Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 11th September 2010

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shavemac silvertip : Mühle R106+Gillette bleue extra : Proraso pre-doppo : Omega SS : T&H ASB

Razor: Rolls Razor Imperial 2
Brush: Simpsons Case
Soap: Ginger's Garden Bayrum Lime
AS: Benjamins Bayrum


Wring knot. 1min 45. 6 pass. Rework 1-2 pass. Very thick paste. Thin on 4th.
Shed 1. To date 3.
Edwin Jagger Sensor
Simpson Tulip 2 2-band Super
Czech & Speake #88 soap
Czech & Speake #88 cologne

Gillette Superspeed + Feather
Simpson Duke 2 Best
Arko stick
Pinaud Bay Rum

New Forest 2201
Erasmic Shave Stick
Trumper's Extract of Limes a/s

I don't often do this, but the picture below is of my shaving brush choc full of lather from an Erasmic shave stick. Bear in mind that when the picture was taken I already had the lather on my face for the first pass! Excuse the photo quality, I used my phone, as there is no way that I'm taking my DSLR and lens into a somewhat humid bathroom.

Oh, and the Trumper's Limes a/s burns, properly burns.
Sunday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Joh. Engström 6/8
Brush: Henk 22 mm silvertip in oak
Soap: Omega
AS: Floid
Strop: Neil Miller
Result: Very nice, though in a hurry today :D
Sunday: Day 15 of the great shaving adventure and another new blade to try
Wilkinson Sword Classic - hey it's either that or a triple blade disposable!!
Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge yellow - first impression, very nice
Palmolive Cream, hand lathered - that's really working for me...
Same old 'found in a cupboard' brush - only lost 3 hairs today!
Exactly as yesterday:

Hot towel
Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort pre-shave oil
Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort shaving cream
New Forest 2201 brush
Edwin Jagger DE87
Derby blade
Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort ASB
Ferrari Red EDT

And exactly the same result. Three passes, smooth and comfortable.
The only things causing me discomfort are my back (I'm still shaving in instalments) and watching England being sent round the park at Headingley. Looks like it's "Game on" and England's batsmen may have to work for this one.



Hot shower
5/8 USA Special
Bic Sensitive for cleanup
Erasmic tallow stick (milled)
WS boar brush
Reverse Osmosis purified water (>90% pure)

IanM said:
I don't often do this, but the picture below is of my shaving brush choc full of lather from an Erasmic shave stick. Bear in mind that when the picture was taken I already had the lather on my face for the first pass!

I can get that but find that it breaks down pretty quickly, today I tried using purified water and while it was much better it still didn't last like any of my other soaps. Its fine so long as its a quick pass but since I was taking my time using a straight I ended up lathering half my face at a time. Is it the current tallow formulation you are using Ian or the old one?

The improvement from the RO purified water was sufficiently impressive that I shall probably use it again on weekend shaves with my better performing soaps.

Merkur 1904
Iridium Super
Omega No 83
P160 (Morbido)
Alum Block
T&H A/S Balm

My second shave with an Iridium. I still haven't made my mind up about these blades. Despite having read that they are almost identical to the Yellow Gillette 7oclocks....... I find them to be less sharp and less smooth. Of course ....that is only my opinion!

Sunday, 09-12-10.

Soap from Alepo - Omega Nº 48 Professional boar brush - Gillette 1958 TV Rocket - Permasharp #2 - Pre Proraso - Proraso shaving soap - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Proraso + ASB Sul filo del rasoio.

That Eclipse certainly looks like a fine bit of SHeefield craftsmanship.

      • ... but, I'm not envious at all.
              • :cry: :x :( :? :oops: [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
                        • ... yeah, right.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
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