Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 14th Aug 2010

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Sunday morning
Pre: Shower
Razor: Revisor 6/8
Brush: Bushmar, vintage UK brush
Cream: Vulfix English Rose
Post: Proraso
AS: Ol Spece Fresh Lime
Result: Mr Clean

Mikael said:
Andy: you have a Buddel :shock: , that´s a very, very nice looking piece of razor!! Is it all that?
Cheers, Mikael! Actually I have two, and the story's here. I'm still learning how to get the best out of these razors, it takes a bit more care and attention than shaving with a full hollow, and the points are quite intimidating even though they are softer than they look. Gabor's honing is very good, but he used two layers of tape to preserve the arrises, and I think these would benefit from having the bevel set without tape (so does he, as it happens). That will be a job for a professional, mind! I'm delighted with them, but as to whether they're "better" than a top of the range TI or Dovo, I really couldn't say, and it's irrelevant to me given the back story.

Thai Superthin (3)
New Forest 2201
Henk's Bay Rum with a Twist Cream
SWK Scuttle
Adidas Action AS
Dr Henk's Bay Rum ASB.

I haven't used Henk's cream for ages now what with aquiring so much else, but thought i'd get it out today. Glad i did, i had forgotten how good they are! So slick and protective and a great scent too.

Have a relaxing Sunday gents.

Trumper Razor
Gillette Swede
New Forest 2201
Old Spice Whitewater a/s

Killer hangover, but still enjoyed my shave.


Kiehl's White Eagle Brushless shave cream *
GFT sandlewood skin food

• I got this as a sample when I purchase some ASB from Kiehl's. As I wasn't after a BBS or DFS today I thought I'd try it. It is supposed to make the blade glide. Well, it didn't really, I could certainly feel it cutting my beard, unlike most decent creams or soaps. I only done WTG. It left my face feel really soft and smelt great. I did remind me of the shave gel which gets clogged up in your razor. I have a spare sachet if anyone wants it PM me your address and i'll pop it in the post. I wont by buying any.
Sunday AM

Merkur 37c
Red Personna (3)
Simpson's Wee Scot
Tabac Soap

Brut Original AS

Another very good shave. I haven't used the Tabac bowl for a while and it really is as good as we all say. I facelathered today.

The Brut is on extended trial (that means, till I get sick of it) and I do like it. It has yet to attract adverse criticism from anyone - including Mrs Spirit - so that usually is a good sign.

This Wee Scot is a terrific performer when facelathering with soaps, it holds enough comfortably for a three pass shave plus any touch-ups required.

All in all? Very pleased!
REALLY good shave today, and its down to two things. Fido's 2201 brush, and my discovery of how well Feather blades work for me. Also moved on from the 38c which just didnt work for me at all.

No pressure, no dragging, just a clean blade slicing through hair like it wasnt there.

-Hot shower
-TOBS sandalwood soap
-NF 2201 brush
-Merkur 1904
-Feather stainless
-alum block (bloc osma)
-clinique post shave healer
well i havent posted here for a while,
1st shave since tuesday, so i looked like a wooly mammoth :lol: a little more than a 5ock shaddow :lol: ok so this is also the first propper shave in a while no goo and serimoniasly binned my wilki brush this morning.
Cleaned and stropped all my straights and checked which were the sharpest with the hanging hair test and once again the wh gates came out best. filled my scuttle with boiling water and soakedmy new forrest 2201 ( thanks fido ) bloomed nicely in the water, then had a shower, letting the brush soak and the scuttle warming.
30mins later showerd and shaved 3 pass affair finish of with gillette asb and tommy after shave one minor nic on my chip that stopped after cold water applied
as smooth as a babys bum according to the wife, but anything is an improvement on the beginning of this little adventure

gates straight
2201 brush
bespoke scuttle
gillette after shave balm
tommy after shave

dam fine shave, thanks for reading.

Warm/hot water face wash
T&H Pre-shave oil
T&H West Indian Limes cream
New Forest 2201 brush
Merkur Futur with Astra blade
Pecksniffs Citrus ASB
T&H West Indian Limes cologne

First experience of T&H's West Indian Limes - I'm very impressed. The cream lathered quickly, and to a good consistency. The Astra blades are part of a selection from Connaughts which I'm working through. Net result - a very comfortable shave, with few nicks. I'm becoming more confident with the Futur. Overall, a very pleasant experience, which is what I was hoping for from my venture into DE shaving.
Sunday, 08-15-2010.

Soap from Marsella - TGN Super Badger - Wilkinson Sword "Sticky" - 7 O'clock Permasharp Stainless #1 - Pre Proraso - Cella shaving soap - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Physical + ASB Floïd/444.

Arrowhead said:
Mikael said:
Andy: you have a Buddel :shock: , that´s a very, very nice looking piece of razor!! Is it all that?
Cheers, Mikael! Actually I have two, and the story's here. I'm still learning how to get the best out of these razors, it takes a bit more care and attention than shaving with a full hollow, and the points are quite intimidating even though they are softer than they look. Gabor's honing is very good, but he used two layers of tape to preserve the arrises, and I think these would benefit from having the bevel set without tape (so does he, as it happens). That will be a job for a professional, mind! I'm delighted with them, but as to whether they're "better" than a top of the range TI or Dovo, I really couldn't say, and it's irrelevant to me given the back story.

Shit, I forgott about that thread. Sorry. With that background and those blades you´ve got something extremly nice! Well done and good for you!

Old Spice OC Razor
RED IP (3)
Omega 80056
Nivea Sensitive ASB
Kouros AS

I knew the OSOC was an aggressive razor, but I forgot how aggressive it is, it makes a slant feel like a Weishi, this thing doesn't shave you, it peels the skin of your face, so a BBS shave with a lot of tenderness afterwards, but its ok now, [memo to myself *must hide OSOC*].



Hot Shower
Kropp 6/8 Round point
Palmolive soap
Vulfix 404 boar
Old Spice Whitewater AS

90% BBS 10% DFS Tried the tips given to me by others and the buffing, cold water rinse and some different skin stretching provided a major improvement.
Tony_B said:
[...] I knew the OSOC was an aggressive razor, but I forgot how aggressive it is, it makes a slant feel like a Weishi, this thing doesn't shave you, it peels the skin of your face, [...]

Tony, I really don't consider the Slant (37c) as an aggresive razor, per se. Yes it delivers a consistantly close shave but it also gives (me) a very smooth shave but so does the 34c. When I returned to the Slant I was raw-ish after the first shave until I got my angles readjusted but it's really a smoothie. I honestly find the aggresive tag simply a cliche on the American sites.

I have had rather aggresive shaves, the old Muhle R89 OC and the Red Tip SS being the prime examples for me. We're all different - that's the fun of it.

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