go in my Chatsworth today. What a revelation! No nicks, just a close comfortable shave. An excuse for my first purchase for some time.
Too much product and too much water - the Castle Forbes exploded and produced enough lather for a TSR shave in.
My New Forest two band fan shape prototype is performing well. Will have some made later in the summer.


Trumper Razor
EJ Best Badger Brush
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Castle Forbes Lavender Shaving Cream
Clinique Post Shave Soother

Wonderful. Two Passes; One WTG, one ATG. I can normally only do that with a cartridge/injector/Bic type razor. Not sure if it's the pre-shave or the cream, but it's working and working well so far.

Good morning,

It's a nice sunny morning, so I went all menthol minty:

Proraso Pre/Post
Men-U shave cream (freebie mini tube)
Men-U pure bristle brush
Feather and Futur
Proraso AS splash
Proraso Pre/Post


Blyth Spirit said:
. . . .
Both Proraso bottles were finally emptied today, so that's Proraso until the Autumn I feel.
I take it the Proraso is more a smell for colder months then.

Merkur Slant 37c
Feather (2)
Pure Badger
Nannys Citrus
Coral Skin Food

Still getting used to the slant. Some slight redness on the neck (which I don't get with my Mühle R89) and it stung like crazy when I put the alum on. I'll attempt to use less pressure tomorrow. Other than that a DFS with 2 (3 on the neck) passes and a few touch ups (on the chin).

Another day off another nice relaxing shave,

Bleue Extra
Semogue 1305
Speick Cream
Alum/Witch Hazel
Speick AS

The 1305 wasn't producing as much lather as my badger and actually became a bit floppy at times, maybe thats just working with the cream. Also the shave wasn't as close as previous with the Futur/Bleue combo however at the end of the shave I realised that the Futur was set on 1 when I usually have it at 1.5/2 :lol:

Lovely day today. Going to head out and buy myself a summery cologne/eau de toilette I think.


Ever-Ready 1912
Gem PTFE (5)
Omega #49
VDH Select
Nivea Sensitive AB
Denim AS

I have two 1912's, one is bronzey and one silver, today was silvers turn, another impeccable shave from the ER, I just like the simpleness of SE razors and the shaves seem much closer than DE's, I will still rotate my DE's but the SE's seem much better, YMMV.

Have a nice and pleasant day Chaps.



MWF wash soap
Rocket HD & Astra (3)
P160 & Semogue 1250

Well, first day with the P160 - i really do love the smell, i must admit - doesn't taste so good though

Again had a little trouble on the lather front using the 1250. Am a face latherer with soaps, but this brush is not doing the business for me. I think i'll save this brush for cream duties in future and go back to badger or a mix.
Tuesday morning shave (late posting)
Pre: hot shower
Soap: Omega (menthol burst, BIG time, I like it )
Brush: 24 mm silvertip custom with metal handles
Razor: Heljestrand MK no 31, it gives the best shaves and now have pretty black milky bone scales made by Neil Miller.
Post: Proraso
AS: Barbus, not a high end AS but equal to Italian Floid (in my opinion)

Very nice shave, two passes WTG+ATG and close to BBF :shave .
Tuesday night

At the gym again, after a late evening workout:

Dovo super badger aluminium matt handle
R89 / Feather
Proraso Sensitive shaving cream
Musgo Real AS

A small taste of the goodies that arrived today. The Proraso cream is nice, reminds me of the Omega. Definitely a 'summer' software tool.

This time alum was the 'cheap' one from Connaught, that 'Doctor Plus' thing which you can get for two quid. I'm sorry, I may not know the differences (if any), but this one is far away from my AoS alum in doing a good job. It just doesn't 'read' the face and give you that sting as it should. May be I am right, may be I am wrong - I really don't know about crystal structures or anything else. What I do know, though, and what I follow as a consumer is that you get what you pay for. Perhaps as a deo after a shower may be just ok, but that's about it for me.

Next was the Musgo to be tried. Unusual scent. I am not a very good friend yet with vetyver and patchouli it seems. Great efficacy, tremendous moisturizing effect (if the AS moisturizes like this, then what does the ASB do?) Do these guys actually wear these things in Portugal with such heat over there?

5/8" Ti flying tudor rose.
P.160 tipo duro

Left myself go three days, after the williams soap cut me to shreds.

P.160 soap?

No problem one pass dfs/bbs was achieved, all is good with the world once again.

Gillette Tech
Wilkinsons (1)
Trumpers Limes cream

Ran out of time tonight so just a quick 2 WTG pass shave. Decent enough, but not satisfying
Tuesday evening (... & here I thought it was ever afternoon):

  • - Thayer's witch hazel Rose as cleanser
    - My "homebrew" 'All Agrog' Bay Rum shave oil as pre-shave
    - Brand new Semogue 2000 with Nanny's new recipe Lavender scroap
    - Merkur 39c slanthammer, and day 2 with a Super Iridium
    - 4 pass shave (with enough lather for about another 4 between the 2000 & Nanny's combined)*1
    - coruscating cataracts of cold tap water, between and after razor passes, and other stages (mostly)
    - a plenitude of alum, as I had some claret seeping from under the lower lip*2
    - Thayer's witch hazel Lavender
    - and a final application of My kitchen experiment "Bay Rum Baba Balm" ASL[/list:u]

    ... after all that, I felt like I should have been able to sing: "I Feel Pretty", but then I saw myself in the mirror and found the honest argument against such claims. The blood was stopped, and all looked clean and healthy, just too much like me to be any good looking...

    Anyway, the Semogue 2000 was great, not as stiff and scrubby as I was expecting from all the anti/non-boar using takes. Thanks again, Leon!

    The Lavender scent of the Thayer's mingles and fades with the ASL, and I feel kinda relaxed and chilled just now.
    • ... nice.[/list:u]

      • *1 then again, I still have the beard until Thursday afternoon*3.
        *2 I hope that area will be easier when I don't have to be so finicky around there once the beard's off*3
        *3 Nervous as all funk about that - but it's for charityyyyyy. My Regional Admin Manager and Area Admin Manager will both be there as well as whoever shows up for the freakshow ... and with any great good luck, my partner will beable to squeeze the event into her busy day while trying to wrap up her current workload before switching jobs (and organisations), and working on her essays and her coursework, and going to her medical appointments, ... and all such stuff what is our 'normal' life.[/list:u]
Tuesday Evening

Razor: Special USA straight
Brush: Vulfix 2235
Cream: RSC Menthol.
Post: Alum, Gillette ASB, Aquatonic AS

No work tomorrow so no clean up required. Just about managed a SAS on my 3rd attempt at straight shaving but the area below the jaw line is not at all smooth. Today's shave felt a lot more natural, I changed grip and hands to tackle different areas of my face and managed to maintain a half decent angle most of the time. Picked up a couple of weepers and got some harsh feedback from the alum, but overall very pleased with my toe dipping into the world of straight shaving.

'59 FatBoy
Astra Platinum (2)
Neo Finest 2 Band
Palmolive Cream
SWK Scuttle
CHH Tobbacco AS
Daniel Hechter ASB.

A nice shave there. Definately a DFS in 4 passes with a touch up.

Have a good day gents.
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